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Insidious: The Last Key 2018

It was fun and entertaining. It didn’t have as many good jump scare scenes as the last ones did, but it still had some cool creepy parts.

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I enjoyed this, albeit tepidly. Same wheelhouse as the third entry which I saw not too long ago. I don't expect much from these Wan, Byrne and Wilson-less entries, but I did like young Elise quite a bit in this one. Lin gives it her all as per usual and the predictable jumpscares are actually enjoyable to me. My wife jumps at almost all of them and those are the best parts of the movie for me. Tucker and Specs can lay the corniness on real thick especially the former, which detracts a bit. 6.2

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"She's psychic. We're sidekick."

Insidious: The Last Key takes place in two timelines (1953 and 2010) both with Elise being targeted by the same entity. The flashbacks did Elise justice and she feels fleshed out as a character now. The new characters introduced needed a lot more development, I still have no idea who Imogen & Melissa really are and Christian needed more interactions with Elise. It feels unresolved. I liked the twist in the middle, didn't see that coming. Some of the scares like the one in the police station get pretty silly but overall this one has better scares than Chapter 3. The suitcase scene always gets me and such a cool and creepy look for KeyFace. He's almost an X-Men with his key abilities that can either lock away your speech or lock you into the Further. The entity gets too much physical exposition in the third act and it ruins the scare but I like how action-y and silly it got. The last few moments of making the movie fit with the other ones wasn't necessary and feels cheap.

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I'm not sure if "The Last Key" is the worst Insidious movie, but it is probably the most boring. The plot really drags, and the buildup of tension didn't work at all, at least for me. Elise (Lin Shaye) may have worked quite well as a supporting character, but I really don't need to follow her for an entire movie. Also, her two minions' antics aren't funny at all this time. The most positive thing I would highlight is the monster design, but that's where the praise stops. A competently filmed horror movie it is, but that makes it still not entertaining. I really never want to watch it again.

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Absolutely love this movie, horrors never really scare me but this one did, mostly because it has a deep message that the worst monster are actually humans.

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Shout by The Ace Face
BlockedParent2020-12-17T00:51:30Z— updated 2023-08-04T16:37:41Z

The best of the series and the only one that I’d watch again.
The last key - 8
Chapter 2 - 7
Chapter 3 - 6
Chapter 1 - 6

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Tying up the series, Insidious: The Last Key is a mediocre horror film that delivers some mild scares. When Elise receives a call from a man living in her childhood home about a malevolent spirit, she decides that it’s time for her to go back and confront her past. Unfortunately the writing isn’t that good, as the plot is chalk full of clichés and tired old tropes. There are also a number of contrivances forced in to connect the film to the previous ones. And the ending doesn’t really make a lot of sense. Still, the ghost investigations and confrontations are pretty intense and suspenseful. Also, the prison setting and creature design for the main villain are kind of creepy. Insidious: The Last Key, while it has its problems, is a fairly solid supernatural thriller that’s about on par with the rest of the series.

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And lets hope it's the last.

This took me three days to finish by the way. Three. F**king. Days! Remember the scene in the first Insidious film where the camera slowly zoom towards a window in Dalton's room and you know something watching him. How effective and simply it was. Well in this movie they took the same scene and added in a jump scare, and I laughed my head off.

The only saving grace was Lin Shaye performance, but that's really it.

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I enjoyed this way more than I thought I would, based on the quality of the preceding follow-ups to 'Insidious'. This is actually my second favourite of the series, narrowly beating 'Insidious: Chapter 2'.

'Insidious: The Last Key' definitely starts better than it concludes, as it creates an unnerving premise which made me attached to Lin Shaye's Elise instantly. There's also a solid amount of heart to this fourth production, more noticeable here than in any of the others to be honest.

Shaye is very good, as she has been throughout since the original. I like the arc they've, albeit retrospectively, created for her character. Aside from the likeable Angus Sampson (Tucker), none of the other cast members are all that memorable, though Kirk Acevedo (Ted) and Josh Stewart (Gerald) give passable performances.

This is still some way off the 2010 film and is in no way great, though I can't help but admit that I had a more than decent time watching.

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I think this is my favourite out of the 4. I like how well they’ve tied all the films together, formed a loop and I found it creepier too.

This is called The Last Key, insinuating it’s the last one, however I feel there’s still directions this could go, but I won’t say what as it would be a spoiler.

I hope we do see another.

