Shouts about...

Ghost in the Shell 1995

Having seen the movie twice in short succession, I still don't understand any of the politics, which is a pretty hefty chunk of plot and expository dialogue. But I don't think it's important neither really the point of the film. The images are stunning and the sound is superb.

The main points of the movie about consciousness, life and also some of the more dark aspects of cyberpunk dystopias are very well executed. The first two hinge a bit too much in exposition, but the latter is kind of scary. Not about the deep philosophical issues, but the mundane practical stuff of everyday business. This is a universe in which (some) people's brain can be hacked and implanted with false memories, don't own the body they inhabit and are in complete dependence of third party constant maintenance. You realise that the darkness about becoming more like machines than human is not an abstract sense of humanity, feelings or some esoteric division between biological and mechanical entities; no, it's about how limited machines are and how you lose so much of the benefits of biology.

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I first watched this movie with my brother back in 1997, at the beginning of an epic animé phase we both went through that lasted almost two years. It remains, in my opinion, the finest animated film in this genre to date. It's almost prescient in it's examination of philosophical humanity, and the rise of AI. Watching it again, it makes me realise it is the reason why I love robot Sci fi. The only sci fi I love better is Robots in Space.

My brother died last year, and this is the first time I've watched this film in a decade and it made me miss him a great deal. Miss him, and appreciate that this was our 'thing' back when we were young and foolish.

One note: I've watched both Japanese sub-titled and American dubbed versions over the years. While I appreciate the American dub, my favourite still remains the original Japanese language film.

#BeKindToCylons #KeepEmClose

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Excellent movie. There was a lot more nudity and a lot less violence than I expected, but the correct amount if cybernetics and philosophy of mind (which is to say: a shit-ton). There's some strange ambiguous motivation on the part of the Pupper Master. It's never really clear why it needs Mayor to be complete or to reproduce.

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The philosophy behind this movie is frightening and stunning. I build my own philosophy and imaginary palace with this film. I build my own personality with the lines of this movie in mind. It’s probably the most important film in my life and I saw it when I was 7.

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Ghost in the Shell is a visually stunning film with a complex and thought-provoking story. The film explores themes of identity, consciousness, and what it means to be human in a world where technology is rapidly blurring the lines between the two.

The film's animation is still impressive today, over 25 years after its release. The film's use of CGI was groundbreaking at the time, and it still holds up today. The film's world is awash in neon lights and rain, and the character designs are both stylish and iconic. The story is also complex and thought-provoking. The film explores themes of identity, consciousness, and what it means to be human in a world where technology is rapidly blurring the lines between the two. The film's questions are still relevant today, and they make the film a must-watch for anyone interested in science fiction or philosophy.

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I've always loved this film, so everything I say would only be praise, and that is just boring. What I can talk about is the 4K transfer I just watched. Ghost in the Shell has never looked this good. I thought the old blu-ray were good, but damn... this was something else. If you like this film, this is a must-have.

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The story picks it up pretty much right in the beginning and being a fan of science fiction, it was quite a rewarding experience. Interesting premise, a haunting and beautiful soundtrack and pretty much a solid storyline.

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Spectacular, fascinating. It catches you from start to finish. A masterpiece.

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A really good movie and one of the milestones of Cyberpunk culture.

If you're moving your first steps into the amazing world of cyberpunk, you don't wanna miss this one.

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i much prefer ghosts to snails

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I have always heard wonderful things about this movie, yet I had only ever seen the rather lackluster live action movie. This was easily better than that version, even if I don't particularly love it. Because of that, this is an easy one to recommend for someone curious in anime.

Rating: 3.5/5 - 8/10 - Would Recommend

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This was an animated film that entranced me from start to finish. The animation for its time was stellar, and even now holds up as the pinnacle of its art form. It brings up interesting philosophical questions about self, identity, and meaning. As a whole, I found it to be a great film!

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The idea and philosophy of this movie is really stunning and makes you think about future of humans and technology

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An interesting premise, but the animator was too enamoured with his artwork to keep the story moving (for example, there was one long scene of city streets, no dialogue, only music, dragged everything to a halt, just when the story most needed to come to some progressions). An editing room would have helped this film tremendously. This is considered Iconic cyberpunk, and, many people speak of it being evocative of BLADE RUNNER, but I found the exposition to be labourious, and the anime self indulgent. I, apologetically, give it a 5 (meh) out of 10. I am, however, curious to know where the evolution (pun intended) of the story goes.

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Shout by J7
BlockedParent2022-02-22T16:31:42Z— updated 2022-08-18T03:25:26Z

This movie is well acted and well animated. For the time I believe that this was a revolutionary film. But by todays standards I think that the film lacks substance and needed a little bit more story wise. I think that the symbolism and messaging are great but overall this film needs more. It may have innovated Sci-fi films and changed them forever but I think this film falls short of reaching its full potential. I think there are many other Cyber Punk films that are worth a watch. Akira, Blade Runner, Blade Runner 2049, or Terminator are all films that hold more weight and overall have more value in my opinion. Ghost in the shell isn't bad but I believe that any film with a lack of story is hard to get invested in or really appreciate.

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Great visuals, but the plot is dull and boring.

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I've seen it 3 times (just now the new 4k bluray) and still don't get the hype. I do think the setting, design and animation are great. And there are some good ideas here but it's a lot of mumbo jumbo and exposition.

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The original title of the film is Kôkaku Kidôtai.

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