Personal Lists featuring...

Detective Conan: Captured in Her Eyes 2000


كل الأنمي اللي عم اشوفه او شوفته ~


Anime Series and Movies that I watched or plan to watch.



*If there is already an anime, only new storylines and not anime's recap


Items to be updated. Please don't like the list. It's just for use with a script as I'm still too lazy to implement the auth just for this. Thank you.


XerBlade’s episode guide to shorter expenditures into Detective Conan world…

I have compiled a list of canon episodes that are actually significant as well as listed the reasons someone may believe them to be essential…

…more detailed information, please go to

NB: Hide the series (first two)… filter them out, or click this [,episode].


Aggregate list of all films, watched & unwatched. Begins with highest rated films.
Rating System:
10: I loved it and 100% will watch it multiple times.
6-9: I enjoyed the film despite some minor or major issues. Closer it is to 10, the more likely I will watch the movie again willingly.
5: Movie is straight up meh. Does not mean the movie is bad/unwatchable. Most likely will not watch these again unless convinced otherwise.
1-4: These are all just 1's. I just think they suck and I didn't enjoy them at all. Will probably never watch again unless convinced otherwise.


Anime I have seen. But unfortunately there are a lot of OVAs missing because i can't find them on or TVBd.


Some personal favorites of Animated Movies of all kinds
