Shouts about...

Incredibles 2 2018

Finally, a good sequel. Good god the animation, it's so beautiful. And the action was so smooth. Also, Pixar better gives us a short movie about Edna babysitting Jack-Jack.

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Waited 13 years and wasnt dissapointed one bit super happy.

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Loved this movie! So worth the 14 year wait! Yes, the overarching story line was slightly predictable, but all those people complaining need to remember we're 14 years older than we were when the first one came out, we're smarter. I still think it was INCREDIBLE. Loved all the nods to the animation studio, and Jack-Jack was the best!

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My god, so many years of waiting for this! I must say though, it was WORTH IT!

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This movie is such a masterpiece. I waited so long for this movie since I watched it so often in my childhood and always wanted to have a second part of it because of the open end. And after all this waiting I am more than glad. seeing all these faces again made me so happy. furthermore all the funny moments are so great and I think the best part Imo is the family part. The movie doesn't really focus on being a superhero movie which I really loved because they rather focus on the family. I love seeing the Parrs with all the struggle but also cute moments within the family :)
I love this movie and I am so glad that I was and am able to see this movie.
So without any regrets I can say that this gets a 10/10. <3
Thank you very much for this great masterpiece <3 <3
I love Violetta <3

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THIS IS THE PICTURE OF THE MILLENNIUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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HOLY shit jack jack is amazing and the movie is freaking amazing Definitely Worth to watch.

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THIS IS THE PICTURE OF THE MILLENNIUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Never underestimate Pixar’s superpowers. After a long wait, The Incredibles still holds its own as one of the best superhero properties out there.

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This film is... wait for it...


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Would probably go as far as to say I preferred this to the original. After watching them one day after the other I can make this opinion. This one had much more of an interesting storyline (even though I guessed the villain as soon as they came on the screen!) However, the film had lots of action, and much interaction from the kids showing off their powers!

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the funny thing is I had to go watch the first one
the first is still the best in my opinion

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Amazing movie. the plot is pretty similair as the first one but in this one the villain is actually scary and scared the crap out of me. The animations are un-fucking-real, really amazing. I loved jack jack too

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14 years later. My favourite movie of my childhood. I enjoyed It with 16 years.

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Hilarious movie. My two children loved it as much as me. I think it could have been ~25 mins shorter.

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Now this is how you do a sequel!

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I really loved it! I too think it's better than the first!. Jack-Jack is hilarious and the way Mr. Incredible is parenting looks so damn accurate! Great job and secretly I'm hoping there will be a 3th part. I'm taking my kids to the Dutch version for sure!

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Remember how great The Incredibles was?


Brad Bird has done it again.

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It was a very long wait, but a worthy sequel. Highly recommend!

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This was ... well ... incredible. I loved the original and this sequel was right on track. I saw this in an theatre filled with kids and the proper ratio of shepherding adults and throughout the film there were two alternating and distinct waves of laughter, one from children responding to the funny antics, the second from adults sardonically resounding with the life situations. Everybody was having fun! Great voice work. Great storytelling (worth the 14 year wait). Great animation. I give this an 8.9 (Incredibly great) out of 10. [Animated Family Super Action]

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i just watched,the movie is geat but i dont undestard a lot of things like why the babe is most powerfull wich his family?

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I didn't know I needed a 3rd till they made the 2nd. So similar to the first yet so different. The animation improvement was phenomenal, and everything else was just how the nostalgia felt. I love how it switched the roles of traditional parents and the execution was perfection. I didn't expect it to get insanley dark, but I loved it. It recognised that the original audience had grown up a bit. The complex plot riddled my mind, and certain characters still making mistakes and behaving realistically took me in deep.

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Elastigirl is such a badass!

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World Premiere Review:

Not as good as the original, but totally worth going to see in the theaters. I don't think I've laughed this much at a Pixar film since the the first one. This one didn't seem to have as much "heart" as the original as this felt almost like a revival for this particular franchise than an actual sequel. Fun for adults and kids. Baby steals the show.

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The super family is back, It's good to see them back and they were better than the first time back in 2004, i feel old.. and they've come with more action, more comedy, more superhero's and I'm happy with it. I loved Jack Jack, made the film for me. I hope to see another because there's so much more to work with in the incredibles universe XD

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This is exactly what I wanted from a sequel. It's a lot of fun and pretty funny at times. More family drama, only this time Mr. Incredible is the stay at home dad. Lots of great action and Jack Jack using his powers. He really steals the show. I wish they would of been more time with the family all together because that is when this movie is at its best. The pacing is a little off too. It can be slow at times. Still this movie is great and if you loved the first you won't be disappointed. I can't wait to see it again.

