Personal Lists featuring...

Hour of the Wolf 1968


"The scariest movies ranked by experts"



Original List and all credit goes to u/nextzero182 (Reddit)


Es una lista de películas desde el 1940 al 2020, para ver una peli por cada año (que haya salido) y así ver más variedad de cine

  • David Lynch (10 movies)
  • Ingmar Bergman (8 movies)
  • John Carpenter (8 movies)
  • Werner Herzog (10 movies)
  • Fritz Lang (3 movies)
  • Céline Sciamma (4 movies)
  • Andrei Tarkovsky (7 movies)
  • Brian De Palma (12 movies)
  • Claire Denis (8 movies)

Some people like jump scares, some people don’t. For those of you who think jump scares are a cheap cop-out, here’s our list of horror movies which prefer to creep up on you gradually, building a cerebral web of intrigue and atmosphere to drag you into their world. Certified to contain no cats jumping out of closets, no startling confrontations with mirrors, and no supposedly dead characters who pop back off the ground.


Arthouse horror. Updated weekly.


Horror featured on the Criterion Channel. Updated weekly.


Recomendaciones del Co Fundador de Filmin en su libro Video Club.


Images of unforgettable terror and strange beauty exist side by side in these darkly imaginative works that fuse genre chills with formal innovation. Tapping into horror’s potential to manifest our subconscious fears, visionary directors like David Lynch (Eraserhead), Dario Argento (Suspiria), and Georges Franju (Eyes Without a Face) embrace the genre’s surreal side, inviting us on hallucinatory journeys into dreamlike dread. From cult classics (Carnival of Souls) and influential landmarks (Night of the Living Dead) to international shockers (Cure) and one-of-a-kind hybrids (The Lure), these films push the genre to its most out-there limits.
