Review by Andrew Bloom

Adventure Time: Season 4

4x14 Card Wars

8.4/10. One of the things I love about Adventure Time is it does a really good job of capturing things that feel very human, even within its fantastical setting. We've all played a game, or engaged in some activity with someone who's way more invested in it than us. We've all come up against someone who is both a sore winner and a sore loser. "Card Wars" does a great job at taking the show's two lovable characters and throwing them into those scenarios, where you get Jake excitedly and haughtily telling Finn about the game, and Finn struggling to walk the line between standing up to Jake and setting him off.

It's relatable but also has enough of *Adventure Time*s whimsical flair to keep things breezy. Card Wars itself has the perfect blend of feeling just real enough to be a futuristic version of Magic the Gathering or something, but just goofy enough to feel like a parody and not something you can actually try to nitpick the rules of. B-Mo is adorable, from her line about not wanting to play such games with Jake to the immortal "B-Mo" chop. And Finn's "dweeb" vs. "cool guy" drink switcheroo is the perfect way to defuse the situation with Jake winning. Overall, it's a nice little look at a minor but recognizable moment most everyone has experienced at some point.

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