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Blue Valentine 2010

Not the biggest romance genre fan but this really surprised me. Maybe it's because it leans heavy on the drama which I always love. At times melancholic and sweet and at other times suffocating and toxic. The two timelines (troubled relationship in the present and the romantic beginning in the past) creates a balance that feels layered, grounded and realistic. Great chemistry (and lack of chemistry when needed) between Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams. Their characters are layered and relatable. Beautiful melancholic score. The camerawork sticks out, it moves around a lot and gets claustrophobically close to the characters. I got worried towards the end that it would end too abruptly without me getting emotional but no worries, get the tissue box out for the last few minutes. Perfect ending.

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Shout by salah

She is the bad partner here Dont change my mind

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One of my favorites <3 I love how realistic and full of raw emotions the movie is. It doesn't fail at writting, story telling, acting, character dept, nor anything. Michelle Williams and Ryan Gosling are SUPERB! And after I've read about the preparation they had previously to shooting the movie, I can only admire this masterpice even more.

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Sad and touching movie, I liked it. Many reviews spoke well of what the film wanted to talk about: the toughness of relationships. In fact, reality does not play games with us, it is very difficult to maintain a relationship and truly love someone. And I feel that Dean lacked this last element: love. All the time he seemed to create problems without any foundation, he didn't listen, he didn't respect, he just spoke what came to his mind without filters and acted irresponsibly. This seems to be more of a personality issue than a relationship issue. Loving is trying to be a better person every day for the other, it's respecting, listening and building amid chaos. It's a good movie, it shows us a lot of things, including things we can or cannot choose in a relationship. A lot is about ego and giving in.

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Lots of wrong decisions and the expected consequences.
The acting was excellent, really make you feel bad for them and for how their good intentions weren't enough.
Sad movie :(

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I hate non linear movies and I hate movies with people shouting at each other for minutes at a time so this one wasn't of to a good start and I more than once just wanted it to end. But it's nicely done for a time jump movie and the acting is good so guess I'll have to give it an OK.

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"I'm so out of love with you. I've got nothing left for you, nothing, nothing. Nothing, there is nothing here for you."

The perfect gift for Valentines day.

If you're feeling a bit down and so happen to be single, then definitely put this on and your worries of a single life will dissolve away.

On a serious note, I think the most devastating part of the whole movie is the little glimpses we see of the two versus how the relationship ends up. Turns out the ideal "perfect couple" is more fiction than reality, and how cruel reality can be.

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One of the most gritty movies about love that I have ever seen.  The story is told in two separate story lines - one where the couple has just met and is falling in love and... well... the other one.  The contrast is stunning and really socks the viewer in the proverbial gut.  At the end I was exhausted and emotionally spent and I loved every minute of it.  

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I don't know of a film that has captured both the beginning and the end of a relationship better than this one.  The two different timelines brings an amazing texture and contrast to the story.  Loved it.

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"You always hurt the ones you love, the one you shouldn't hurt at all"

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Such a blue movie sad all the way but really realistic..If you are in bad mood you shouldn't watch this otherwise you are going to estimate movie's value..7.8/10 it worths a watch for sure and i liked the ending a lot.

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The title says it all. Mr Gosling and Ms Williams are simply AMAZING in this movie that jumps beautifully the 'now' and 'what used to be'.

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Exceptional film. It is truly an amazing movie from start to heartbreaking end. This is true to life and love. Definitely a must watch. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT. Excellent performances by Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams. That little girl was wonderful too and very sweet. My heart breaks for Ryan's character. The song ...oh that song....I wish it wasn't true.

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Shout by Deleted

Just cause its Indie does not mean you have to use a crappy camera.

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Really well acted, really well done. But i was bored in some parts and it's too brutally real to be inspired my it. At least it ended in the best way possible in this scenario.

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This movie is incredible. Wow. Just wow.

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Absolutely loved this movie. Made me cry a couple of times. As somebody said, acting was amazing, everything seemed so true and sincere. I wish it ended positively, but maybe it's even better that it didn't 'cause it leaves space to do some thinking of your own.

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Esperaba algo mas... Sobre todo por el final que es bastante espeso

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Shout by Giles

Great film - very sad :-(
The acting is fantastic!

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Shout by Alix Axel

I tried to see this at the cinema two times. I also tried to watch it about 3 times on my own.

I say, I tried because I always fall asleep when I start to watch this. It's incredible...

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Shout by Deleted

very sad movie, but is the dialogues are very good. When the movie end you still wanna see more.

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