Shout by Deleted

Westworld 2016


Shout by Deleted

Probably an amazing concept overshadowed by unessissary sex and nudity. I got 10 minutes in and had to turn it off. I didn't do my research before starting. People stop desensitizing yourselves with this garbage. The more you watch it and rate it good, the more they make and the worse it gets... They continue to push the envelope until your children grow up to happily accept stuff that even today you would find utterly detestable. Read this note on casting alone...

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@dyluck I still don't get why there's people so at unease with sexuality. This series is not intended for kids. But nowadays most 15 year olds, for better or worse, have done (seen, hear) much more sex than is going to be shown in any TV Series, and the reasons are many but probably the least relevant is the explicit sex they could been exposed on any TV Series.

Understand when you see fiction, you are seen something that´s not real and that in 99,9% has been purposely made look better, cleaner, easier that is in reality.

I think that seen a naked body of a woman or a man should be a problem for anyone, we were created that way by God or Nature. If it were a problem there couldn't be male MD treating women and the other way around.

If you have a problem see a fictional depiction of people having sex, just think how much goes (technically-production) into making that fiction work. It's fiction because sex does not look as good, as easy or as clean in reality, actually looks way much better and less messy than 99% of the sex people really have. It's simply a representation of what most people imagine that their sex looks like but don't know because they can't take from a third person perspective, moreover in real life the senses in play are five +imagination, and sight in close distance does not play such a big role.

Why are you going be desensitized, it is like saying it won't have sex with my wife because I'll become desensitized of sex.

Movies and TV Shows show sex because sex is a big part of human drive (Sex and Power intermingle) because we are programmed, as any other species, with a natural mechanism to perpetuate our species by means of mating and in our DNA is imprinted the need of sex as a way to lure us to reproduce as much as we can. Anyone that denies that is turning his back in the fact that we are like living beings and the humans.

As in movies or TV people have sex for multiple reasons, no everybody would agree in which of them are better or worse.

In movies characters do things, bad things, good things but it's fiction, a 2D View of a 3D Real World, it's extremely simple so taking something about sex or anything else and try to apply it to the 3D Real World... it's huge mistake, it doesn't have enough dimensions to be applied correctly to reality.

Your freedom is there, I'm sorry you will miss the series because of the objections, but the decision is only yours to make.

@dyluck @abetancort I don't get it either why some people feel so uneasy with showing sexuality. It must be a bug in their programming or DNA. I didn't think the sex and nudity were unnecessary. The series is exploring human drive and behavior after all, of which sexuality is a huge part.
