amazing documentaries....

BUT BUT LUCAS instead of RODDENBERRY .... Bitch please

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@novellguy I'm a massive fan of Star Trek, the "proper" shows (TOS, TNG and DS9) and movies. A Trekkie (Prime) I guess. :)

Lucas a prophet or central figure of Sci Fi? Hells no. Star Wars is a superb movie, Space Opera at it's best. But not as influential or important as Trek as far as the history of Sci Fi is concerned.

However, I don't think Roddenberry would be a good subject, he came up with the concept and started the franchise but the writers and producers are the real heroes. Gene's odd "rules" and strange ideas were often a huge PITA for the cast and crew and it showed. TNG really struggled and didn't "find itself" until he quit the show and gave up his control.

Give me a Trek-themed episode with people like Rick Berman, Jeri Taylor, Brannon Braga, DC Fontana, Ron Moore, Michael Westmore and Michael Okuda instead. They deserve more credit, without them the franchise would've died in the 80s. :(
