Shouts about...

65 2023

- The VFX work is great, especially the dinosaurs

- No world building
- No exposition
- No explanations
- Nothing happens
- All of the potentially suspenseful moments were shown in the trailer

I love slow movies; Lawrence of Arabia is one of my favorites. But this film is surprisingly boring, and it makes an hour and a half feel like it's dragging on. There's no meaningful dialogue because the only two characters in the film don't speak the same language. It's a dinosaur movie where nobody gets eaten, and the dinosaurs are barely even an issue until the very end.

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Apparently, Adam Driver has now reached the Nic Cage stage of his career.

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Not much happened in this movie. luckily it didn't last long. Otherwise it was difficult to watch him.

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I decided to give this a rewatch, even after a disappointing first watch, just to see if it was still disappointing. Long story short, it's a bucket of wasted potential and a barrel of disappointment. The visuals, score, action, sci-fi, dinosaurs, casting, and mystery were ingredients for an absolute hit. Unfortunately, the overall tone lacked a lot of things. The acting was fine, but the script was dodgy. One second, it's trauma, then flat comedy, then all emotional, then death, then dinos. I appreciate the passion for dinos, but the world-building was empty. We need more dino movies. Please.

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I was interested in the story because of it deals with the subject from a different angle. I didn't expect much from the movie but it's not bad. I don't regret watching it.

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Come on it’s not THAT bad..
Was an entertaining evening event on Netflix. And the FX are very good.
If you want some sci-fi and like well made dinosaurs, it’s for you.

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Still a better (love)story than Jurassic Park.

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It was a decent sci-fi action flick. I think it could have used some additional story like why he's going on that mission, etc. It's not changing the genre but was at least enjoyable.

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It's entertaining, I didn't ask for more, but it's not great either.

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A morning poop my cat took- is what looked better and smelled better than 65.
This movie should go straight to movie hell and never be mentioned again.

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This movie was surprisingly good. I did not expect that considering the bad reviews. It was short, with an interesting story, a lot of action, the actors did a nice job and the CGI was great for the most part. I definitely enjoyed it.

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Cool concept not executed greatly. I loved the sci-fi tech, especially the guns. The performance from Adam Driver was all right. The girl was so so. The CGI was kind of shit. Felt like a it dragged a little bit, especially the rock cave scene. The dinosaurs boss battles were fun though. Worth watching at least once even though a lil dumb.

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Don't know what people are talking about. The movie was pretty great with some humorous moments strewn around.

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The effects where good, the movie itself not so much. Not much story or originality. The chase never stops, makes you tired watching it.

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The trailer really had me hyped for this movie. So did Adam driver, but both ended up being underwhelming. Some scenes were just stupidly good (as in it was good but stupid), although the visuals in this are beautiful.

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Shout by Paddington
BlockedParentSpoilers2023-12-28T09:38:52Z— updated 2024-01-06T09:26:48Z

Don't be goofy. Don't be funny. Don't crack jokes. Don't place comedic music in.

If you wanna watch a man and non-fluent-English-speaking child team effort in a dangerous world, watch Logan.

I appreciate the bonding between Mills and Koa. And how he lies to her about her parents living, which creates conflict. But the comedic devices in 65 were unnecessary. It felt odd for the genre and high stake stuff.

I wasn't moved at all by any of the characters or relationships.

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Trailers were a little deceiving as to what this movie was actually about. This movie was fine, nothing too good though.

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You have to act Luke you don't see significant scientific and plot inaccuracies and you can watch it.

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Adam Driver and dinosaurs? How could you mess that up? Pretty easily, it seems. For the budget they had, there was relatively little compelling action, a dead simple plot (get from point A to point B...that's it), and hardly any tension. They somehow made dinosaurs, lasers, spaceships, and Adam friggin' Driver boring. This is basically a big budget Saturday afternoon SyFy flick, but not bad enough to laugh at.

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Poor script, to close to “after earth”. Constant panting of actors was irritating and boring.
Last asteroid scene could have been longer , I’d have loved to see dinosaurs killer scene a bit longer.

