Stuff moved out of my main Cyberpunk list - Mostly Anime


"As cybernetic technology advances, criminal activities are becoming daily common occurrences. For Chief Aramaki and his ELITE squad, Section 9, they are the only ones with the means to put an end to cyber terrorism. Join Togusa, Ishikawa, The Major, Batou, Tachikomas, and the rest of the Section 9 team through a intellectual roller coaster ride in the 21st century."


List of every movies and series i got on my Plex server.


Mostly are different set up, but this is the order i normally watch and have more fun and makes more sense to me,,, for example The original Movie probably should be watch before the series S.A.C. but for me makes more sense to watch it after SSS...

time line


Mijn anime films en series lijst.
Ik ben vooral fan van mecha dus dat genre komt het meeste voor