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Incredibles 2 is one of the better animated followups I've seen.

Compared to the first, the tone, pacing, and behavior of the characters all seemed to match really well. I enjoyed it the whole time, and it seems to keep kids as engaged as the first one did.

my only complaint from watching it is the story seemed a bit more like standard family fare than the first one did.

I'd definitely recommend if you enjoyed the first.

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Fantastic follow up. The animation has quite a nice upgrade, and it features a bunch of great action sequences. Great family fun.

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Really enjoyable move that is not so much a sequel as a whole new movie in it's won right to be fair - plus, it sets the scene for a third instalment

Great animation, pretty good plot if a little predictable and with character development, what is not to like. Love the jokes and the 'incredimobile' is of particular note - and - what would the movie be without Edna, loveable and brilliant as ever

So nearly a 9 but settled on 8/10

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Pretty great sequel and amazing animation.

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Great sequel that takes place right after the first movie. Had some good comedic moments and great action. The family moments were fun. I remember helping my nephew with his math and having the same problem Bob had. Why change math? Math is math. The scenes with Jack-jack were fun to watch as well. Overall, a solid sequel not quite as good as the first, but very close and worth watching.

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Really great action but not as memorable as the original. The focus on ElastaGirl was a fun change. Mr. Incredible was not nearly as involved in saving the world but his status as a stay at home Dad seemed like plenty of work. Edna is awesome. I wanted more of the Underminer. Frozone is a great member of the team. I would have liked more Dash and a little less Jack-Jack.

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A good sequel, but the villain is not as compelling as the first one.

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It's obvious who the villain is as soon as the character is introduced, but other than that this is a lot of fun!

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Amazing animation and awesome action.
The story was good to but I think the plot was kind of messy and kids will not understand the message anyway.

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Elastigirl's voice sounds like she is 60 years old

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Great movie, very funny, but it is predictable after some minutes, still funny tough

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It was a long wait but it's worth it. It's funny with good action scenes, new heroes and villains, an amazing soundtrack, and of course spectacular visuals.

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Boffo follow up...better late than never. Not as good as the first but good action, incredible animation....and Jack Jack! 8/10

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Why can't this come out in 2017 instead of Cars 3 ?

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Shout by Deleted

With animation so phenomenal, this sequel is just as good as the original! I also love their use of suggestive language.

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Had its good moments but I think the 1st one was better then this.

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I really enjoyed watched this movie I was expecting the all new way of movie but no it s really fresh even if it s not so different from the 1. And there is 5 -6 replica really surprising but really interesting from a disney pixar

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Watched with the whole family less the oldest (who was at work). We all loved it. I really like how it just picks right up after the end of the first movie. Liked the dive into Dad's relationship with his kids while trying to "keep it together" so Mom could do her thing. Edna and Jack-Jack were hits as well.

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i've been waiting for this for 12 years...

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2/10 main plot, very predictable and straightforward
8/10 slice of life stuff, was kinda fun to watch
10/10 edna, as always
overall it was good, but, as many others noted, not as good as first movie, the only thing that improved is graphics (x1000)

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Some scenes are very funny, especially the of baby, but the history is very flat and foreseeable. This franchise is has fact too much childlike.

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The #MeToo of superhero movies, and while I wouldn't call it incredible, it is still a reasonably entertaining flick that passes the time. No need for an Incredibles 3, however.

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The movie was quite good but not special. Had some funny moments but parts of the plot were quite predictable. Animation was good as expected though seeing it in 3D it was not really worth it, had no proper 3D-actions in there.

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This movie reminded me that no matter how much I learn about cinema and imbibe knowledge, I'm still going to be that kid in the movie theater who would surrender himself to the world in front which would be nothing less than his own reality. It was like that Ratatouille moment when the food critic is taken back to his childhood when he tastes Remy's dish. Except, nostalgia hasn't even hit me yet. It's all due to the spectacle that this movie is.

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It was good, but didn't meet up to the high standards set by the original. Less clever and smart, including the action. Characters were fun to watch, and it had its moments, but after 14 years... wouldn't have minded waiting even a little longer for Brad Bird to get it right!

