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Killer Joe 2011

1st time I REALLY paid attention to it and I am awe-struck! I did not know that Friedkin directed this cult ....The exquisite manipulation of character motivations as it became embedded into an over-arching deconsctruction of moral values ....This is a masterpiece of dark humour dripping in satire at the genius level only matched by the total magnificence of the ensemble acting!!!

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Don't know how I missed this when it first came out, but found it unexpectedly in 2020. Wow... fabulous movie. The writing is great, the plot and all the actors were great... and the ending!!
Funny with plenty of twists to the story keep you entertained for the whole movie.

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really liked this, sick, twisted, weird...good stuff

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Weird ending but incredible movie.

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"You gonna kill someone? You can't even tell time!"

I am still processing what I just watched. What a dark and insane tale of trailer trash is this? This is unfortable to watch yet I couldn't stop watching it. Matthew McConaughey absolutely kills it, and I will never look at fried chicken the same.

Fun Fact: Kurt Russell turned down the role, saying that his long-term partner, Goldie Hawn, would "kill him" for playing such a dark role.

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Weird film. I liked the way that Joe wants to remain calm despite the bad happened.

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Shout by Deleted

a brilliant disturbing masterpiece!

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Well.. This was.. Weird..

Dunno if I liked it or hated it, seriously.. Just left me with "dafuq did I just watch?".

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Shout by Deleted

I've just watched this and I've already forgotten how it ended.
What did stick in my mind was how seriously unpleasant all the characters were.

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One of those movies you watch and forget about twenty minutes later because of the poor ending and execution.

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Opens with a disgusting family. The characters are setup fast with all the impending complications from the plot. So far so good. What follows?
Stereotypical redneck characters (stripper, mentally challenged father, drug dealer son, a cop that's a killer, used girl) with unbelievable morals, making stupid decisions to drive the farcical plot. Mediocre dialogue that treds the same ground again and again, somehow even with plot development. Add in some boobies, bush and perv stuff to be dark. The Pacing feels like an episode from a TV series. The ending makes it the dumbest redneck movie of the year that wants to be edgy.

If any other director made this movie the professional critics would have probably disliked it. It's not awful, it's just humdrum. It's a Coen brothers movies without the pseudo-intellectual nonsense.

The positives. Least Gina Gershon looks good for her age. The ending is unintentionally funny.

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Weird and disturbing film, didn't like it and i would never recommend this

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Well, it's more like a theatre-movie. The characters are talking to each other, but in strange, exaggerated ways. They talking to each other, but not with each other. It's more like every character has his own monologue within the dialogue.

This is very strange.

Also at the end it gets pretty strange.

In the end i liked Matthew McConaughey performance, but i don't like the result.

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Shout by Deleted

poor directing ,,weird story , weird ending the whole movie is so weird
and Joe is kind of overdressed the gloves and the hat which is weird
I didn't really like it they could have made it a lot better

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Pretty dumb but somehow I finished it.

Funny last line. ;)

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And I can't stand it.

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