The amount of time and effort put into this show are astronomical. Every member of the crew did their job perfectly except the writers.

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All that effort, all that hard work and love put into every tiny little aspect of the show, only for it all to be ruined by the writing.

I hope none of these wonderful people blame the backlash on their work ... imagine working for 55 nights straight for such an outcome.

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You get a feeling of the camaraderie of all the people on this set and a tiny insight into this unbelievable effort of creating that show logistically and technically.

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I got to appreciate the people behind the show, and the amount of passion and production needed to make the show. I do believe that GOT made tv show/series standards to a level that barely any other show can reach. I just wished I also saw the other actors behind the scene..but I guess this documentary was more about the other people behind the limelight.

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