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Get away from your screenslaver iPhones, and head to the theater for an incredible time!

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I really like this movie, but it is not one of the best.

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Incredibles 2 is a smooth ride of beautiful animation, fabulous voice acting and set pieces with very dynamic direction where the camera is always following the characters. First time I have seen 1st-person shots in a animated movie. Overral it was enjoyable but not as good as their other movie that I have seen, Monsters, Inc.

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Pixar continues sequelizing their hits with Incredibles 2, a fun and entertaining animated superhero film. When tech mogul Winston Deavor sees the superhero family The Incredibles saving the city he makes them an offer to partner with them and use his resources to help them improve their public image and get the ban on superheroes repealed. The animation is really crisp and colorful, and features a host of new superheroes with interesting character designs. However, the plot is rather formulaic and predictable, though not entirely in a bad way. Also, the comedy, while a little broad and slapstickly, still delivers a lot of laughs and there are some clever bits of satire. And, Michael Giacchino provides a pretty good score that compliments the tone and aesthetic of the film. Ambitious and action-packed, Incredibles 2 is a worthy sequel to one of Pixar’s landmark films.

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Sequel slightly better, although the story is predictable.

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Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Incredibles 2’:

  1. It was a fun movie — as I expected it to be — but it doesn’t quite meet the magic of the original. I felt a lot was more of the same, maybe even a teeny bit more predictable, but it was nice to see Elastigirl take the lead on this one.

  2. There was a lot accomplished in the original film that I don’t think needed to be re-explored here. I expected the sequel to take place in a world where superheroes were legal again and where the family, having already accepted their super status, spent the entire film working together. But they kinda retreaded the same challenges again.

  3. Baby Jack-Jack’s multitude of powers were a fun highlight. Just when we thought we saw all he could do, we were delightfully proved wrong.

Bonus Thought: Will the Underminer ever be captured? We’ll probably never know.

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A good sequel.

'Incredibles 2' isn't too far away from the preceding film, which is always a big plus for a follow-up. This one is definitely the more funnier of the two, there are some very amusing moments; especially with Jack-Jack (Eli Fucile/Nick Bird).

From a plot point of view, the antagonists are better though unfortunately they do go down the obvious direction with them. I felt a few pacing issues too, it's a slow burner. The animation is very solid, as are the voice cast.

Speaking of the cast, all of the main lot return with the exception of Spencer Fox (Dash) - whose absence I didn't really notice in truth. Everyone's as good as they are in the original, while the additions of Winston (Bob Odenkirk) and Evelyn (Catherine Keener) are welcomed. There's also a small yet nice role for Odenkirk's 'Better Call Saul' co-star Jonathan Banks (Dicker).

This does some things greater than 'The Incredibles', but other things less so. Nevertheless, it's a very respectable Disney sequel.

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Oh! It’s a good movie but I going to tell something “the incredible 1” is perfect. This is just a good movie.

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Shout by Deleted

It's good, just good.

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The first one was better. Too little Dash and too much Jack-Jack.

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It continues to maintain the spirit and entertainment of the original, but updated. Nobody else reminds Winston Deavor of Alan Cumming in the good wife

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This movie is a bright and shiny toy that's hard to put down. You know exactly how it works and exactly what it does but knowing doesn't keep you from having a good time with it.

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wont comment much . i dont remember incredibles 1. yes both of them are in good category. but nothing outstanding. awesome for kids teens etc.

there was a tiny lack of coherence. and it was hard to tell what the plot was about. first it was like ok . fully focused on elastigirl. next was ok its a story about mr. incredible trying to digest the fact that his wife is being chosen for mission. in the end it turned out to be a generic affair. but no complaints here.

good movie.

the humor is great. nothing drags. and there are some genuine laughter moments especially with the baby jack jack ones.

but nothing that will last.

saw it on imax. the animation is great. this is pixar. but at the same time. this is pixar. and they can do better... again in no way its bad. its 10/10 . but pixar can do 12/10.

enjoyble affair.

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Not as amazing or groundbreaking as the first one.

For example it has too much family drama going on, which makes it feel too familiar and not as fresh and engaging as the first.

But there are definitely some funny moments, and the action, while not as spectacular as the previous movie, was nice.

