The sword fight at the beginning was really well done. The models and animation looked really good, especially for its time. That sexy tension between opponents is so early 2000’s, and I’m here for it. However, that was the high point. The characters looked like they'd set up residence in the uncanny valley, and the dialogue was okay. I liked the plot hook they introduced in the real world, and the action sequences where the crew shoots the Sentinels was pretty neat, but the realistic movement we saw in the opening scene disappears as soon as Jue enters the Matrix. The animation became devoid of momentum, which was really jarring. And on top of all that, this short story is missing a resolution. It just kind of ends, and it makes me wonder how those nine minutes could have been better spent.

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They really thought this was the showstopper huh. Tekken 4 ass cutscene. Emphasis on the ass.

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