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Caligula 1979

Just awful, nothing good comes out of It: not the acting, story, cinematopgrahy... not even the blowjobs are worth watching. If your curious to watch besides every review telling you otherwise, just watch any other ancient tome movie or any other porn If thats what your looking for.

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This could have been a great movie, it has some wonderful cast, but I couldn't go through all the film, so much bloody pornography! And not erotic scenes, or nudes, REAL PORN! I should have informed myself better... what a waste...

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Hedonistic debauchery, that I guess is fitting when portraying a period like this. The problem is not that it features such graphic sex, rather it focuses on it way too much, and completely randomly, where it isn't necessary. Just when the story starts to get interesting, we slip back into another needless orgy. And the film is lesser for it.

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this is a botched historical fiction film that even tho they deny it's porn.. IT IS PORN. Plus include the cast who can't seem to act, it's such a waste of time. p.s. malcolm's so gay here.. :s

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Caligula movie is p*rno. They must have spent most of the budget on hiring the wh*res. It was way too long. But it's still worth watching. Just don't watch it with your family or friends.

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Once again my lack of research prior to queuing led to quite the surprise when I threw this one in. I had no idea that it was a Penthouse production. There is no other way to say it--this was porn...with an ounce of history edited in. The balance of sex/story was skewed much too far in the porn direction to call this a good movie yet it was entertaining. As previously mentioned the HBO series Rome has much better balance with the emphasis on story and some debauchery intelligently interlaced in the plot.

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Shout by Justin Huang

Someone said to watch this movie if I like historical movies. I didn't know it was porn. 15 minutes in I'm disgusted already. Not that I hate porn, but this is just

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