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Becky 2020

Home Alone meets John Wick.

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I respect Kevin James for coming out of his comfort zone and doing something against his type. I will always support artists who want to expand their skills, but unfortunately Mr. James feels miscast here. Not once did I believe he was playing this character and I didn't find him intimidating as I couldn't take him seriously. Throughout the movie I only saw Paul Blart if he turned racist, which I guess made it somewhat enjoyable.

However, I think it's the writing that's at fault here and not Kevin James, as the writing gave him nothing to work with and the character itself was so underdeveloped.

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One of the best gruesome and gut spilling movie I've ever seen with a kid actress. she's very good. at first i thought this was like a family oriented movie but boom they kill her dad. but seriously take away the sweet kid face she's actually a sociopath. just saying

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A R rated version of home alone with Kevin James as a nazi, it could have been worse.

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I saw this movie mainly to see Kevin James in a different role. It wasn't too bad and would have rated higher if it wasn't for Becky's character. She was annoying and I couldn't stand her. A teen high school girl could do some of the things she did? I mean come on anger issues don't make you into John Wick or John Rambo.

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Paul Blart finally got its rated R reboot.

Heil Blart: Mall Cop

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Bad script and all bad acting, I couldn't take Kevin James seriously, it just didn't work. There are plenty of other movies that are more worthy of your time.

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I was pleasantly surprised by this. Amazing transformation of Kevin James on this role, the kid was clearly a sociopath and didn't expect so blood. But it has very good directing and clear cut scenes of murder, literally.
Very entertaining and a good watch for the fans.

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It was actually pretty good!

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There once was a little girl
who had a little curl
right in the middle of her forehead.
When she was good, she was very, very good,
but when she was bad, she was horrid.

I like the smooth transitions from character to character, scene to scene. It definitely has some Home Alone and John Wick vibes. Each of the kill scenes has this percussive rapid heart-beating score attached to it and fits so well. Kevin James plays the lead goon and it was interesting seeing him take on a serious role.

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Wasn't expecting that. Bloody good. And I mean bloody.

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Teen girl with rage issues takes down a bunch of home invaders with school supplies and Home Alone hijinks. I think Becky definitely has some underlying issues given how, ahem, creative, she got with some of the kills. A girl who slowly kills a man with a boat motor is someone who has definitely thought about killing before.
Also, so many men in these comments severely underestimate the rage of a teenage girl, she is capable of literally anything

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bad movie with bad plot... stupid decisions all the time...

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Paul Blart 3 this is not! Kevin James is surprisingly effective as a bad guy, though he is overshadowed by Lulu Wilson's bad girl. While her character never makes complete sense, it is fun to watch her kick the hell out of a bunch of Nazis.

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I thought the plot was rushed and not enough detail, defo more focused on the action that was entertaining but nothing brilliant and seen it all before.. I think Kevin James role was alright but he should stick to comedies because he fits them type of roles more.

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Good movie. Strange seeing Kevin James play this kind of role.

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God, I hated Becky so much. I couldn't enjoy the fact she was a little psycho who kicked the ass of 4 grown, criminal men. I can't tell if it's the actor or the development of the character. Either way, it ruined a kinda cool, very scary premise. Nice to see Kevin James doing something different, though. Also, this story leads fucking nowhere, and I hate that.

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Shout by Rikja
BlockedParent2020-06-15T02:59:22Z— updated 2020-08-11T19:19:54Z

I liked this movie if you didn’t then kiss my ass and leave me alone.

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A cool and extremely brutal revenge movie, with impactful scenes. The story is really good, the character is great and it leads everything very well. I wish it had gone deeper into some aspects of the story's development, but the focus here is on action and tension, and the movie gets all that right.

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Paul Blart really took a turn for the worse.

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Kevin James as a Nazi. Joel McHale as...Joel McHale. Robert Maillet as a slightly sympathetic villain. And a teenage girl (Lulu Wilson) unleashing some real violence. You got me. This was fun and entertaining, but securely entrenched in the horror/thriller genre. Fans of that genre will appreciate it. It's worth it just to see James going all in as a menacing Nazi villain.

