Not sure I fully bought the second half of this episode. I have no problem with him skipping forward again (judging by who's in the opening It was only a matter of time), but for the whole second half things felt a bit awkward and oddly paced to me.

Hopefully just a minor blip in the series. Maybe I just need to get used to the "future" characters again? It just felt a bit jarring after several episodes in the past that seemed a lot better paced and directed.

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Reply by sp1ti

Considering that they announced that the manga is ending and the show getting the same resolution it isn't surprising at all. I don't think that the "present" scenes are much worse though. The "I want to change the future"-stories have had their fair share of iterrations and a guy like Kenya is just as on the nose as the manager was in the second half. The foxes were also about as cringy as the father having his life ruined by getting accused of stealing a chocolate bar...
The one thing that really rubbed me the wrong way however was Airi being so happy-go-lucky when confronting him. Not a hint of compassion for his dead mother, blushing and making jokes??

I thought it was odd that Airi who is apparently so happy-go-lucky would flip out in such an over the top way with the manager. I mean yeah, he lied and was going to call the cops (as if that wasn't the most obvious thing in the world), but she smashes his phone and punches him in the face like some kind of psycho. And that apparently was enough to convince him?! Just a bit of a weird exchange really.
