Review by sinningsam

Smallville: Season 1

1x12 Leech

Hell yes! This episode is everything I hoped Smallville could be and it is glorious. I loved this episode from it's great script to it's wonderful acting - Tom Welling knocked it out of the park, I will speak more about that later but Shawn Ashmore was also killer in this episode.

So let's get started on why this episode was fantastic.

First of all many of the issues the Smallville has in general were not present in this episode. It had well rounded character moments for each character which were considered and developed their story. No random occurrences to include them in the episode then never spoken of again, I am looking at you Lana and your numerous spontaneous fans, anyone else gonna be obsessed with you so you can appear in the episode? It also didn't suffer from the typical rushed ending, due to the small time frame of episodes the ending always feels abrupt and the decisions of final characters to ensure conclusion seem random, I am looking at you Amy Adams from the cravings episode, so what? You just saw your reflection and thought, stuff it I'll just kill myself? Insert confused emoji here. One problem I did have with the episode was the actual power transference, Clark is a alien one who has capabilities due to the gravity of earth and being exposed to a 'young' sun. Even if they have taken licence and Clark's abilities are not from the environment, they are most certainly due to the whole alien thing! How can a human gain his powers? He has them cause he is an alien, not a super powered human. I just don't understand who they could be transferable. But that is a very minor point.

Next up Clark freaking Kent. This episode is Clark lovability at it's peak. Everything which make him so endearing and genuine is two fold in this episode. If you can look me in the eye and tell me that basketball scene did not make you smile then you are a cold, cold person. He was absolutely stellar, from his confusion at pain, to his excitement for normality and his struggle with his changing identity Tom Welling presents a Clark Kent like we have never seen him before, utterly, stupidly human.

Other story elements were very well done as well. All of Lex's moments in this episode did not feel like discourses from the main arch rather integral and interesting in their own right. Also the loss of a certain British someone is certainly not upsetting me.

Lana and Clarke were freaking magnificent, from the emotional necklace borrowing scene to the touching return. Ugh, those two need to stop they are making me jealous.

Also I think this needs it's own mention, the dialogue was witty and wonderful. "Why don't we go out to the carpark and you can hit me with your car," oh my gosh that had me snickering.

All in all this episode is everything I want from Smallville, present more quality content like this and I will be one happy viewer.

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