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not sure why this one got so panned on relief. it was pretty much what you'd expect from the premise. not fantastic, but enjoyable enough tosh

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I knew very little about the movie going into it except that it was set in pre-historic earth, and Ariana Greenblatt was in it. The first time I saw Ariana Greenblatt, in GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY, I made a mental note, “watch for this girl, she is going to be a rising star”. I humbly confess, I was right. This role had its own particular challenge, which I won’t spoil except to say that she adeptly conquered it. Adam Driver and she owned the screen as they battled the threats around every turn. I give this film a 7 (adventure with heart) out of 10. [SciFi Action Adventure]

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Reasonable enough action but don't expect anything more, a mix of Jurassic Park and After Earth but with very little else to it. Pretty so so role for Adam Driver, not memorable at all.

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this is quite bad. i almost fall asleep

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Enjoyed this for what it was, an action film that tries to look at things in a little different way. Thought the trailers set things up a bit differently than the actual film, insinuating that Mills was sent back in time rather than from another planet entirely. I did like the fact that the story took place EXACTLY at that point 65 million years ago and actually appreciated the fact that I didn't initially connect that to the asteroid impacts that disable the ship in space. It could be seen as a bit of a contrivance, but thought the visual attention to that cataclysmic event was well done and was an interesting turn since that was the true danger, not the dinos we already knew about in the trailer.

Looking forward to more Adam Driver in action roles like this and absolutely loved Ariana Greenblatt ever since she played young Gamora in Infinity War. Don't go into this expecting perfection, just have some fun with the ride.

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The soundtrack is brilliant, but nearly everything else is not.

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Great concept, it had potential but the negative attitude of the pilot kills it. I think he lost his daughter but they buried it and helping the other girl is his redemption arc or something. The whole thing with him not trying to survive or rescue the passengers just killed the momentum.

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Shockingly dull for a movie produced by Sam Raimi starring dinosaurs and Adam Driver

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Shout by Marcus Ziadé

This is lower than mid. Adam Driver is ok, but the plot is a wet fart and the creatures are uninspired af

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The Movie was slow....But The CGI was awesome and the ending Was Great!

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jurassic Park meets land that time forgot, meets Star Trek.
So glad it was a short film.
warm gravy.

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Outlander meets Jurassic Park. But without the cool alien dragon and other bits that made Outlander so great. Rated this high because it was entertaining if not 100% predictable. Plus the effects were good and it was nice to see the raptors like the over sized turkeys they were. Good for a rainy day. But don't expect much from this.

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That ship had crap radar and autopilot. One would think a meteor swarm (even if unrealistically portrayed) could be detected in time to adjust course.

I wonder how much Mills has been around to raise his daughter. He really doesn't seem to know how to connect with a tween girl. He does try a little, but it doesn't seem like it comes as natural as it should. And why doesn't he try to learn any of her language? Seems like meeting in the middle might be more expeditious and effective.

This is almost a comedy. If it could go wrong for Mills, it does. In a way it is almost slapstick.

I honestly didn't mind the lack of exposition. It worked for two people separated by a language barrier. It wasn't like it wasn't obvious what was going on. Sometimes minimalistic works better. In this case, I think it was the right choice.

Definitely a B movie, but I actually really enjoyed it.

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Mildly entertaining action sequences

Characters 5.5
Story 5
Pacing 5
Visuals 5
Rewatchability Factor 1
Enjoyment or Emotional Value 4
Average Score 4.25

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Sort of like After Earth with Will Smith but slightly better and set in the past with dinosaurs. Though it would have made a better video game, than a movie.
It won’t blow you away with originality but it’s an entertaining sci-fi thriller. That doesn’t put enough thought into why it exists.

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The name of the movie should be: The Unlucky One.

