AndrewBloom! Please stop writing long comments to the episodes, this is not the right place. We're searching for short comments in here always. Thanks for your understanding.

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Who cares dude? Let the man do what he wants.

Yeah I like long comments myself. It's called a review.

I appreciate his long reviews and I'm sure many more like them too or otherwise he'd have no likes. You don't have to read them if you don't want to, right??

I come here to purposely read Andrew's reviews so Andrew, please don't stop!

Just saw this. Sorry, @SpideMrAH -- this is just how I do it. Feel free to skip if you're not interested!

And thank you very much to @NMiguelCosta and @Paul_Bazinet for your kind words!

You're welcome, bro man.

@andrewbloom you're reviews are awesome. We love them ❤

@fr108nk Thank you so much, KaKa!
