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Apocalypto 2006

Great movie, pretty hard to watch

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A civilization is finished when it rots inside.

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"Travel Well" A visual masterpiece. I like the take on death they have in this film, especially when the village was attacked. It was shown has destruction and the longer it went on, the way it was presented was to show the pain instead of what usually occurs in a glorification of it. Mel Gibson is a true talent.

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one of the best i've seen

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"Say what you want about Mel Gibson, but the son of a bitch knows story structure"

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This is how the old world died... another Gibson's masterpiece.

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image and Vision 4.5 / 5. I liked it more than when I saw her in the cinema Jaguar paw run and run

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I don't get the bigger picture here, what is Mel Gibson trying to tell us? That the invasion and the eradication of the American natives by the Europeans was all right because the natives were corrupted cannibalic monsters anyway? It's the only thing I can come up with when I think about the meaning of the sentence displayed at the very beginning of the movie, the landing of the Spanish ships and Jaguar Paw's last sentence at the end of the movie. But that would be really, really sick and disturbing...

Otherwise we have a very brutal, gory and 2 hours long historical movie about the Mayas which never really gripped me...

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one of the finest survival film

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I’ve always heard about this one. Various good things. Various bad things. Easy to hate for some. Easy to admire for others. Long story short, this movie was beautifully brutal. It was engaging beyond belief and wonderfully shot, but I wholeheartedly can understand why some people may be appalled. Nearly 20 years later, the effects have mostly held up pretty well which is a bonus!

Rating: 4/5 - 85% - Would Recommend

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Forrest Gump but set in the Mayan civilization

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An Indian runs, he turns blue, he turns black, he becomes Indian again.

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"Apocalypto" earns a 7 for its visceral portrayal of ancient Mayan civilization, weaving a captivating narrative with breathtaking cinematography. The film's relentless pace and survival theme keep you engaged, but it could benefit from further character development in certain areas. Overall, a compelling experience with room for improvement.

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Great movie! 9/10.

The problem with using "made up" language is that the characters talk very slow like toddlers, very ridiculous.

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