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I really liked this movie. I do have to say my favorite part is the young version of Alise(sp?). She really sold her emotions very well.

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Much better than the third instalment, did a good job of giving Elise a back story. Worth a watch.

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Pointless entry in the franchise, but as a horror film, its not entirely disposable.

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The plot is always sloppy, but I'm glad to see more of Specs and Tucker!

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Shout by Mounir

This was good compared to the 3rd one. And this insidious movies are confusing me!! This was like a prequel to the 1st one I think!!! And if you open a red door "A RED DOOR" and you know what it'll do then why not close it and move on to the next one!! Like why leave it open smh. Overall a good movie and what i like about this insidious movies is the scary sounds.

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Don't put it out with yer boots, Ted..... Nevermind my business Devil-woman!!!

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This is the worst of the Insidious movies ever. Not to say that any of the movies was exceptionally great, but in this one they chose the worst actors, the worst story and everything. Even the ideas of how the other movies "start" is just really bad…

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Just watched Suspiria, “one of the 50 greatest horror movies “, I liked this better.

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Stopped it after 30 minutes. Couldn't bore me at all.

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Shout by Deleted

And lets hope it's the last.

This took me three days to finish by the way. Three. F**king. Days! Remember the scene in the first Insidious film where the camera slowly zoom towards a widow in Dalton's room and you know something watching him. How effective and simply it was. Well in this movie they took the same scene and added in a jump scare, and I laughed my head.

The only saving grace was Lin Shaye performance, but that's really it.

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I thought that the monster on the poster was just a bit of cool marketing, but nope. There is literally a ghost in this movie with keys for fingers... Are we to ignore just how stupid that is?! Anyway, the movie is a pretty bland, mediocre exercise of cliches and ineffective jump scares. Still, the end ties the series tougher nicely if they stop making these movies right here. Which they should.

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Definitely the weakest out of them all so far. But if you enjoy the first three, like i do. It's worth a watch.

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Horrible movie at best. Can't believe they made this.

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sadly, this movie lacks in so many fronts.

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oh uau. what a big step down to the franchise...

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Shout by Catsy

Rife with jump scares. Actually, the movie is really loud in cinemas because the contrast between the loudness of the jump scares and sound cues is too great. Honestly delaying your jump scares like seven times then sound-cuing it suddenly isn't any better than just doin' 'em the first time.

This movie's story establishes the background of Elise and her family history. It's a bit of a spoiler because you know she's in the other films so you know what happens to her. The sidekicks are super cringey and unfunny and most of their dialogue is incredibly unnecessary in this movie.

The effects were alright, the monster was a bit spooky but in the end just another common design, really expected a bit more from it since its role in the film was actually pretty small. I did like how it affected the victims.

Maybe wait until the DVD is out.

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I LOVE HOW GREAT THESE NEW HORROR MOVIES ARE, not focusing on making your get afraid only, but gives a story that makes your heart beats and your brain burn!

There got to be another chapter, don't think this is the last one, the red face intitiy is still a mystery!!

The order of chapters:
The third
The fourth
The First
The second

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It was alright with the same old predicable scares that It just leads into most time but i feel i'm the only one that notices that when you have someone jumping out of their skin sitting next to you.. I feel what i got from this was mainly more of the story and not any entertainment like i did from the second that by far is my favourite of the franchise and i believe theres an upcoming 5th one that i think they should just end there..

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This movie fell short miles away from anything remotely okay. Nothing new. Predictable plot and forced humor. why did the whistle work for Elise when it was meant for her brother? This really annoyed me.

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Look, I don't usually rate scary movies highly, especially these ones. I know the movie itself has plot holes, at times horrible dialogue, and cheesy resolutions, but the premise behind this movie had a lot of potential. This is the reason for my rating. I kept constantly thinking how different the execution would have been if they had a competent director.

To put it simply:

Idea: A
Execution: D+

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Up until now I thought the whole Insidious franchise was lukewarm at best, but now I see I was mistaking: it's far worse than that. This film was a sinking ship that the most talented elements of the first two (Patrick Wilson, Rose Byrne and director James Wan) abandoned before being washed up. Following the money grab of Insidious 3, The Last Key is an unnatural disaster with no coherent storyline, an over-reliance on poor jump scares and so many WTFs that it should be viewed as a comedy.

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Watched the series 3 times, this is how horror movies should be MYSTERIOUS !!

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