Review by Aniela Krajewska

Person of Interest: Season 5

5x13 return 0

Review by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2016-06-22T04:36:49Z— updated 2018-10-15T12:09:27Z

I'm not sure what to say. I don't know how I expected this show to end. On one hand, I'm okay with this ending, and I think it was a good way to conclude the show. On the other, I feel completely empty inside. It's strange to think that we're not getting another episode next week.

I was sure that John would be the one to die. It made the most sense. He had a good death, fighting until the very end. Still, I cried my eyes out when it happened.

I'm glad that Shaw is alive, and that she has Bear by her side. I loved how she smiled in the last scene. She totally heard Root's voice on the phone.

Finch is finally reunited with Grace!

So The Machine was talking to a version of herself all along. I'd kind of suspected that.

This was a great episode, and the last few minutes of it were bittersweet but also hopeful. The Machine's final monologue was epic. You know how sometimes you hear something so profound and powerful, something that speaks to you so deeply that you have to fight the urge to get it tattooed on your body? That's what I felt like when I heard that monologue. Overall, I'm quite satisfied with the way they tied it all up.

Now, it's time for me to say goodbye.

I discovered Person of Interest quite late - just a few months before season 5 started. I wasn't hooked right away, but I stuck with the show because I'd read stellar reviews online. It took me almost an entire season to really get into it.

And then Root showed up, kidnapped Finch, stole my heart in about 0.2 seconds, and I was officially obsessed. It took me only 10 days to binge-watch seasons 2-4 (after all, who needs school? Who needs sleep?). This show was a wild ride, and I'm grateful that I got to experience it.

Thank you, Person of Interest.

Thank you for giving us compelling storylines, jaw-dropping plot twists and intense action scenes.

Thank you for exploring fascinating themes, such as AI and the true meaning of humanity.

Thank you for gorgeous cinematography, spectacular score and special effects that blockbuster movies could be jealous of.

Thank you for phenomenal characters, fantastic relationships, consistent characterization and incredible character development.

Thank you for starting my obsession with Amy Acker, which resulted in me binge-watching 19 episodes of Angel in one day (no, I do not possess amazing impulse control).

Thank you for making me laugh, making me cry, making me think, making me lose sleep over you.

Is there something about this show that I'm not happy with? Absolutely. I wish CBS hadn't acted like dicks and had given us a full season instead of measly 13 episodes. I wish Root hadn't died, and a part of me will always be bitter about it. I wish Shaw and Root had had more time. I wish they had paced the final season better (Root and Shaw are reunited after 10 months and over 7,000 simulations, Root dies in the following episode, and then we get a case of the week as if nothing happened? That's just bullshit right there), but I also know that the showrunners tried to do the best they could with a reduced number of episodes. And overall, they succeeded, making Person of Interest one of very few TV shows that were just as, if not more, exquisite in their last season as they were in their first.

Goodbye, Person of Interest. You will always be one of my favorite TV shows of all time. I don't think I'll ever get to watch something as engaging, thrilling, smart, thought-provoking, heartbreaking and powerful as you again.

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You miss, stole my heart with this shout.

What a wonderful review! I remember being in high school crushing on Acker when Angel first aired :grinning:
