Rated a Connor 10, normal 7.5

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The screenplays of these Marvel movies seem more and more tired every time, the same things and plot twists seem to happen every time. Does it still make sense to keep dumping millions of dollars on them?

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It was a fine movie that set up the next big bad; however, it left a lot to be desired in character development and plot. It seemed like the end of the movie left us in the exact same place as the beginning though.

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This is a quality film but more than that it brings together so many pieces of the Marvel universe like the quantum realm and the multiverse

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Formulaic, Funny, Promising Future

Ant-Man and The Wasp - Quantumania , third edition in the Ant Man Franchise is a generic yet fun film from Marvel which is self aware of what it meant to provide. Ant Man 3 provides the quintessential origin story of the biggest threat after Thanos and it does well to establish Jonathan Majors as Kang the Conqueror and flashes his potential down the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Baring a solid introduction of Kang, some rib tickling humour, some vibrant new characters of the quantum realm , Ant Man 3 is pretty generic and routine in its approach by Marvel standards. Still an important film in the current phase which adds the missing pieces of the bigger future. 2 end credits scenes are probably the best parts of the film.

Check my Instagram:

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Formulaic, Funny, Promising Future

Ant-Man and The Wasp - Quantumania , third edition in the Ant Man Franchise is a generic yet fun film from Marvel which is self aware of what it meant to provide. Ant Man 3 provides the quintessential origin story of the biggest threat after Thanos and it does well to establish Jonathan Majors as Kang the Conqueror and flashes his potential down the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Baring a solid introduction of Kang, some rib tickling humour, some vibrant new characters of the quantum realm , Ant Man 3 is pretty generic and routine in its approach by Marvel standards. Still an important film in the current phase which adds the missing pieces of the bigger future. 2 end credits scenes are probably the best parts of the film.

Check my Instagram:

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Overall, a pretty bad start to the MCU Phase 5, as the plot (which there was almost none of) was morbidly disinteresting and at times excruciatingly dull. Yes... there was action and the CGI was okay, but no where near as good as I thought it would be. Cassie and Scott's relationship prominently shows how Marvel are running out of original ideas.

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I really wanted the quantum realm to have an actual identity, but everything felt like something I've already seen before, most likely on Star Wars. Quite a mid movie and that's a compliment. The only thing truly good about it is Jonathan's performance. But it also feels like he came on set thinking he was making one movie and Paul and everyone else came to make a different movie.

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this film was fun for the most part though there were 2 things i really couldn’t get past.

First, Cassie’s entire plot line. She causes this entire movie because she’s so set on “helping people” while completely ignoring the fact that the very actions she’s taking can have negative consequences on those she’s trying to help. I personally really dislike how she was never held responsible (even by herself) for how harmful her actions were/can be towards others. Just because you have good intentions doesn’t mean you can act blindly in every scenario.

Second, Darren’s character being a head the entire movie was very much giving George Lopez in Shark Boy & Lava Girl. I couldn’t get past the visual of it because it really didn’t seem to fit with the advanced technology vibe of the rest of the movie. I didn’t mind his character arch but just wish the visual had been different.

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I found this movie to be extremely boring, even though the scriptwriters have the characters remind us what happened since the last time.

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"Visually beautiful" is really the only good thing I can say about it. Except for MODOK.

The characters were all flat, despite the superb cast putting everything they had into it... It's just bad writing.

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Shout by OldBenKenobi

I enjoyed Quantumania, but it still has its flaws. Mainly my usual MCU gripes, tries way too hard to be funny, and the Green Screen looks awful to me.

In the humor department, I laughed at the "Holes" joke, and "Don't Be A Dick" scene. I did not like what they did with MODOK. I was spoiled by the image of him, without even realizing I was spoiled. I thought it was a meme.

Jonathan Majors was my favorite part of the film. Emotional performance, but manipulative. I look forward to meeting those "Variants".

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more of a 6.5 than a 7 ; I liked the cinematography/world building/special effects but the story was very "thin"

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This crap makes me wanna rewatch the infinity saga. Ill do just that

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(no spoilers except where marked)

It really isn't bad. The plot actually makes sense, great performance by everyone involved. Visuals are kind of Spy Kids-y though. Jonathan Majors really is terrifying as Kang. Only thing I didn't like is lazy writing especially the ants living inside quantum realm but in an alternative timeline sort of thing, which makes their civilization age 1000 years in a day. This seemed like something they had to come up on the spot to make the finale possible.

