I wasn't sure if I watched this as a kid, until I saw Forte, scary motherflipper. (Not counting it as a rewatch since I didn't remember anything besides that.)

Quite a decent midquel, would have enjoyed it even more during the Christmas season but I decided to watch it on a sunny day in March xd.

The animation is great, the original voices return and Tim Curry joins the cast. The songs are quite good as well.

As far as straight to video sequels go, I find this one rather good. I'll rewatch it during Christmas in a few years to enjoy it even more!

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Disney’s Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas is truly a magical film. On Christmas Eve Belle enlists the help of the castle servants to throw a Christmas party, but one of the servants secretly works against them, preferring the enchantment to the life he had before. What’s especially impressive is how the story seamlessly fits into the chronology of the original film while also delivering a new adventure that explores new territory. Several original cast members return, and the animation is nearly equal to the theatrical film. Additionally, the soundtrack features several new songs that are charming and whimsical; especial “As Long As There’s Christmas.” Disney’s direct-to-video features have a less than impressive record, but Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas serves as a lovely addendum to the beloved Disney classic.

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Who knew 'Beauty and the Beast' had not one, not two, but three follow-up films? I certainly didn't!

'Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas' is pretty tame and plain compared to the original, with the plot feeling like a retread for the majority. It still holds up for an OK viewing experience, but probably doesn't need to exist.

It is, however, terrific to see the same cast involved again, from Paige O'Hara (Belle) to Jerry Orbach (Lumière) to Angela Lansbury (Mrs. Potts). They are just as good as before, though the same can't be said for the animation which is more on the average side in my opinion; especially for the villain, Forte (Tim Curry), who I didn't really enjoy.

The premise is quite boring, with all the drama being easy to predict given what happens in the first film. I suppose this serves a purpose as a film to watch during festive times, as an added titbit to the 1991 production. A proper sequel would've been nicer.

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This actually is a lot better than it has any right to be. With a good villain, decent plot, and okay-ish songs...

But just for Tim Curry unenthusiastically signing Deck the Halls, it's worth while (and his villain song is good too)

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