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Designated Survivor 2016

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messy, predictable, boring, political agenda, cliche fest. was good to see Kiefer again though. for 2 episodes.

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@pedro are you absolutely crazy?

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@kevindougans @kevindougans not the last time i checked! well i didnt really had an appointment with a doctor to assert it to be honest, but why ?

@kevindougans No, he's actually being generous... ;-)

@pedro I now see you are right. After the first episode i was mildly interested, but now five in, I'm more wondering how much faux plot they will have to pack inside, to stretch this junk for 22 episodes.

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@nextstep well sometimes i can see whats coming a mile away lol. the perks of being a "No lifer" that sees to many stuff lol. im not always right though :P i gave up some shows that turn out to be very good, but then i didnt had time to catch up to them.

@kevindougans You rated it a 10 and watched less than half of it, so I'd argue you're the one who's absolutely crazy.
