Clearly one of my favorite from this franchise! I'm maybe less enthusiastic by the end, "too much" from my perspective... but it's a personal taste.

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The movie was fun but Indy should have hung his hat up after the third installment. Ford gave the movie his all but it's time to end the franchise before we get a sequel entitled Indiana Jones and the Lost Retirement Home Biscuits.

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The only thing I didn't like was the ending of the movie.

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Not the worst, far from the best.
Very unpredictable but always the off feeling through the film
Not a real antagonist, a caricature of one maybe.
Steel some emotions
Decent conclusion.

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I think this is a much better send-off for the Indiana Jones character than Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, but still not as good as previous movies. There seems to be a lot less action in this movie and more running and jumping, but it makes sense given the age of Harrison Ford and Indiana Jones in the movie. I think this is an entertaining enough movie, but still lacks the authenticity that the first few movies had.

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screw what the critics say this is a really good movie it has lots of action and is well paced and doesn't drag at all the story is a lot better than the last one it's a very entertaining film if your a fan of the movies like I am seeing "raiders of the lost ark" when I was a kid you won't be disappointed

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Shout by Malini Agarwala

I hate Helena, she is so annoying. I don’t know if it’s my nostalgia for Indiana Jones, but I felt like Helena and Teddy were spoilt, disrespectful little teenagers. Am I turning old?
I also felt that for some reason they kept reminding us that Indiana is old and getting outdated (eg the whip vs guns scene in Morocco, amongst others). As if the filmmakers themselves didn’t want to bring back the series again.

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Fun film and though I am aware it is difficult to write an action film for 80 year old stars, this does its best to hide that. Great action and fun, but felt it left a lot on the table. They established this giant of a monster dude henchman, and really did not let that pay off, for instance. Still, a good time.

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amazing movie lots of action in this movie what a way to ending sounds great no lip sync issue the starting great middle great ending was perfect fitting for Harrison ford definitely watch again

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It's not the best Indiana Jones movie out (that's the third one in my opinion) but it's easily on par with the first two movies and much better than the Crystal Skull. It's just a bit too long - shortening or skipping one of the car chases would have been good.

The end was nice, but I hoped they let him stay and enjoy the past.

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A very good IJ movie, probably my third favorite after the first and third film. It feels like a full on IJ film, lots of action, a bit of humor, nice ending.

The only negative thing about it would be that some of the CGI was a bit iffy towards the end. However, it still worked and didn't bother me.

Would highly recommend :thumbsup:

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A great movie and connection to the cult character that is IJ. A must watch!!! :clap:

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What a sad sack of a film. If you keep having to CGI Harrisons Ford's face onto all the stuntmen that can actually participate in the scene then that's a good sign you probably shouldn't have bothered. The opening with a de-aged Indy at the end of the war is legit fun but is full of shonky CGI (there's a bit where a totally animated Indy running across a train in silloette that I honestly can't believe made it's way into the final cut) then it's downhill fast and never lets up. I'd take Shia as a companion over the irritant that is Phoebe Bridge unlike Toby Jones who steals every scene he's in a good way.

Oh and people that moaned about aliens finale in Indy 4? Well Indy 5 is like hold my beer I can top that ending in a tardis.

The projector packed in the cinema on the last ten minutes and it was more amusing than anything that happened the film. The projector was sorted and the madness wrapped up.

I honestly preferred Kingdom of Crystal Skull. At least it had Spielberg magic.

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Enjoyed this more than I thought, but as watching it wondered who is this for ? Well me I guess but, besides men in their 40’s this serves no purpose. No kid could possibly enjoy watching and homage to an 80’s movie. Glad they made it for selfish reasons, but £300 million to not have Crystal Skull as the send off seems a bit much. No matter how respected Harrison Ford is in Hollywood.

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A little too sad. No reason for them to treat Indy like this. Showing him in his underwear in an apartment?

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  • Ford brings his all and still rocks the fedora
  • Film overall is well acted
  • Some emotional moments I didn't see coming
  • It was interesting to see the 1960's world and how it has impacted the way Indy adventures.
  • First 20 minutes brings back some nostalgic magic

  • Wombat wasn't a disaster but the character didn't justify its existence in the film. Same can be said for Teddy.

