Really enjoyed this episode, felt like a worthy pay off to all the strife up until this point. Rem was especially lovely at the end. Considering that I groaned slightly in episode 4 when the "twin loli maids" were introduced, and initially couldn't remember which one was Ram and which one was Rem, the series has done a great job of developing both of their characters and showing their individuality and struggles.

Hopefully Subaru will finally get his date with Emilia-tan now! Both him and us have both waited long enough!

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2 replies

@maniacb, you may have accidentally added this episode to your list of observed 3 more times than you did intend to: "";.

I am doubtful that you have observed it 4 times during 1 day.

OPReply by ManiacB

@beedellrokejulianlockhart Thanks. I did know about this, I'm pretty sure this was caused by my Kodi sync plugin a while ago and it has duplicated a lot of my historic episode watches. Since there are literally hundreds of duplicates (and no guarantee they won't dupe again), there's no way I will ever be going through to manually delete them - just something I've learned to live with really.