It's a good watch, definitely better than DS2

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Enjoyable. It was fun in a quirky kind of way. Kangs storyline is confusing because they’re multiple versions of him across the MCU so far that I wasn’t sure if this is the good guy or bad. Or if they’re all bad and we are supposed to pick the lesser of multiple evils? Who knows… definitely can’t wait to find out though.

I wish they’d stop casting hot actors to play a sympathetic villain. Just give me a villain like the Borg, no redeeming qualities there, no goal for the greater good either. Just complete selfishness. I want to root for the hero without doubt. :sob:

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It amazes me that, with all the terrible movies we had to bear all these years, “Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania” became the one that let the entire world realize that Marvel movies suck. Honestly, I thought this was just as forgettable as usual, if not slightly more tolerable than the average. At least it’s short, fast-paced, and, above everything, it doesn’t take itself so damn seriously. If you have never been that serious about superhero flicks, I doubt you will face troubles with Marvel’s newly found taste for camp and self-aware humor.

The only truly embarrassing thing was Jonathan Major’s overacting, the rest was a not too inspired blend of Star Wars-alike space operas and multigenerational family comedies that can offer a couple of hours of serviceable entertainment. This time I didn't mind the plot holes that much, if not for one portion that seems to be completely missing in the second half.

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Quantumania is a solid start to phase 5. The movie is fun, but a bit predictable at times. There are quite a few jokes that don't land as well, but that doesn't stand in the way of it being enjoyable. The world is built beautiful, but the absolute high point for me was Kang and the performance of Jonathan Majors. We have a new amazing villain on our hands, people!

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I love paul rudd and still a talented actor and did a great job along with some of the other cast but the movie itself falls short of being anything amazing but better than the first but got nothing on the second and it felt rushed, over done, didn’t know what they were doing, cheesy, weird and not like any other marvel film also felt a little like marvel crossed with star wars but it did have it’s pros because It was entertaining, had a good sense of humour, the action was decent, some of effects were great and most of cast did alright so i give it credit on that but shame it didn’t live up to my hype and the second film and not a good start for phase 5 for the MCU.

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All I'm going to say is the critics got it all wrong. Well, at least a few of them. This movie was the best of the three. Kang is a badass. The rest of the cast was great as well. Not gonna get into spoilers, or anything. Just check it out yourself. Even if it isn't your cup of tea, it will at the very least entertain you .

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A lesser Marvel movie, largely because the visual effects dampen the impact of the story. It's still enjoyable and Rudd is as engaging as ever but here's hoping future movies within Phase 5 are more memorable than this one.

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This move should’ve been called: Janet Van Dyne’s Adventures in Star Warsmania.

Quantum Physics has so many incredible theories and hypothesis that could be explored and Marvel decided to take us to some random Star Wars planet / galaxy.

The jokes weren’t even that funny.

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Given these movies' silly nature, this one fails to set the tone for Kang. I was hoping for some intense acting in the Majors x Pfeiffer scenes at least, but it was mostly a brief flashback. Janet not telling the others what's going on pissed me off lmao.

My highlight was when, uhh, Jonathan Majors' sexy bare arms. And the super smart cyborg ants, I guess. Gotta wait for Loki Season 2.

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Why did they do modok like that? Marvel gotta do better. The movie was good but it didn’t give the usual marvel set up to another movie which most of them have been missing as of late. Show how this adventure to the quantum realm actually affects the rest of the mcu instead of quickly ending the movie after the climax then forcing the audience to sit through credits to see a scene with little relevance to the future. Seeing Loki was dope tho.

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Everyone was calling Thanos a fanny, he would have smoked that Kang

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Is weakly scripted and depends too often on its talented actors reacting to green screen imagery. The world building parts rescued this from being a very boring affair so 5/10 it is.

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It’s a solid entry to kick off phase 5 and wasn’t nearly half as bad as what the critics were suggesting. It did lack some of the hearts of the ealier entries and sure that’s a minus but that’s about it. That said overall I still had fun with it, certainly more so than with L&T and particularly Wakanda Forever which is a much weaker movie than this one (sorry).

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Ant-Man movies have never been the best Marvel movies but they manage to entertain. 
It was a good start for phase 5 and what's to come.
I just wonder if the Kangs will be able to fill Thanos' shoes

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This feels like a bad Rick and Morty episode.

:asterisk_symbol:Looks up credits

Oh, ok.

