Review by sinningsam

Smallville: Season 1

1x11 Hug

A definite step up from the last sub-par episode. This episode provided a much more interesting story with better characters and an interesting foe.

Great to see Clark's relationships evolving, this week's argument with Lana created a awesome contrast and deepened their relationship than that of just a cutey couple. Loved a little bit of passion, not everything has to be romantic and endearing. Although I will admit sometimes it can be, and sometimes I love it - that scene with the necklace on the door anyone, how about the screaming on the football ground or maybe the home made drive in. I think you get the point, I am not really complaining but I did enjoy something different from the relationship.

Clark and Chloe in this episode were an absolute delight, the scene (you know the one I am talking about) was hilarious, adorable and extremely well acted. Tom did a outstanding job and Allison as always was fabulous.

Clark and Lex's relationship was also explored further and the little hint of doubt placed in the viewers mind about Lex's feelings about Clark, seeing Lex dark up a little was gleeful. Evidently I like a little angst.

Everyone's performances were great in this episode and the lack of special effects utilized caused the episode to be more engaging. As much as the effects were acceptable for the time, my new age mind now picks up on them like a hawk, as well as editing issues and removes me from the story. This episode however was well edited and created with a solid script and great acting.

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