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The concept, the visuals and the effects were great and I have no complaints as far as acting. This movie doesn't waste time on pointless backstories and boring dialogue so I have to commend it for that. The movie is relatively short and straight to the point. Story-wise it's pretty shallow and it definitely could have been better. I'm a fan of Adam Driver after his role in Star Wars and as a sci-fi enjoyer I thought 65 was a fun watch overall.

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For such a fun premise, this movie was doomed to disappoint in some capacity from the beginning. It’s not as dinosaury as Jurassic Park. It’s not as actiony as Predator. It’s not an compelling as Annihilation. It is a decent shut off your brain movie. That will be enough for many viewers, but will also be a turn off for others.

Rating: 2/5 - 6.5/10 - Not Recommended to Everyone

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Boring as hell, pretty much nothing happens, I made it to the halfway point and I shit you not, nothing happened and then I fell asleep, I'm not gonna finish this one.

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I mean who doesn't love Dinosaurs... this was so close to being great and much better than I expected

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Sounded interesting, too bad that wasn’t the reality. It was rather dull with a plot that felt pointless by the end.

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It could've been so much better. Both main characters are played well but it's just not that great. When you're in the heat of a bad situation people try to get out, they don't sit and stare at each other unless they are too scared to move. It could've been spectacular and a couple scenes delivered. But for the most part misses the mark.

6 is probably generous but I did like the graphics.

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Shout by Deleted

sometimes we just want to sit for 90 minutes and think about nothing as we watch.

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a mesmerizing thriller that transcends language barriers to deliver a gripping and visually stunning survival tale. With minimal dialogue, the film relies on the raw emotions and actions of its protagonists, Mills and Koa, as they navigate a dangerous dinosaur-filled world. The silent chemistry between the characters amplifies the tension, drawing audiences into their desperate journey towards the distant escape ship. Through breathtaking visuals and masterful storytelling, "65" creates an immersive and suspenseful cinematic experience that speaks volumes without uttering a word.

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Shout by Ahmed Hamdy

This movie just pissed me off, so shallow and so many points left unanswered, and so many stupid decisions have been taken.

For example, what happened to the lady he saved on the beginning the movie?

And why he didn't leave the child in the main ship to be safe?

And how the hell a civilization that advanced didn't have a collision handling algorithm, hell my Tesla FSD Beta can handle it better.

Also, the ending scene when this dinosaur was hitting the space craft so hard but still it was able to launch.

Also, I didn't take the main actor as a spaceman for a sec, it was a bad casting.

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very very mehhhhhhhh good movie if your bored

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why would someone make this movie?

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"65" is a movie that promises a lot with its plot of dinosaur chase in a prehistoric setting, but ends up delivering little in terms of impact. Although the action is constant, the lack of originality in the script and the shallowness of the characters leave much to be desired. In addition, the special effects, while competent, are not enough to sustain the film on their own. Overall, "65" is a mediocre film that may appeal to fans of the genre, but doesn't have much else to offer.

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I really dont know why the bad comments. I liked it and thats that. :smirk:

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Such a wasted opportunity. The concept is good, but it is badly handled. And don't get me started on the "dinosaurs"... they basically ignored 30 years of science post Jurassic Park and just slapped together a bunch of lizard-like skinny aberrations that behave like Steven Seagal and called it a day.

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Surprisingly very good. Plenty of action and cool special effects. Story is good too.


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I enjoyed this movie. Not too long, good effects and good pace all the way. :thumbsup_tone1: Well worth a watch :thumbsup_tone1:

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Good special effects, but rather bland story.

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it really sucked don't watch

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Pretty much sucks big sweaty balls

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A decent watch that puts in some time with the character stuff and does a good job of not making Driver a superhero as he’s getting beat up the whole movie, just needed to deliver a bit more on the Dino side

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5/10 MEH
I think I could have stretched it to a 6/10 but It would have been to kind….
A bloody good concept, just poorly executed!!
It jumps from one contrived jeopardy scene to another and another and another, tight spot, instantly resolved, tight spot, instantly resolved.
The cgi is good the weapons are great.
It’s the dynamic between the two leads that is missing, it never builds to be anything and to be honest you don’t care about either of them in the end…..
Such a shame as in the right hands this could have gone somewhere!!!!
Oh and as for the title 65, it doesn’t fit the movie….
Also the flashbacks are poorly placed and misjudged!!!

