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Hocus Pocus 2 2022


Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2022-09-30T22:36:40Z— updated 2022-10-03T19:00:50Z

Better than the first as soon as it starts. With a strong and fun backstory for the Sanderson sisters. Though it does lose a little steam by the end.

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Well worth the wait!!! So glad it turned out good

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I can’t believe it’s been almost 30 years since the original came out! As far as this one goes, it’s literally everything I could want in a sequel (especially this many years later). It hits many of the same notes and tone, and is truly a successful follow up! If you like the first, you will like this one. If you don’t like the first, don’t watch this one thinking it will change your mind. Despite this, when I want more from the Sanderson sisters, I will probably just turn on the original…but that’s not a knock on this one. Can’t beat nostalgia at the end of the day!

Rating: 3/5 - 7.5/10 - Worth Watching

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Being a huge fan of the original movie, I was worried this would be a disaster, but it was everything I had hoped it would be. The tone, visuals, and acting are all there. Hocus Pocus 2 is able to hold enough from the first movie to be recognizable, while adding enough new ideas to not just be a boring copy.
Our new, young protagonists are delightful, and give the movie a theme of friendship, rather than family, that was the driving force in the 1993 movie.
The Sanderson sisters are still amazing, and we even get to see them as kids - I don't know who found the young girls to play them, but they did a great job; seriously, I could have watched a movie just about them.
There are loads of laughs here, a little bit of music, and at almost two hours, the movie just flies by. I will absolutely watch this every October - along with the first Hocus Pocus. Fans of the original are going to love this, and anyone new to our trio of witches can jump in and still enjoy.

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This is an amazing sequel, totally worth the watch! Gotta love the Sanderdon Sisters! :black_heart:

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It's so cool to see the Sanderson Sisters again! It's such a nostalgia trip. That being said, the movie is just okay. I really loved the beginning with the Sisters' origin story; I would've loved if it was longer.

The present day teenagers were boring as hell though. Just like the joke in the movie, I forgot their names too. It's like every teenage lead now has to be intelligent, confident, witty, good looking, an outsider but in a cool way, and their only faults seem to be that they're so confident it causes conflict that they're always in the right about. I loved in the first film how the three teenage leads all had very different personalities, and were able to bounce off of each other well.

The film was also missing any real scary moments. In the original, the Sisters seemed like a real threat. Here, they're never really intimidating, because the producers would never allow it.

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It was good. I wish they would have sang i put a spell on you though.

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Whitney Peak is just annoying.

Aren't there any good actors out there?

Bette Miller, Kathy Najimy and even Sarah J Parker were great!

And now no-one can't say a joke that everything is making fun of someone?

It's not. Grow up!

They ruin movies that could be really good with these abuse of political correctness.

3 Stars, one for each original witch.

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Pretty good actually. Fans should be satisfied.

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The credits song is rolling and I am still feeling from how utterly disappointed I am with Hocus Pocus 2. The mid-show spell song really sealed the deal, as it was just a s***y cover, instead of something fun and original, not to mention not near as catchy as the original. The "youth" cast was boring af, and untalented (Note: I am not speaking of the opener; those children were AMAZING and we're honestly among the best part of the movie, though however briefly portrayed). Hocus Pocus 2 was wholly a let-down, and I am sorry the director thinks this this movie is worthy of succession, especially 29 years later.

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The first twenty minutes, amazing!

Everything else was a complete and total let down as I knew it would be. There was a reason it wasn’t done for over twenty years.

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Did they really need a redemption arc? I feel like this movie was missing all the heart of the original story, where the other characters who weren't the Sandersons drove the story forward, where the death of a small girl resulted in her brother being trapped for centuries, and the eventual outcome was both happy and sad at the same time. This one was just... meh.

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[Disney+] The best that can be said is that it's just as dumb as the original movie, but it forgets what "Hocus Pocus" (1993) so firmly assumed that it was what ultimately made it a success: being a movie of Halloween. This version wants to be more of a coming-of-age in which the witches play a supporting role. But worst of all, it can't find a way to update itself to be more than just a nostalgic look.

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Weak cash grab. Typical passing of the torch story to set up a revamped franchise.

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A must watch for all the nineties kids that grew up and loved the first one (like myself). I had so much fun watching the Sanderson Sisters return. The chemistry between Bette, Sarah J and Kathy is still there and it's like no time has passed. The story is fun, goofy and there is singing again which come on, we all need!
It's not as good as the first but it's all about the sentiment for me. I waited for this movie and it didn't disappoint.
Oh and I now need a movie that features Mother witch because that bit was too short!

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The first Hocus Pocus movie wasn't that great and neither is this follow-up. There are a couple of laughs but the tepid writing failed to bewitch me.

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Mike is the real hero, putting up with all that judgment and lack of understanding from his female teenage counterparts seems pretty unkind of them to just make fun of him when he's really trying to be a nice person

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It may not hold a (black flame) candle to the original but it absolutely has the charm, spirit and gusto of it!

The new and old cast were excellent. The throw backs were excellent. The stupid puns actually had my millennial arse laughing out loud.

The only let down (for me) was the somewhat happy spin that Disney have come to do, start and end this time. That being said this is still absolutely one of those films that is going to win the hearts of new Hocus Pocus fans, and quite rightly so!

The Sanderson Sisters will never not be present on any Halloween night to come for a long, long time

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I love the original. I liked the book sequel way better than the movie sequel.

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I think this is an ok follow-up to the original (even tho I don't really remember the original much). As a stand-alone movie, it was passable and did have a couple of chuckles.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Shout by JLumsden

A great sequel to a classic. Beginning the film with explaining the background of where the Sanderson sisters originated from is brilliant, as they tie that in to influence the premise of the plot and the new young cast. The spookiness and special affects are great. The plot line is easy to follow and moves along well. Its very comical as it shows the witches reaction to modern day life. This second film follows three young girls who accidentally bring back to life the Sanderson sisters. They are chased and tricked throughout the entire film until finaly the Sanderson sisters come to a conclusion.

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First of all, the original was a kids film and obviously, we’ve all aged since then as have the lead characters. I expected this long awaited sequel to be dire but I was actually very surprised. It was an enjoyable, Disney back to its roots affair and yeah, I really enjoyed it. The teens were a bit meh… instantly forgettable. I think the boyfriend dude would have been better as one of the three as his character did have at least something unique about him. The original cast however, we’re superb as ever. I just wanted more of them… and I still want more… somehow… some way… Hocus Pocus 3 anyone?

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Extremely watchable fun. Lives up to expectations. I would happily rewatch in the right mood.

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Didn’t like the original but this is a good film even if you don’t like the original

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lots of good laughs, and so much nostalgia for the first movie. I enjoyed it a lot!


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Kind of mehh. For me the Sanderson Sisters didn't fit this modern setting and didn't match with the rest of the cast. If it wasn't for Midler's performance as Winifred this would have been a 4 or a 5 for me.

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The first movie is one of them, liked it when i was kid but not same now and all this sequel did was show me it didn’t need one with a predictable plot that was rushed and with some cheesy silly gags but it was still watchable and had some laughable moments.

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I found the movie to be delightful, it wasn't the original but it did deliver. I was fully engrossed in the story the whole time is refreshing and delightful and a 10 out of 10 recommend and everyone that I've recommended this movie to has absolutely adored it.

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There was no way this would've ever lived up to the original but it was definitely fun. I wish the main new characters would've been fleshed out a bit more though

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Pure. Cash. Grab.

This movie is garbage, a bunch of has-beens trying to be relevant.

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