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As the Gods Will 2014

This movie is really crazy. Crazy awesome too.

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There isn't quite someone as Miike, keeping busy with tons of movies every single year. "As the Gods Will" is an adaptation of a death game manga of the same title. Each round is based on a traditional game or at least inspired by one. The violence has a good mix of humor to it while still keeping it 'real'. For most of it's runtime the movie is entertaining, there is however no conclusion to the story. Sort of like Gantz there is a global scale to the events but you won't get it from this alone. The movie also closes on another stage of the game, be it endgame or not.

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If you like movies where people battle/compete to the death, you'll like this film. a little odd in parts but overall very enjoyable.

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First two challenges were awesome. Rest were meh okok.

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Jpop idol squid games with facetune and CGI impressive for a Nintendo Wii.

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"My life is boring," says a young millennial addicted to video games. Violence (fictional) becomes an escape to depression ("what are we living for?"). But when fantasy turns into violence (real), the survival instinct is born. Miike talks about violence in media through absurd deadly games that reflect the unpredictability of life. Youth, subjected to its own insecurities, does not escape but is the first victim.

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