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Imagine getting one of the best actors working today with an interesting story and completely fucking it up.

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An enjoyable story we've all seen before. Adam driver and Ariana Greenblatt make it worthwhile.

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so Adam visited Earth before THE Adam of Eve. Got it

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There is an initial approach that seems to belong to the twisted science-fiction genre that was so popular in the 80s. And finally it ends up being a product that, regardless of the absurdity of its proposal, a mix between "Jurassic Park" and "Predator", ends up being entertaining, although the reduction to two characters and the main theme around home and family end up harming it. It is such a blatant attempt to reach all audiences that it strikes a difficult balance between cheesy and intense, and in the end it leaves a disappointing feeling.

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the acting is good and the dinos are fun but without worldbuilding it's a disappointment. just watch/play the last of us for the same dynamic between the two protagonists but Better

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Don't waste your time, just the equivalent of a big pile of dinosaur dung.

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The movie could have been made better. The movie was boring and takes place between two people. They don't show much of the dinosaurs either.
You best watch Jurassic Park.

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The pilot of a transit starship and the passenger girl remain alive after an emergency landing on Earth, where a meteorite shower is about to end the era of dinosaurs forever. It sounds good, but in reality it always seems that R. Atenborough will enter the frame with explanations, but it looks like boring game. Pshik:recycle:

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This is not exactly a bad movie but it also is not a great movie. This was kind of like watching life happen between big major events. It really didn't give us much of a story except maybe at most a grieving protective dad storyline.
It is watchable but it's just not worth the time.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Went in with low expectations, not a fan of Driver, yet the ride wasn't unpleasant. And a ride it is—the lack of background is necessary to suspend disbelief and any attempt at more would be embarrassing. I mean do we really want to know how come there are interstellar traveling humans at a time before life on Earth branched out into primates? Given as ridiculous a premise, the movie is pretty close to the best it could have been. The critters serve up a good thrill and while the writing isn't stellar, it does manage to conjure a sense of chemistry between the pair.

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SF mixed with Jurassic Park : the pitch is simple but catchy. The film goes to the essential, it's clean, Driver does the job and the young actress is rather fair. It lacks surprises though!
My score : ★★★★★★★☆☆☆

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It's a shame that this movie wasn't placed in better hands, b/c it had real potential. Ariana Greenblatt is a tremendous, young actor, and she really shined in this role. The problem was, the way Adam Driver's character was written didn't coincide w/ his motivations in the film. It was a juxtaposition of someone suffering great loss but having mannerisms that didn't match that type of life event. It frustrated the course of the film, and it made this less than what it had the potential to be.

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Good concept, bad story , they could have done much better with it.

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Don't know what everyone is complaining about,I enjoyed every minute of this film.It is what it is.7 out of 10.

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Shout by Connor Santilli
BlockedParent2023-04-12T04:18:39Z— updated 2023-12-07T17:38:57Z

Rated a Connor 0, normal 5.6

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Nice vfx and landscapes, but the plot is pointless. Nothing important happens, and no reasons or explanations are given afterwards. Events occur just because they do, not because they matter.

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Feels like a stock movie written and directed by AI. Far from the worst thing I’ve seen so far this year, but almost entirely soulless, boring and lacking in any ambition. You can’t simply make the umpteenth Alien/Predator rip-off, replace the main monster with dinosaurs, and call it a day. I’m sure Sony is petting themselves on the back for throwing a lot of money at an ‘‘‘original’’’ film, but really this just shows how limited the pool of ideas is nowadays when you want studio financing.


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Oh man, what a cool idea and then they spoiler everything in the first minutes. How cool would have it been if you haven't known. Rest is more a drama than a survival action. Kinda the same with Prey, just give the audience something to think about instead of telling them everything. It makes this just boring.

