Personal Lists featuring...

G.I. Jane 1997


sometimes all you need is a strong woman to guide you.


List of the movies referenced in Gilmore Girls. Work in progress because I'm adding them as I watch them. They will be in order of when they are referenced. (Watched 8 others that are referenced later so will be added later so they are in the correct order.) Currently on movies referenced in 3x19.

Full reviews of each movie and how they are referenced can be found here:


I always love how the underdogs turn out to be the champion :D


Source: IMDB
Filter: Votes >= 10000
Order: Votes Descending
Date: 2014-08-23


Female leads that kick ass. Mostly action movies… tough babes, gals, women, females, broads, vixens, girls, femmes, ladies, bitches, grannys, mothers, daughters, sisters etc


Shows and movies released between 1990 and 1999.


All movies on IMDB released from 1990 to 1999, with over 50,000 votes.


These are just movies I have on DVD/Blu-Ray as of now and any I get in the future before I start my own collection (they're mainly my family's collection). There are also most likely some not accounted for, because they're lying around somewhere hidden.

I plan on starting my own collection in the future.