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-One of the best visuals in the MCU I have seen, everything is just beautiful.
-The jokes is not for everyone I guess, some people think they are lame and others like me is funny as hell, and its not forced at least I did not have that feeling.
-The story is not the best but deftly not the worst but makes sense and is easy to follow along.

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This is epitome of what the bulk of Marvel films have been for me. It’s not a ‘good’ film, but it is undoubtedly an enjoyable film.

There’s a lot of points you have to accept and just move on. You could easily pick them apart, but you just have to chose to enjoy the film regardless. The most egregious being when a character essentially says “oh by the way this thing happened, and it’ll be essential to how the final act plays out. Here’s some flash backs to earlier points in the film to prove it happened. Despite none of those moments actually being in the film… just take my word that it happened” It’s bad, but if you just accept it an move on. The film is quite enjoyable.

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Fair play. Good movie, not really a great one. 6/10 would do for now

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This was a great movie but as a Marvel movie, this was one hell of a set up for the future. I never imagined I'd see Kang on the big screen, and Jonathan Major was a amazing cast.

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It is a pretty entertaining movie, that is at least better than the second movie. That has way higher reviews than it. Since for one the villain is far superior.
The movie just gets sillier lines as it goes on with less of the jokes landing. Also yes the movie isn’t oozing in originality. The movie is Journey to the Center of Earth meets Tron Legacy, with Ant-Man.

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So…. This one was out there. Like, way out there. It was good. I enjoyed it… but man was it out there.

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Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania continues Marvel Studios path of experimentation. Yes it's a big budget superhero movie but this installment of the Ant-Man movies pivots from the previous two.

It changes the narrative and how we interpret the characters we've come to know.
Marvel is building an overarching story that pays off in time. This is only the end of act one... I think people forget that.

There’s definitely some highs and lows in this film.

The spfx are outstanding. I found myself being reminded of Star Wars at times with he multitude of different creatures and settings. Jonathan Majors is brilliant. Kathryn Newton portrayal of Cassie felt relatable and humbling.

The story seemed a bit underdeveloped and I feel we missed out on some major character development in regards to Cassie. I wish we got more of her story during the blip.

This movie pretty much leads directly into Avengers: The Kang Dynasty an I’m curious to see how these characters get tied back in.

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A bit too cheesy at times, but all in the appropriate tone. It's a fun popcorn flick that knows what we're there for and doesn't get distracted trying to flesh out things better left questioned. Mid-tier MCU, but still something fun and a good setup for the coming Kang conflict.

I have to question why people who dislike this movie are even at a superhero film in the first place. There are things to criticize here, and that's what keeps this from being a great movie instead of a good one. What it gets right, though, is still plenty of fun and much better than many of the overly complicated 3+ hour films studios have been pumping out to try and create something richer than the format allows. I'd take more of this over some of the other MCU alternatives anyday.

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Just got back from the theater. We thought it was pretty good. I'd give it a 7/10. Fun way to kill a couple hours.

Story was ok. Tried to be funny in parts where it wasn't needed. Main character arcs were good though.

MODOK design was ok but it's like they put the B team on it. Especially when you compare that character to some of the other creature designs.

I feel like Billy Murry was in there for no real reason. Could have easily cut that part.

Kang was pretty cool. Future movies with other Kangs are going to get really interesting.

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I should give the disclaimer that I am not a Paul Rudd fan and this franchise is by far my least favourite of the Marvel Universe. (I am, however, a fan of Evangeline Lilly and Michelle Pfeiffer). The movie was overpowered by special effects that left actors reacting to blue screens. The writing was devoid of any clever insights into time and multiverse travel. There was no depth to the villain that would raise the threat level. Frankly I was underwhelmed and bored. I give this film a 5 (yawn) out of 10 [Marvel Superhero Adventure]

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Shout by Sári Szalay
BlockedParent2023-02-16T22:40:09Z— updated 2023-05-19T18:31:25Z

This movie was really disappointing. The story was complicated but it didn’t manage to grab my attention really. There were a few funny scenes though, but mostly the jokes felt a bit forced and cringy.
Scott has always been one of my favourite characters, but even he couldn’t save this movie.

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Strongest MCU drop in a while :thumbsup_tone5:

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Nowhere near as bad as people are saying, and I'm exhausted of Marvel content. Would watch this over Eternals, or Thor: Love and Thunder.

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Shout by Lucas Mercier

I liked it. Good humor but still a serious movie.

Didn't like the whole "Hey there is this really bad guy down there in the Quantum Realm, but I'm not telling anyone"-Mentality from Janet. Makes no sense at all.

