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Godzilla Minus One 2023

Really enjoyed this one. The visuals look great, music was perfect including the sound effects. The story is good, and you will root for the characters (that even change and progress as the story goes). Godzilla is scary and menacing. I can't think of anything I did not like. Can't wait for a streaming release to see it again.

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Never would I have thought a Godzilla movie would be so emotional and deep. Def a must see movie for the year

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It was alright, they didn't really do anything different from the Godzilla movies everyone disliked so I don't know why this one was reviewed so highly.

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homegirl could've jumped AND pulled main dude down instead of just pushing him

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Boring af. This not a Godzilla movie. We barely see it.

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Well, this a huge let down. Over-hyped, and especially OVER-RATED (yeah, you lot with your 10/10 fake reviews, as if this was even close to perfect). It's just a Japanese soap opera mixed in with a little Godzilla.
After reading about how the special effects were so good, I was very disappointed. And the soap opera-acting... so terrible... with all the actors with their shocked faces and eyes coming out of their sockets, in nearly every scene. Just terrible.

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A movie that creates fear thru the removal of hope. The instillment of despair.

And the spoon-feeding of hope again.

Amazing direction, brilliant sound design, bold acting

There were moments were I genuinely was scared of Godzilla, hopeless. And moments were I just wanted to hug the main character who was going through so much.

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LOVED this movie and so did the entire motley crew of young, old, male, female etc I watched it with. I particularly loved the Godzilla creature and the Japanese retro style. It’s absolutely amazing that they pulled it off for less than $15M. Hollywood would need $250M to make the exact same movie. The human story was also pretty compelling but I often wished they would have cut it short and gotten back to dear ol’ “Gozzilla” - love how they pronounce his name in Japanese. My only real problem with the film was the main character whose wussieness was pushed to far IMO. I’m all for being in tune with your emotions and not keeping them bottled up but this guy is a sobbing whimpering self pittying mess during the whole movie. Instead of “manning up” and accepting his failures he compounds them and has the balls to try to get other people to feel sorry for him. Had he been a touch more honorable and less pathetic I would have rated this movie a 9. So instead it only get’s an 8. I know they’ll be crushed but so be it.

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Wondering if the people rating this 9 or 10 even watched the same movie as me. Did not live up to the hype. I'm gonna go watch Shin Godzilla again.

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Much better than any of the recent Godzilla movies that I have seen. Great destruction scenes, interesting plot, good sfx. Some of the blatant foreshadowing was unnecessary and predictable but it was a great choice for a theater viewing.

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Godzilla: Minus One is probably the only Godzilla movie to get to me emotionally. With human characters you actually care about.
I usually complain when a Godzilla movie has too many human scenes and not enough Godzilla. The story is so engaging and occasionally heartbreaking even. That I didn’t always wonder where Godzilla was.
Since I actually felt like I was watching a masterpiece unfold. Which you never feel while watching the American movies.

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To be honest, I am not the biggest Godzilla fan. I am not the biggest fan of needing to read subtitles while I watch a film. Somehow, someway, this movie was incredible. Easily my favorite Godzilla movie I have ever seen (please spare me if I have not seen some great one, because there are a lot of them). The action is BRUTAL. The plot is surprisingly good, with plenty of character development. The monster scenes often left me in "awe". If you have not seen this and it is showing in a theater near you, please check it out!

Rating: 5/5 - 95% - Highly Recommend

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War ruins lives drama with some great Godzilla scenes.. really great ones.

The kid's review: (8&10)
"the long talking bits were a bit boring ,and they talked too fast sometimes we couldn't read all the subtitles,
Godzilla was soo good, he kept changing too, and it made us cry at the end.,
there weren't any scary bits though, why do ppl say there were scary bits?"

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Wow, just wow. Tohoku truly surpassed my expectations and Godzilla is the real deal. You feel for the Japanese people in this movie and they lack trust in their government. When this monster shows up at their shores it falls on the bravery of Japanese citizens to defeat the beast.

For a movie with a 15 or 30 million dollar budget it feels like a 150 Million Dollar budget, especially when Godzilla stares directly at you through the screen. What a thrill and amazing movie.

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The film, overall, succeeds in finding the right balance between the human and monstrous dimensions. I found both the post-war setting and the "maritime" dimension chosen for the battles interesting, and the underlying themes are relatively fresh for the genre. Unfortunately, the overall execution feels like a cheesy melodrama, especially in regard to the acting and exposition-heavy dialogue. This may be a somewhat imperceptible issue for overseas audiences, but at the same time it’s been widely recognized as a trademark of Yamazaki’s filmography in Japan.

