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A Civil Action 1998

this court thriller is not about the case only, it's also about the system and the job as a lawyer.

William H. Macy is just brillant in his performance.

You are a lawyer or want to become one ? Watch this movie and look at the wall that you want to climb.


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Well, that was a bit bloody pointless. I've just watched this and I still don't know if they won. Did they win? All I do know is that JT's character didn't have a pot to piss in, nor a window to chuck it out of at the end.

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It is neither the advertised thriller (because for that, it would need to thrill, which it absolutely does not) nor a good movie (because that would need an interesting story and good acting, which is not the case, especially not in the case of Travolta). To me, two hours about a lawyer's transformation from cash-hungry macho to totally broke Average-Joe are just boring!

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