Shouts about...

Erotic Nightmare 1999

Some softcore sex, a bit of black magic, a lot of horny Anthony Wong, ALL Category III.

Erotic Nightmare is the second film out of the three in Vinegar Syndroms Made In Hong Kong Volume 1 set, and the film I was the least excited about when the announcement came. It sounded very generic and cheap, but turned out to be a nice little black magic affair. You get the sex also, of course, and yes... I can confirm that seeing Anthony Wong in softcore scenes might trigger some unforeseen consequences. Mine was a damn cramp in my stomach after laughing too much. Yours might be different.

While the pacing is rather weird, and the tonal shift is quite abrupt, this is kinda fun, and at the halfway point, when the film turns from almost a sex comedy to straight up horror, you really get your moneys worth of Cat III weirdness.

Erotic Nightmare might not be my favourite Category III film, but it sure as hell wasn't bad.

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