Review by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2016-10-14T13:11:50Z— updated 2017-08-19T10:54:14Z

What a fun episode. Last season this show was a mess - vibrant, fast-paced, thoroughly entertaining mess, but a mess nonetheless. Now it seems a lot better for some reason. Maybe it's because they got rid of Carter and Kendra, who were by far the dullest characters on the show.

The story was actually really good. We got everything in this episode, from dinosaurs to Nazis. The writing was okay, the special effects were cool, I don't really have any complaints.

Stein's excitement over meeting Einstein was adorable.

Leave it to Sara Lance to flirt with a woman while she's being sentenced to death for "corrupting" women. Oh, Sara. Never change. I'm still hoping for a happy ending for you and Nyssa someday, but your shenanigans are hilarious.

I wish Sara had killed Damien Darhk. Then we could pretend that season 4 of Arrow never happened.

"- I'm here, Captain.
- You always are."

Damn it, Legends of Tomorrow. Ever since Person of Interest ended, I've thought I'd never care about an AI again, but here I am.
And Rip's speech at the end of the episode? Excuse me while I go throw myself off a cliff. I can't handle the feels.

The golden rule of the Arrowverse: if someone is fucking with the timeline, you can bet that it's a speedster. Wonderful. As if I didn't have enough reasons to hate Eobard Thawne.

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