Shouts about...

Horrible Bosses 2 2014

Unfortunately, a waste of time.

Final credits, better than movie.

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Sorry but I like this movie, maybe I like bad comedy or whatever but I laughed a lot at this movie. Not as original as the first Horrible Bosses obviously but still funny at least I thought. I mean not much different from the first one by the fact that the cast is what makes the movie good just their interactions and their chemistry carry the movie first one just had a better concept and was fresh breathe of air where as this one breathes the same air which isn't always bad.

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Apparently what the authors and the director though is funny, is to let every character speak at the same time all throughout the movie. Unfortunately (besides the rest, so every single joke also not being funny) this made me hate the movie so much… cliches over cliches and bad jokes over bad jokes… I rarely rate movies this low, but this is a movie that you shouldn't even watch if it's the very last movie in the universe you've not seen…

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couldn't even force myself to finish it. such a shame, first one was alright.

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When the funniest part of the film is the bloopers, you know that you have problems. The best characters from the first (Aniston and Spacey) are largely reduced to extended cameos, yet still manage to be the best thing in the film and the rest is a largely unfunny and meandering plot that occasionally raises a smile. Like The Hangover sequels, this is a lazy effort to milk some cash from a fairly successful original that had nowhere else to go.

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Should be rebadged the 3 Stooges

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I haven't seen the first movie in ages, but I recall liking it. This one... it's good, but the humor relies so heavily on our trio being so painfully stupid in order for the story to work, that I had a hard time not wanting them to fail. Really, the saving grace was Jason Bateman, as Nick, who is there to act as a filter for the audience, since he is the only one who isn't a complete moron.
Despite all of that, there are plenty of funny moments here; I can't remember what they were, I just remember laughing a few times. That's the other problem: the movie is just forgettable.
I need to give the first one another watch.
If you're a fan of dumb comedies, you'll dig this.

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this is like the avengers but instead of superheroes it's a team of earth's mightiest dilfs

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An okay sequel. Chris Pine is always welcomed on our screen.

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The movie is not necessarily good, but I engaged easily with the three leading actors humour and I laughed a lot

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Has no real reason to exist. Just like the Hangover sequels. However, the film is quite funny. Since everyone returning is in as good form as they were in the first.
Which makes it's one of the better unnecessary comedy sequels.

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The chemistry they have on screen won me over and I really enjoyed watching this movie!

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An unnecessary but funny sequel.

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The best characters played by Pine and Anniston, don't have enough airtime.

Not as good as the first movie I'm afraid but still quite humorous. Maybe overdone with the constant swearing which gets draining....u

It seems toothbrushes are destined to glance crevasses!

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Not as good as the first one but still enjoyable.

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Not as hilarious as the first one (sequels rarely are). But it's still pretty funny.

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does anyone have a descent link to dl this movie?

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Shout by Deleted

Hilarious, well written, and some of the best comedic chemistry I've seen since The Hangover. 8/10

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