Shouts about...

Crossfire Trail 2001

"God invented the whiskey to keep the Irish from ruling the world."

I had never heard of this movie, but I did grow up reading a few Louis L'Amour books so I was intrigued. I would say this is an OK western movie considering it was a TV movie. Tom Selleck looks great as a cowboy, and that is about as much as I had hoped for.

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The good points? The production values are great; the sets really take you back in time. All of the actors give an outstanding performance, especially Tom Selleck (Magnum, P.I.) as the lead, and Mark Harmon as the antagonist. I loved the action sequences as well. The bad points? Way too much profanity; it seemed as if there were an expletive in almost every sentence! Also, a bit of sexual content was present; there was talk of a guy "raping a squaw". While I expected violence--what's a Western without it?--I wasn't expecting excessive profanity, especially not from a movie based on a classic work of literature, and one that is rated "G" in Canada. (What were the raters thinking? This would definitely get "PG-13" here in the States!) Unless you have a way to eliminate the profanity from your movies and TV shows, I'd suggest discerning viewers stay away.

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