  • The action, except the opening scene, is run of the mill and very disappointing

  • The ending feels rushed

  • The film runs for too long and the plot is messy in places

  • Can't help but feel there were many missed opportunities, especially plot and action set piece wise.


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Better than 4, the first scene very indiana jones, then good, except that there is no one who believes that a man of 80 years can do that, Mikelsen as good as ever, what a way to get rid of the son.

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Would have been better if Helena wasn't an annoying douche bag for the 1st hour

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Harrison Ford is Indiana Jones, thats the truth of the matter and at least this one didn't have aliens. Honestly enjoyed it and it had the same feeling from the old movies with the Indiana Jones tune which we all love. It was a fun movie to watch and enjoy, not as ridiculous as the 2008 Indiana Jones with Shia LeBeouf that was overboard.

They tried to give this an authentic feel and with the right ingredients for an Indiana Jones adventure, honestly watch it and enjoy. I know I did.

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A lot of people saying it is better than Crystal Skull, and they are just in denial. It’s not offensively bad or anything, it’s just boring and a chore to get through. There was legit a point about 3/4s through the movie that I had to remind myself that it was an Indiana Jones movie because I forgot why I was watching it. Dr. Jones got a fine ending in the last one and there really is no reason for them to force this old man to wear his fedora and get the whip back out, this is abuse.

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I honestly liked this and had a lot of fun. The de-aging technology is fascinating, but all the high-tech SPFX detracts from the old-fashioned heart behind Indy, IMO.

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Dial of Destiny not up there with the original trilogy but I still really liked it. Entertaining story, exciting locations and set-pieces and good chemistry between Ford and Waller-Bridge. The story get‘s a bit silly towards the end imo but the actual ending and an unexpected guest appearance definitely made up for it. It‘s honestly quite sad that this will be the last time we‘ll get to see Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones but I guess all‘s well that ends.

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a great ending to a great saga, glad i could finally have witnessed a movie from a franchise as legendary as Indiana Jones, in the big screen, it was worth it honestly; not a big fan of Steven Spielberg but i love how he managed to blend history and adventure so well in these movies
loved the little hints to the previous movies here and there
also, Mads Mikkelsen was amazing as usual, and i had no idea he spoke german so well? damn

and the ending where they meet Archimedes and actually managed to travel back in time was a neat little twist to the story
can't believe Harrison Ford really pulled this one off at 80 years old, quite the feat, props to this old legend

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Shout by jakripper

The movie is good but they shouldve trimmed the runtime cause it felt long and I know what episode it made me feel like that. Its that Moroccan Auto chase.

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I just loved this final chapter.

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Like a critic who starts off every review with a cheap simile, Dial of Destiny runs out of ideas very quickly and resorts to gimmicks to generate a semblance of creativity.

Do you like it when Indiana has to figure out puzzles to uncover the truth? James Mangold not so much.

Do you like it when Indiana is confronted with a swarm of beasts he has to fight to survive? James Mangold says, "Meh."

Do you like the same chase scenes you've seen in all the other Indiana Jones' movies? You're in luck! James Mangold thinks you can never have too many of those.

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After rewatching the first 4 movies, I am SO excited for this one!!
I loved Harrison Ford‘s recent performance in Shrinking, so I‘m sure he will be great as always.

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Hey, you remember that joke when Indiana's son Mutt in Crystal Skull made the joke to him proclaiming, "What are you, like 80?" Well, by the time Dial of Destiny releases in 2023, Harrison Ford will be. What once was a passing jest at the character's long past prime, we've now scraped the bottom of the dig site. Just reboot and get Chris Pratt to play.

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Where is Shia la Bouf?

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Plots of the movie:

  • Indie rescues his dentures from the cup of Dentine
  • Indie donates his whip due to advanced arthritis
  • Indie battles Alzheimers and forgets where his leather jacket ran off to
  • Indie gets turned down by Medicare for much needed hemorrhoid treatment
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Wow, looking forward to this..

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