Loved Jonathan Majors as Kang.

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Shout by Halstead
BlockedParent2023-02-16T05:44:34Z— updated 2023-03-06T18:12:18Z

Ant Man and the Wasp: Quantumania was a fun way to lose a couple of hours, but I could never shake the feeling that I was watching highlights from 3 or 4 better films. This is a movie just stuffed to the brim with characters, stories, and concepts that never really get a chance to breathe. On top of that was what should have been an amazingly inventive world kneecapped by effects that are going to age like an open milk container left in the basement. I know that many complained that Marvel's Phase 4 was too slow and meandering, but was packing the next phase into a single film the answer?

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Oh god was this lame. Jonathan Majors, Paul Rudd, and Kathryn Newton sell the heck out of their roles but the plot was so weak. Some cringe acting by the side cast too. It felt like the actress who played Gentora learned to act by playing her role in the movie. The Quantum Realm was completely unimaginative. Most of it was like Star Wars, Kang’s minions were stormtroopers, there was even an Avatar realm in there. Zero points for creativity.

Like I said at the end of Thor: Love and Thunder, Marvel is SO done.

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It's an entertaining fantasy movie, but didn't feel very Ant-Man-y. Could also have been the Guardians or any Avengers crew or even the rebel alliance.

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It was... okay.
The humor was overall pretty cringey and Kathryn Newton's acting was not good. If they had cut Cassie from the movie I'd be 100% okay with that.
Jonathon Majors was the only redeeming factor, it's frankly disappointing that his introduction into the MCU (movies-wise) was in this film, though it was a great performance from him.

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Marvel Cinematic Universe
The Infinity Saga
Phase One
Iron Man (2008) https://trakt.tv/movies/iron-man-2008
The incredible Hulk (2008) https://trakt.tv/movies/the-incredible-hulk-2008
Iron Man 2 (2010) https://trakt.tv/movies/iron-man-2-2010
Thor (2011) https://trakt.tv/movies/thor-2011
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) https://trakt.tv/movies/captain-america-the-first-avenger-2011
The Avengers (2012) https://trakt.tv/movies/the-avengers-2012
Phase Two
Iron Man 3 (2013) https://trakt.tv/movies/iron-man-3-2013
Thor: The Dark World (2013) https://trakt.tv/movies/thor-the-dark-world-2013
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) https://trakt.tv/movies/captain-america-the-winter-soldier-2014
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) https://trakt.tv/movies/guardians-of-the-galaxy-2014
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) https://trakt.tv/movies/avengers-age-of-ultron-2015
Ant-Man (2015) https://trakt.tv/movies/ant-man-2015
Phase Three
Captain America: Civil War (2016) https://trakt.tv/movies/captain-america-civil-war-2016
Doctor Strange (2016) https://trakt.tv/movies/doctor-strange-2016
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017) https://trakt.tv/movies/guardians-of-the-galaxy-vol-2-2017
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) https://trakt.tv/movies/spider-man-homecoming-2017
Thor: Ragnarok (2017) https://trakt.tv/movies/thor-ragnarok-2017
Black Panther (2018) https://trakt.tv/movies/black-panther-2018
Avengers: Infinity War (2018) https://trakt.tv/movies/avengers-infinity-war-2018
Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018) https://trakt.tv/movies/ant-man-and-the-wasp-2018
Captain Marvel (2019) https://trakt.tv/movies/captain-marvel-2019
Avengers: Endgame (2019) https://trakt.tv/movies/avengers-endgame-2019
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) https://trakt.tv/movies/spider-man-far-from-home-2019
Phase Four
Black Widow (2021) https://trakt.tv/movies/black-widow-2021
Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021) https://trakt.tv/movies/shang-chi-and-the-legend-of-the-ten-rings-2021
Eternals (2021) https://trakt.tv/movies/eternals-2021

Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021) https://trakt.tv/movies/spider-man-no-way-home-2021
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022) https://trakt.tv/movies/doctor-strange-in-the-multiverse-of-madness-2022
Thor: Love and Thunder (2022) https://trakt.tv/movies/thor-love-and-thunder-2022
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022) https://trakt.tv/movies/black-panther-wakanda-forever-2022
The Marvels (2023) https://trakt.tv/movies/the-marvels-2023
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 ((2023) https://trakt.tv/movies/guardians-of-the-galaxy-vol-3-2023
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (2023) https://trakt.tv/movies/ant-man-and-the-wasp-quantumania-2023
Fantastic Four https://trakt.tv/movies/fantastic-four

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