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Angel-A 2005

Visually sumptuous, funny, humane, and heartwarming. There's a lot of Léon in this, while also being entirely its own work. I could have stood for a more bittersweet ending, but the final scene was still amazingly climactic, and had me tearing up for at least the second time while watching.

Absolutely gorgeous cinematography from Thierry Abrogast, and camerawork that gets creative without being distracting. The black and white was a perfect choice for the story, and really gave it a textured humanity, providing extra emphasis and focus on the great performances. Rie Rassmussen and Jamel Debbouze were perfect for their roles.

The whole thing oozes style without it getting in the way, down to the DJ aesthetic edits during the credits, whith chromatic aberration lens effect on the credit text—except for the use of so many English language songs— which, to a native English speaker was perhaps more distracting than for the intended audience. You could tell this was a personal work of passion at every level.

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I really hated the white and black look.

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