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Isn't It Romantic 2019

This movie has a great combination of a fun story, funny main character and a good message. I can't find a flaw with it, and I think it's not so much a rom-com parody, but a twisty rom-com, where romance happens not between two people, but between one person and herself. And yes, everyone has been saying this forever, but it has not really translated into movies, until these recent Netflix films (Nappily Ever After, Dumplin' and Isn't It Romantic). I like what they are doing, and I want more.

If you can't love yourself, how in the hell you're gonna love somebody else, right?

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I wanted to watch something funny, because I was a little bit sad, and gosh! I laughed so hard when I was watching this movie. It's very funny, and I think Rebel was really good. Loved all the characters + the songs were amazing! Definitely enjoyed this movie. (Maybe a little too much)

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I really enjoyed this film, way more than I thought I would. It was funny and heartfelt and of course Rebel Wilson is hilarious!

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Such a fun and good-feel movie. You just gotta love Rebel Wilson.

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Tom Ellis was the best part lol

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SO MUCH FUN! For every cynical soul, filled with RomCom stereotypes that pop. A perfect vehicle for the boldly irreverent Rebel Wilson. Adam Devine is the perfect match. Liam Hemsworth and Priyanka Chopra play perfection beautifully with lots of self depreciating humour. And the extra bonus of some pretty solid singing and a purely gratuitous dance number. I give this an 8 (great) out of 10. [RomCom Parody]

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Funny anti-rom com. Wilson and Devine have great screen chemistry and play off each other really well. Likeable lead and a good overall message.

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i like how i never thought she was crazy for being ignorant to all the signs when the media and her parent conditioned these standards as a woman in a larger body and in reality there are many flaws with the creepy actions men do in rom coms

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This is good because it shows the true reality. I loved it.

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Just what you need for Valentine’s Day, a honey stew with a side order of BS—“you can’t love anyone until you love yourself.” Still, this movie is sweet enough to give anyone diabetes and other side-effects may include involuntary giggles and the occasional LOL moment. :) Verdict: Thoroughly enjoyable.

Saw this at a UCLA advance screening.

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I enjoyed watching it. Laughed multiple times.. Good, easy, feel good movie.

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hahah. Officer Handsome. I hate this place! It's too Fu%#king delightful

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Yesssss....I made it!...held my fart thru the entire movie.. I am... romantic

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As was obvious from the trailers, this is a rom-com that makes fun of rom-coms. It's predictable but it was still fun and hard not to laugh along with all the over the top sequences. I will say that I was expecting more musical numbers. The triker showed dancing in the park and singin so I was expecting a musical rom-com, especially with such a talented cast. The reality is that its just a regular rom-com woth a karaoke scene. Too bad, I think it would have been so much better with a couple random musical numbers in there. Still, overall its a fun movie.

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I’m not a big Rebel Wilson fan. Since she’s one note and it’s all about her weight for laughs. This is the best of her movies though.
Since the story is creative and fun. Even if you know who she’ll wind up with, from the start. Adam Devine is likable even if his obnoxious side always shows in movies.

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predictable, still enjoyable. one of those movies you'd watch on a Sunday afternoon to relax. you know from minute 5 what is going to happen, most of the funny scenes were shown on the trailer, but it is still nice enough.

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The premise is actually somewhat original: an ordinary woman wakes up to find that she is in a rom-com. I wish they had actually leaned into this a little bit more than they did. The problem with the film is that everything else was fairly drab. Wilson does her best with the material, but it all feels so very mundane. I realize that part of my issue with this film is Adam Devine - I am generally not a fan of anything that he has done (his storyline is easily the worst part about The Righteous Gemstones). It ultimately ended up being a forgettable movie.

follow me at or facebook IHATEBadMOvies

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Film has some funny lines and moments here and there

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Who knew that the romantic comedy movies parody will and so romantic. ;)

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Movie was kind of cliche and stupid and even though it's supposed to be a parody of stupid and cliche rom coms dosen't change the fact that I still felt like I was watching any other rom com.

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A nice try at subverting the romcom genre, and while it isn't completely successful, it still passes the time amiably enough. Give me this over Pretty Woman who wore 27 Dresses at Four Weddings And A Funeral in between those moments While You Were Sleeping any day!

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Shout by Preethi
BlockedParent2019-02-15T02:24:33Z— updated 2019-02-16T18:03:44Z

My mom slept through the entire movie lollol I think that says it all.

Side note: Tom Ellis totally stole the show in his one scene as the hot doctor.

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you know how some rom-coms make you want to get married? this makes me want to get bitterly divorced and then die alone

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Sometimes it's clever and funny but most of the time it's not. The karaoke scene was great though.

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It's funny how a movie can place itself on such a massive pedestal when it comes to judging and criticising romantic movies, but by the end it became the thing it was criticising.

The movie itself was fine. It's got a good heart and a lovely message. I was never bored watching it, which is a plus.

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Percebe-se a ideia de subverter os conceitos, os clichés mas infelizmente aqui nada funciona e faz os 90 min durarem uma eternidade (nunca desejei tanto a chegada dos créditos finais).

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One-dimensional Rebel Wilson strikes again. Story sucked, acting terrible - couldn't take it past 10 minutes, had to switch it off. 0/10

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this is the worst movie I've ever seen ! really ? full of old jokes and boring things that we saw in a lot of movies !

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Please do not watch it is so bad. Not to mention it turned into a shit fantasy musical.

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I'm pretty sure people who rated this movie anything over a 3 were paid to leave those reviews. This was the biggest turd of a movie I've seen in the last several years (and I've seen a lot). Not romantic, not funny, super predictable, terrible acting, complete waste of time.

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I'm a sucker for a good impromptu musical number, and there are a couple here. I like that it's a self-aware romantic comedy that doesn't subvert the rules of the rom-com but revels in them.

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Honestly, any movie that leaves me smiling I consider to be a good movie. There were a few laughs, too! Especially everything to do with the fact that both Rebel and Liam are Australian and koalas.

I loved how they made fun of all the rom-com tropes, and then, the one they left out was the one the movie was based off of (falling in love with your best friend).

It was a really fun movie, perfect for watching with all your single girlfriends on V-day!

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In my opinion, I thought that movie was probably the cutest movie ever because I really enjoy romantic comedies and cute movies especially on Valentine’s Day. The movie was simply adorable and a nice movie to watch. I really enjoyed it. I loved the musical as well.

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