When Godzilla takes center stage, everything remains electrifying, if not for the chain of three plot twists that killed the mood in the very last few minutes. The first was necessary, as any other kind of resolution would have undermined the film's overarching message, but the other two were truly avoidable both in terms of conception and execution.

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I'm sorry I had high expectations for this movie but it was boring.

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Godzilla minus one is probably the best movie I’ve seen this year. Not only is it an action packed and exciting experience, but it also tells a deeply human story of rebuilding and redemption. And the action scenes are some of the most frightening kaiju scenes I’ve ever watched. Miss it on the big screen at your own peril!

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Very good. Maybe sliiightly overhyped from all the "movie of the year" reviews I've seen, but it had a good story which is quite impressive for a Godzilla feature with characters you care for. Some overacting here and there took me out of the moment a little bit.

It also may have been our theatre's print but it was blurry in fast sequence and looked to be 480p in other stationary scenes. Still a very solid entry at a 7.6 for me.

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Shout by whitsbrain
BlockedParent2023-12-06T00:35:17Z— updated 2024-01-22T13:31:06Z

This is one of the very best Godzilla movies ever made. There's a really good human story and every moment that Godzilla is on-screen is great. The post-WWII setting absolutely adds to the desperation of the main characters and the dread of having to once again survive an attacking force, this time in the form of a beast that isn't protecting the Earth or any such nonsense. Godzilla is a force of nature (or science) that doesn't care about anything or anyone.

The only drawbacks of this movie are an irritatingly manipulative moment (tugboats) and a couple of unbelievably coincidental reunions.

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The movie was overhyped and did not live up to its ratings. It had bad CGI, poor acting, and a cliché Independence Day storyline. I expected more.

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That ending at the hospital was some soap opera BS! You would not get away with that twist in a western movie. That and some of the acting.
A kamikaze sacrifice would have been better but I can get down with the "choose life" lesson, too.
The movie didn't reinvent the wheel as I was led to believe by the hype but it was a good two hours, all in all.

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That's a nice movie.
Just looking at the planning and coordination from Japan, makes me wonder if the West could survive something like this today.

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This Godzilla ain't no joke! Forget that cheesy American stuff where he breathes fire and fights other monsters. This Godzilla is pure mean and scary, like a giant lizard from the bad dreams you don't wanna wake up from.

Here's the good part: No more waiting for Godzilla to save the day. This time, it's all about people just trying to survive. It's like a monster truck rally gone wrong, only the monster truck is the size of a city and way angrier. The movie really puts you right in the middle of the mess, shaking the ground and knocking down buildings like bowling pins. You can practically feel the roar in your chest!

This ain't a happy movie. It's more like "Godzilla: Destroyer of Stuff" and it'll leave you thinking twice about giant lizard neighbors. But hey, if you like your movies with a kick and a whole lotta "wow, that's big!".

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Such a great movie. Regret not able to watch in theatre

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The first time that I actually liked a Godzilla movie. It looks and sounds amazing. The whole thing is very well balanced. Overall story is really enjoyable, but the scenes where Godzilla goes absolutely berserk are the absolute highlight for me.

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It's a Godzilla movie, with some serious depth! Set in the last days of world war II, it's themes of grief, shame and redemption hit deep. The special effects are unreal given the budget they had. Easily the best Godzilla movie since the original! This movie will be analyzed in film schools and psych classes for years to come!

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For a $15 million budget, this is insane. For most of the movie, the vfx/sfx is beautiful, but I can't get over the Godzilla eyes. They break the whole character. The score wasn't nessarily tense, more so military. The drama and acting, especially by Ryunosuke, was very unexpected. It carved itself first, making it almost more important than godzilla, unlike in the Warner Bros versions. Honestly, I'm impressed by the passion and improvements Yamazaki and his team put in. Lost me in afew parts, and underwhelmed me in others, but I can't wait for what they do next.

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Perfection, everything here is magnificent, starting with the visual effects, they're stunning, it was an Oscar more than deserved. The story is very good, the characters are so well developed that you become attached to them. The script is very well done, nothing is forgotten, as is the direction, which dared to create something really different. This movie is a true experience of how amazing cinema is, Godzilla is amazing.

