Personal Lists featuring...

Detective Conan: Captured in Her Eyes 2000


Animes that I've completely watched, including OVAs and movies.

This list is ordered by the most recent animes, down to the first ones that I've watched.


XerBlade’s episode guide to shorter expenditures into Detective Conan world…

I have compiled a list of canon episodes that are actually significant as well as listed the reasons someone may believe them to be essential…

…more detailed information, please go to

NB: Hide the series (first two)… filter them out, or click this [,episode].


Aggregate list of all films, watched & unwatched. Begins with highest rated films.
Rating System:
10: I loved it and 100% will watch it multiple times.
6-9: I enjoyed the film despite some minor or major issues. Closer it is to 10, the more likely I will watch the movie again willingly.
5: Movie is straight up meh. Does not mean the movie is bad/unwatchable. Most likely will not watch these again unless convinced otherwise.
1-4: These are all just 1's. I just think they suck and I didn't enjoy them at all. Will probably never watch again unless convinced otherwise.


Some personal favorites of Animated Movies of all kinds


List of TV shows and Movies that I recently watched or remember well.


Items to be updated. Please don't like the list. It's just for use with a script as I'm still too lazy to implement the auth just for this. Thank you.


كل الأنمي اللي عم اشوفه او شوفته ~


Anime I have seen. But unfortunately there are a lot of OVAs missing because i can't find them on or TVBd.