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Lulu Wilson and Kevin James star in Becky, an ultraviolent indie horror film. When a group of escaped prisoners take her father and his fiancée hostage at their lake house, Becky attempts to rescue them…and get revenge. Both Wilson and James give strong performances, but the writing’s a little weak. However the kill scenes are entertaining and the dark comedy works fairly well. It’s kind of slow at times and could use a little more character development, but Becky is a solid home invasion thriller.

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What was the key for? Is it even explained?

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Wtf? This was kinda brutal. The King of Queens himself Kevin James playing a Nazi? Ok, I'm in.

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Entertaining splattery revenge flick with much quality b-movie energy as opposed to the retro exploitation that is en vogue. Stands surprisingly well without being cheesy or relying on the charm of schlock, despite the somewhat melodramatic first act, at times intentional but also when not. Lulu Wilson does a great job in the lead, everybody else deliver what is expected from their characters quite sufficiently for the movie it is. Neat teasearoo with the never revealed significance of the valknut, but I'm worried it will be spoiled in the sequel that I am yet to watch. Summarum it's not particularly smart nor complicated, not that everything needs to be, but a sort of mature movie in it's tradition. It's straightforward and relies on the audience to follow along and deal with whatever subtle references, subversive and deadpan elements that comes along without making a deal about it. It delivers what it is supposed to and I like it.

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Home Alone meets Diehard its pretty good

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Loved the sequel to this, so had to watch the first one, which I now did. Love the setup, the way the movie goes, the little girl rhyme, the revenge from an unforeseen corner,... Hate that people complain about anything these days, even good family thriller-horror movies like this...
Oh, and the fact they use dogs (or any pets for that matter) for emotion. Please keep pets out of the suspense, it tears up my heart and adds nothing to the big picture. :sweat_smile:
Other than that a good 8 out of 10!

Not sure saying there's a sequel counts as spoiler, so Imma set it so just to be safe. :wink:

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I REALLY loved this one. It was a lot of fun. Some really quality kills. IMO, this movie had 2 really great things going for it. 1) Becky is NUTZ and goes into fight-mode to fight off and kill 4 grown-ass men. And 2) Kevin James as a serious baddy - he was pretty awesome at playing a bad guy - he should do more of that

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Shout by Terrence

Really enjoyed this movie. Really difficult to make a great movie in a crowded genre. Turns put Becky is a bit of a psycho, which is what you want to lead a revenge horror flick.

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I think it was a fun movie. It had some unrealistic elements to it, but it’s pretty much meant to be a fun blood and guts tongue in cheek type movie. Definitely a blood and guts version of home alone. Lol!

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A fun and gory adventure in which Nazi escaped prisoners terrorise a family. The kills are brutal, the story is pretty good (heavily influenced by Funny Games and The Strangers. It's strange seeing two comedians doing serious roles, but it works and is a great film.

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Like Deluxe Mac & Cheese from a box: it's not because it's simple that it's not any good.

This surprisingly effective Home Alone meets Home Invasion works thanks to its cast (especially Lulu Wilson in the titular role and Kevin James who succeeds in the leap from Mall Cop to deranged white supremacist) and because it doesn't shy away from the gore and extreme violence, even if the central character is a young child.

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yesssss! watching becky kill those bastards was SO satisfying, she was badass and smart. and the gore was really realistic, which surprised me. im giving it a 9/10, definitely super fun :)

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Wow, wasn't expecting this to be this fun. It was really tense but you also get some funny moments with those dumb characters. Not the best horror thriller but I really enjoyed this one. Oh and nice amounts of gore. Worth a watch!

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[Sitges FF] If you accept the wacky premise of this home invasion, you can enjoy it. After all, this is a comedy that turns an irritated teenager into Rambo. Some touches of gore that savor the proposal are appreciated, although nothing really makes much sense. What remains is an entertaining product that although it has feet of clay is enjoyable until it falls apart.

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Good film. Saw where a commenter said a cross between Home Alone and John Wick. I thought Home Alone and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Fun little movie. Worth the watch.

Kevin Smith's best performance, the lead actress was good too.

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Shout by sp1ti

Weird wanting the antagonist to be a nazi and slapping on every racist symbol they can think on his body but he never uses the N* word... Anyhow, not too impressed with the general setup BUT a teenage girl wearing a cute knitted hat with animal ears being absolutely demented hell yeah :fire:!

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