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This is one of those movies that stands the test of time. it's the perfect amount of new mixed with homage to the original 1954 gojira movie. the love that was put into this film is astounding. the attention to detail, the crafting, the aesthetic are all picture perfect.

I even love that for the design they decided to base the look entirely off of the stiff rigid motion of the original suit actor. the face of Godzilla almost looks mildly comical because it's just so cute, and then you see that giant face poking out of the water chasing you and it's no longer cute just downright terrifying. the suspense they are able to Garner out of this film is fantastic.

it also pays homage to all the other great Kaiju movies that Godzilla spawned so it doesn't discount the camp that itself created. and thankfully it also doesn't lean too much into it.

I also find it hilarious that when the director of the 2014 movie saw Godzilla - 1 he was filled with rage and jealousy and said "this is what a Godzilla movie should be"

He's right you know

damn good film

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Godzilla put me right to sleep. The moment the monsters' blown-off face magically began to regenerate was when I knew this movie wasn't for me.

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Saw this on Xmas Day like baby Jesus intended. Godzilla Minus One was pretty great. Overall story & action was simple, straightforward giving you a bit of Jaws, Moby Dick and ID4, etc. But then there are the layers of WWII guilt, regret, grief, helplessness, nihilism, redemption. So much Japanese angst that I identified with so much. I tend to stay away from war movies cuz they hit a bit too close to home, but this one sneaked in. I cried at the end

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Like Thanksgiving dinner: I'm thankful there's enough meat and even if I don't like all the sides, they do make the meal more well-rounded.

This reboot of a reboot does a good job of resurrecting Godzilla with its hommage to the original and its practical effects (which were probably CGI, tbh). The whole family storyline worked to give the film some depth, though unnecessarily dragged out the first act so much they had to include a dream sequence.

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Amazing!! See it on the biggest screen possible!!

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It's absolutely staggering that this movie was made for less than $15 million. Eat your heart out, Hollywood.

Also, I would 100% watch this if Godzilla wasn't in it. He was cool and all, but everything from the post-war drama to the character writing was so interesting.

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Great! A study in survivor guilt, battle trauma and a generation trying to find meaning in a post war world. oh and when the big guy turns up it is properly terrifying.

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I had read that it was very good, they were short, it is the best Godzilla movie we have seen. Apart from the actors, the script and the effects, the Dolby Atmos sound is brutal.

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This is like a delicious hot pot combination of Dunkirk and Godzilla

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Good movie, pretty good CG. Still prefer Shin Godzilla though.

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I liked it...
but it lacked something...

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Fairly straightforward no frills monster thriller, all very well executed and delivered. Entertaining as all hell

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Simply the best Godzilla film ever made. Even Godzilla looks like the original Godzilla with some modification on its spine thorns.

Simply brilliant

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Wait a second. So Godzilla is not humans savior and actually a devastating monster? Who knew?

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Excellent godzilla movie all the destruction amazing.

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Not that much good but one time watch

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Definitely the most entertaining Godzilla movie I have seen. At times, the overacting felt like a play.

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This is Japanese Oppenheimer and it’s fucking great

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Very good effects and very entertaining!!!

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Godzilla Minus One (2023) - :heart:x7

This is basically a retelling of the original Godzilla(s) from the 1950s. It is a really good retelling and absolutely worth watching.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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For a somewhat stiff-moving Godzilla, it's pretty good. The Oscar was well-deserved.

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Godzilla itself was great. It came in and completely obliterated everything in it's path. That's how it's supposed to be. This part is watchable.
But absolutely dreadful acting, plot holes, and weird drama. This part is an abomination.

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Entertaining, emotive and even stimulating with references and discourse and whatnot. Predictable, but fair enough for a monster franchise prequel. But I have difficulties not getting caught up in the numerous plot holes and the lacking CGI in place of practical effects. What finally dropped it from a seven to a six was the idiotic climax shifting all dramatic tension and release and attention from Godzilla threatening the fleet first hand and then all of Tokyo to the lead character supposedly sacrificing himself like everybody else were prepared to do, although we all of course anticipated the eject seat twistaroo. It's so stupid it hurts.

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Excellent special effects but more Godzilla and less human drama would have served this film better.

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Surface level drama, unsatisfying action, alright CGI, poor acting, cheesy characters and one of the dumbest plans i've ever heard to take down a Godzilla that instantly regenerates. The PTSD guilt trip storyline was interesting and I wish we got a bit further with that. I enjoyed the action set piece in the second act but everything else wasn't epic and satisfying enough. Although looking at all this with the fact that it's done on a low budget, I fully respect the effort.