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Thankfully, I doubt I’ll see a more boring movie for the rest of the year!

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Adam Driver is great. Really.
Sadly the movie is not. It's a forgettable straight to video TV movie full of plot holes and mediocre film making. It's the fame thing as Will Smith's After Earth.

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I quite enjoyed it, despite the reviews. Certainly nowhere near the worst movie I’ve seen this year so far.

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I didn't read the synopsis for this movie Just watched the trailer. Watched with an open mind.
CGI was Very good other than that the Film was POOR, Personal opinion Adam Driver has a face for radio.

POOR Continuity Mills pulls what looks to be 10m of rope from a bag and Koa manages to decorate a tree with it.....

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That was a very boring movie.

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Well better then I expected but don't expect much.

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Don’t know what all the critic fuss is about, cuz this was a decent sci-flick imho!

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Simple story. Slow development. Good CGI. Predictable ending.

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Not sure what to say about this. Just finished it and I already forgot what it was about. Maybe the effects were nice?

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I liked the sound effects and CGI. The movie doesn’t have a major plot or grand character arcs. A fairly straightforward survivor story. Instead of the stupid 2-hours+ show length every single movie seems to be stretching themselves into these days, this one sticks to an appropriate 1.5 hours. This is a big plus. It’s not terrible as some of the comments make it out to be though IMO.

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If we exclude the monsters becoming bigger proportionally to the film length, and several scientific mishaps, the movie was not too trashy. But it was really empty: too little action, too little sci-fi, usual plot based on chained coincidences and misfortunes.

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Horrible movie , it fails to really take hold of you. probably would have been better if you didn't know it takes place on earth till the end.

What's with the Lazer gun? They couldn't even give us a cool effect from it,Should have given him a broom stick.

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Exactly what the trailer showed, and as good as I thought it would be. It had all the cliches and some interesting ideas but lacked power and panache. It tried really hard to make you care for the characters and sometimes succeeded. The creatures were fantastic and the jump scares kept me concentrating. However, I did find Adam’s heavy breaths annoying and the editing was very off in places. Having said all that, it was just the right length and good to see on the big screen. 6/10

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Boring! Don’t waste your time

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What a waste of time, a movie just to make some money, a poor script. Not recommend it.

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Shout by PaulKael
BlockedParent2023-03-18T07:08:48Z— updated 2023-04-07T14:30:11Z

65 has a good premise but a terrible plot. From beginning to end, the string of conflicts are unoriginal, predictable, and resolve in the nick of time. Remind me, why do we love Adam Driver again?

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As other commenters reflected. Dinosaurs looked good, but the story was very lacking. Length of movie was just long enough as to not get too bored.

so the characters are from another planet, yet they speak English and call water ... water ? I guess not everyone can be on James Cameron's level - lol At least the girl didn't speak English.

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Jurassic Park ran so this Land of the Lost rip-off could walk to Netflix on Saturday morning.

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If it was renamed "Dinos & Guns" it'd have done and would do a lot better at the box office. A minimalist mostly two character SciFi thriller. It was decent. Nothing groundbreaking but worthy of a rainy Sunday afternoon at the movie theater. 6.3 for me.

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Shout by Tank0
BlockedParent2023-03-12T02:58:31Z— updated 2023-03-13T15:11:46Z

Well this was a boring movie. This is basically Jurrasic Park meets Lost in Space with a pinch of the Last of Us. Almost nothing happens after the start and dialogue isn't happening because they speak different languages. Instead of putting a hint in the title or opening with it, they should have made the fact that this is earth a reveal like in After Earth (2013). In short a quality production with a quality actor with a snooze fest of a story. If you like the concept and want to see it better, at 10% of the budget, go look up the flick Prospect (2018) with Pedro Pascal.

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Alright but story definitely could have been fleshed out further

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good Sci-Fi thriller. Don't expect a pure horror movie. I'd say it goes along the line of Prey (2022).

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