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Very good movie for both adults and kids
. There was a couple scenes that dragged to get the point accross, but other that, it was a really good movie.

Not "14-year-sequel" good, but still really good.

There were a number of very obvious leadups i.e. who's going to end up villans, who's going to fail/succeed, etc. that kind of bugged me. That kind of fits the build of most Pixar movies anyways.

I'd highly recommend this movie

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Shout by Deleted

I can't believe people waited 14 YEARS for a continuation and they get this. Shame.

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Really fun watch with the kids. Great way of incorporating modern issues into the plot! Kind of disappointed to have waited 10 years for this movie.

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Edna and Jak Jak stole the show. Just barely better than Elastigirls now enormous rear end. What is up with that?

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This one had a decent, but derivative, story to go along with impressive animation. Unfortunately, it also had Holly Hunter's poorly fitted dentures. (I assume that this was the problem since she sounded like a female Lou Holtz, who definitely has the issue.) It was especially noticeable since I was wearing headphones. By the end, I was more worried about Helen's next line of dialogue than I was with the fate of any of our heroes. Not that our heroes were ever really at risk, of course. But seriously -- it's a voice role, for crying out loud. And a noticeable speech issue is gonna be a problem.

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It felt cheap, insecure of what it wanted to be and has a pretty weak villain. The end of the movie doesn't feel earned at all. Animation is great tho.

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Am I the only one that didn't particularly like this one?

I's alright, but something about the vibe of this one is off. This is usually the place I put everything I think is wrong with the movie, but this is not something I can really explain, other than I found it a bit weird.

Anyway...I'm sure kids find this interesting. I didn't...

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Waiting for 12 years for a cliche storyline!!

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Everyone sounds deflated. Violet sounds like a smoker. Mr Incredible is a terrible, jealous arsehole who makes no sense as a husband and father. The boy is the same, the mother is whatever. It almost feels like she achieves nothing in this movie.
The baby is a mindless cash grab with no purpose but to be cute. The fight scenes are good and the animation is awesome. Frozone is the best character by far. Character motivations make no sense, and the music reminds me of James Bond.

not worth it.

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It was a chore to watch. From the beginning i knew who was the bad guy and guessed all the plot twists. I honestly wanted to skip whole middle part of the movie, why even watch if i know what will happpen at the end? You could shorten this whole movie to 30 minutes tops, just leaving main events and jokes and it would be much better. It wasn't intresting or fun, whole thing was just meh, nothing special, just... Just meh.

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I see reviews here, and everyone give quite high score. I'm sorry, the product looks good because it's expensive animation, and I'm sure the put hours in it. However, the story is predictable and it looks almost like the first one. After so much time, doing something that looks almost the same is lame, lazy at most. Looks like Disney wants some easy cash on nostalgia. Not surprised if there is a series...after this, and if there is already, not surprised it's super generic. I have to admit that the Edna is as good as always, the only part that actually enjoyed. We deserve better after 12 years waitting.

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Hats off to the animation team. Though this is 100% a cash grab type of movie and it really shows. The story, the characters, the motive. It all feels kind of cheap. Incredibly predictable, if you are 10% sure who the true antagonist is. Allow my to correct your math and tell you there is no was it’s not 100% that. I never used to understand when people said “back in my day” until Disney x Pixar started learning how to kill dreams and make money.

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Almost exact same plot as the first, they just switched Mr and Ms incredible to go on the field. Boring film all the way, too long, vilain makes no sense and only the last 30 minutes in the boat have some actual interesting action scenes. Was excepting so much with Jack-Jack having powers but it was underwhelming as everyone is like "oh he has powers, cool". Highly predictable movie that takes everything the first movie was great for and makes it a pale rip-off.

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I didn't like this sequel as much as the original. Fell asleep in the middle. That means it didn't hold my interest. But this is only my opinion and yours might be the opposite or you might even agree with me.

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Truly emotional and exciting. Good story, good characters

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Not nearly as good and cohesive as the first one, but still pretty good. It's definitely not the kind of Pixar movie I'll want to rewatch repeatedly, but it had a lot of good moments. What was up with everyone being surprised that Jack-Jack had powers, though? Didn't the first movie end with them finding that out?

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Is it just me, or is Evelyn Deaver just Rapunzel's mum with a Karen cut?

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Shout by Deleted

This movie had me on my toes, took you long enough to release.

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The movie has action in it

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It's been 84 years...

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