Shouts about...

Blood Creek 2009

The story is actually pretty good, but I thought the execution was weak. Could have used a lot of improvement, and maybe recasting. Minus Fassbender and the blonde girl, they were fantastic and the best parts.

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Very bizzare movie. I like it. There will be horses on fire, vampires, creepy families, torture, shotgun action. Yes, the movie is pretty crazy and kind of "out there", and if that's your thing you'll love it. If not, better stay away.

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Practical effects were awesome and will always beat cgi, this movie is also an 18 and there is just not enough 18 horrors about anymore so props for that.
Strong acting cast
3 from the Marvel universe
1 from DC universe.

Was it a great movie no,
Was it a good one...yes.

You think you've seen it all until you see a Zombie Horse get shot gunned to shit, what's not to like,
Oh and we get to go up against a Supernatural Nazi.

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Pretty rad little occult nazi horror flick. It's a interesting and pretty original concept, handled well by Schumacher. Great cast too, who went on to become pretty big.

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