Shout by sp1ti

It's not as bad as some horror outlets made it out to be but I doubt the DC would have changed all that much (the oddly positive guys also seem kinda fake).
I've basicly gotten what I expected. My biggest gripe is with the whole showdown aswell the ending which were really lame and for whatever parts that would have been boring they just played metal songs (the Doom Metal jokes were pretty shit too).

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Astoundingly, for a movie that was shelved, teased, and hyped beyond reason, this didn't disappoint me in the slightest. Being put on the shelf for a few years actually probably made this exponentially better by getting me used to Peter Dinklage as Tyrion Lanister which, after seeing him in that role for so long, made his performance in this a sublime experience. It made his role the accidental pop culture joke to judge all other referential humor on until the end of time. It was amazing.

The movie was actually really funny too, something I was really concerned about. I let the 3 year long tease for this make my expectations for it insurmountable, yet somehow it ended up blowing right past them. Cult classic for sure.

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Maybe the worst movie I've ever seen.

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Shitty movie. Not even worth to watch as a filler to kill the time.

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Well, i like PC role playing games, so i had to watch this one :) AND: thought it will be little in another way (expected better) but ok, i liked it anyway, but cant give more than 7, even when im really big RPG fan :)

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I must have passed this up a dozen times because it looked so silly. After seeing a number of people talking about it, I finally watched it. Glad I did. It's a LOT of fun. Cheesy, but lots of fun. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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So bad it's funny. Cliche plot, lots of cameos and a fun/ silly watch if you're into geek subcultures like LARPing or DnD.

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At first glance it had potential.. But in the end just came off as a few grown men who like to dress up, pretend they're wizards and warriors that dont really do a damn thing expect smoke pot... I hate movies like that.. Middle aged men aren't like that... Stop trying to make middle age men smoking some magical weed from a bong a THING!!!

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It is what it is - a pretty simple and entertaining comedy. If you need something amusing to throw on while you're folding laundry, pick this ;)

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Meh. Not as amusing as it could have been. Watchable, but not very good.

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Ok seriously. This movie was badass. Mission Accomplished. The perfect movie night movie. It really delivered :D

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Shout by Deleted

Well seems interesting. But there is one thing that bothers me : Summer Glau.
Her very presence in the cast means one thing : the show will be awesome, we will grow to love her character and then the show will be cancelled at season 2 after an awesome finale.

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