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A great movie which i enjoyed a lot.Visual effects,cinematography,directing everything was superb and the story was more than a descent one.Godzila at it's best a new fresh idea that worked in a very good way. 8.1/10

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This movie shows how f***d up is hollywood, better then any Us Godzilla movie filmed there

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My initial struggles with the Japanese melodrama quickly evaporated when the titular kaiju made his first destructive appearance. Post-war messaging and allegory are heavy and resounding; what initially was difficult melodrama became investment and high stakes. A rare monster flick that manages to interweave human emotion and satisfying character arcs between the folds of giant lizard screeches and city destruction. Deserved Oscar winner and worthy of the constant online praise, Godzilla Minus One shows that the kaiju formula is far from dead in the water.

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Filmmaking at its most epic level !!

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Visuals were absolutely great and the music just added to it. The background story was a bit long for me but all I really want is more Godzilla. I do find it interesting looking at the differences between Toho and the Americanized versions of Godzilla.

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Why show this movie with No Links?

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Long live japanese movie...

Best experience

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This movie is not about Godzilla, although it's a very good Godzilla. It's about people and while it's mostly about the people in the movie, it's trying to say something about people everywhere and what their potential is. I loved it!

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shame its not in English I cant be dealing with subs

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Yes i was disappointed withi this one, i was hoping for much better and lived up the hyped and all the glory reviews. Visually it was perfect of course but the story was slow and build up in two parts. The first part was boring and did not do justice to all the hype the drama was over the top and tried to build a story that was not needed for a godzilla movie. Yhe second part had of course all the action and some good moments but i expected a lot more from this type of a foreign movie. Probably an 8 but you can definitely remove one point due to the ending, why to be Hollywood happy ? it deserved a more extravaganza ending.

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Overall, it's one of the better godzilla films.
For me, there are too many emotional bs bits, but other who like that, probably a great movie.

Loved the cgi monster.

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Great soundtrack, mind-blowing visual effects, heart warming stories, fantastic storytelling, amazing acting. this has it all. I'm just mad I didn't get to watch it in one go but I definitely will the next time.

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Great movie! Liked every minute of it. The monster design is something a bit to weird and cartoony that didnt fit the movie vibe imo.

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This Movie is better than most Hollywood films

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The portrayal of Godzilla in this film is so well done with great action sequences and a very emotional central narrative. Considering the budget, the CGI is really good too.

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2023; The year Japan took Godzilla back from Hollywood!

This movie was exceptional. Because it's set in 1945, the whole vibe of the movie is very authentic. I don't want to compare this to any of the Hollywood movies. I like those too. I would treat this movie as the origin story. This movie is written differently. It has depth, explores the human characters and their condition in great detail, rather the being all about action and CGI.

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Gojira (ゴジラ) himself serves as a metaphor to the nuclear bomb. But it also serves as a reinvention of the Japanese past.

Post-war Japan is at its lowest point when a new crisis emerges in the form of a giant monster, baptized in the horrific power of the atomic bomb.

The movie has everything you'd expect in the MONSTERVERSE: It's a very good blend of action and human drama, exploring themes such as war, peace, guilt, and resilience. It puts disastrously stunning visuals and music on the table.

Just stop whatever you're doing and watch this.

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The first fully subtitled movie I brought my daughter to. She was absolutely hooked from the start even with the large portions of dialogue filled dramatic scenes. She can’t wait to see more Godzilla and Monster flicks.

This movie really shows you what it would be like living in terror barely making it through a an unstoppable Godzilla attack. You can barely survive and they’re trying to save their land with everything they have. A real emotional rollercoaster filled with absolutely stunning visuals.

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I know it was partially reused for the newer MonsterVerse movies, but hearing Ifukube's Godzilla theme near the end took me right back to being obsessed with Godzilla Raids Again when I was 10.

God, this was the perfect combination of a worthy inclusion to the franchise and fan service, which is such a rarity nowadays.

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Amazing!! The human story is actually as good or better than the Godzilla parts! And finally the mainstream is appreciating a Godzilla movie for once!

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Rated a Connor 5, normal 7.7

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The coming of a age story of a WWII Japanese kamikaze pilot or the best on screen presentation ever of Godzilla.

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