Personal Lists featuring...

Criminal Lovers 1999


Not for those with heart conditions. You might get dirty looks if you mention these films. Welcome aboard fellow traveller. Remember it's only a movie...


A list of films John Waters has referenced in his interviews, books, commentaries, and other work as influential to his career or that he is a fan of otherwise.

Includes all of the films ranked in his yearly 'Artforum: Best Of' year-end lists. (

This list is a work in progress, by no means a complete reference.

Cross referenced at (with JW quotes pertaining to each title)



A cinematic history mixed with contemporary art.
Cinema is full of neurotic personalities, but few things are more transfixing than a woman losing her mind onscreen. Horror as a genre provides the most welcoming platform for these histrionics: crippling paranoia, desperate loneliness, masochistic death-wishes, dangerous obsessiveness, apocalyptic hysteria. Unlike her male counterpart - ‘the eccentric’ - the female neurotic lives a shamed existence, making these films those rare places where her destructive emotions get to play.


The German spelling "Grethel" appears in the original text.
The English translation is "Gretel".


Aqueles filmes com cara de Oscar ou Palma de Ouro
