Review by ltcomdata

The Big Short 2015

The story of the causes of the housing meltdown in the late 2000s. Having read most of the book this movie was based on, I nonetheless enjoyed the complex explanations boiled down to simple analogies. And the characters covered in the book are presented in the movie as underdogs 'fighting the system'. Surely the movie shows some of the ways the system was plainly rigged. And yes, the enormous assumption that the majority of the people would always have enough money to pay their mortgages proved to be the big downfall of the house of cards financial analysts built. The movie shows the characters on the book trying to explain this to anyone who would listen, or as righteous judges of the corrupt financial system, and therefore the viewer very much sympathizes with them.

A big problem I had with this movie is the odious cinematography. I almost did not venture to see the movie because of it. And I had a headache afterwards. Surely there are people in Hollywood that still know how to hold a camera? The 'documentary style' for movies is over-hyped and overdone. In my view, it doesn't make a movie look more realistic. It makes it look unprofessional. And, on top of making me sick --- and why would I pay to see a film that will literally have me throwing up afterwards? --- I feel ripped off. If I wanted amateur --- or amateur-looking --- cinematography, I wouldn't be paying for a movie ticket: I would have my five-year-old nephew make a movie for me.

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