Shouts about...

Away We Go 2009

[7.6/10] The first half of this one comes off like a 2000s indie flick-ified version of Christopher Guest film, with a bunch of broadly comic characters being mixed and matched in a way that doesn't really fit with the down-to-earth tone director Sam Mendes seems to want to strike.

But in the back half, Away We Go go gets much better, leaving behind some of its hacky attempts at comedy (despite enlisting an incredible cast to deliver it), and embracing a more earnest approach to the way that parenthood causes to reflect on our own upbringing and to imagine what the future may hold as we try to build a new family.

Getting through that early portion can be a struggle, but it's worth it to get to the good stuff that comes in the latter half of the film, alongside a beautiful cinematographic travelogue and some great performances.

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A waste of some good talent, and some reasonable performances. I struggled to get through to the end - this felt like the late 90's movies about nothing (or written during a script-writers strike)

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If you look closely you can almost see the numbers by which this was created. How much more formulaic could this be? I'll save you from having to watch it: the couple has awkward conversations and every now and then the husband says something outrageous to break up the monotony. They then travel around to meet other outrageous characters in outrageous situations. During the course of it all some excellent actors have to camp it up with awful dialog. What a waste of a great cast. I turned it off halfway through.

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Shout by Deleted

I loved it.
Funny and sad in equal measure.
I thought it was well cast, written, directed and acted.

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This one popped up after not seeing it in over a decade, such a time capsule to late aughts indie dramedies, teeters the line of being too over the top but is held together by the performances and heart

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