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Manhunter 1986

Amazing. I really prefere this film instead of the "silence of the lamb", not because of the actors,infact in both films there are very good actors,but because this one is more realistic and it digs in the psychology of the characters and I love it!

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This movie is a masterpiece of the genre. Do yourself a favor and watch this.

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Not the best movie, but a great watch for a couple reasons: The Michael Mann Miami Vice flavoring throughout. The intro to the Hannibal character. The soundtrack.

None of it puts this movie into masterpiece territory, but all of it combined make this a great watch.

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This is not the best Hannibal Lecter movie but it is probably second. Brian Cox is pretty good but nowhere near Anthony Hopkins. The story is a little slow at times but interesting. The score is really good. There was some noticeably bad editing.

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It was such a terrible ending for a well made movie

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I forgot Michael Mann did a Hannibal Lector film. Though Red Dragon isn't as bad as some say. Anthony Hopkins aside, most the actors were miscast in that.
William Peterson, an under-rated actor of the 80's was better casting as Will Graham than Edward Norton. Despite also having a great cast. Manhunter didn't overcast as bad as Red Dragon.
Just don't expect much of a horror film. Mann mostly is strong at detective or thief movies. Which probably didn't make the best choice to be the first person to bring Hannibal Lector to big screen. Fine director but this might be too slow for some.

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Do yourself a favor.... skip this one and just watch Red Dragon.

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Thomas Harris’s signature character, Hannibal Lecter, makes his big-screen debut in Michael Mann’s crime thriller Manhunter. The story follows FBI profiler Will Graham as he’s brought onto a task force to help catch a serial killer that has killed two families and promises to strike again. William Peterson, Brain Cox, Joan Allen, and Dennis Farina form an unusual cast that doesn’t quite fit the material. Peterson seems especially miscast, as he has no charisma and doesn’t deliver the dialog very effectively. Mann’s directing also seems weak, and lacks the intensity needed for this type of procedural. Still, there are some thrills in Manhunter, and the story has its fair share of intrigue.

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Dissapointed. No suspense. The dialogue wasn't clever or interesting. Seen better episodes of Columbo. It felt long. The music is awful. I think it's rated high by people trying to be purist or different.
William Peterson's acting was sometimes bad and his monologues were very bad soap opera.. I'm thinking Sunset Beach.

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This movie pioneered some of the tropes that were later popularized by (what I consider to be) some of the most overrated movies from the 90s. The dialogue and writing (particularly the crazy serial killer who’s also a mastermind trope) are all presented in a way that’s too cheesy to work with the typical self serious, grounded tone of a Michael Mann film. The plot and characters are also nothing special, it’s a typical serial killer crime film with a predictable sequence of events and no deeper layers. Movies like Seven and Cure at least had their amazing directing to fall back on, this doesn’t. There are some interesting touches here and there (blue light, videotape recordings), but Mann’s sense of pacing isn’t tight. I liked his use of synths in Thief, here it doesn’t always set the right tone if you ask me. I don’t want to sound too negative, because there are good sequences in here, but emotionally it almost never hits the mark for me.


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  • Peterson is an uninteresting and sometimes ridiculous protagonist
  • Music was completely out of place, and repetitive
  • Weird soap opera monologues
  • Terrible WTF ending

  • The villain was well cast and acted

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Blind bought (no pun intended) the recently-released Blu-ray from Scream Factory and man, was I in for something. I had no prior knowledge that Hannibal Lecktor would make an appearance in this, but then it all unfolds into what would inspire the Hannibal TV series that I really admire.

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Highly underrated. Always get overshadowed by The Silence of the Lambs, and even the later (and worse) movies when talking about the Hannibal universe. And even when people talk about the best michael mann movies, rarely anyone mentions Manhunter in at least top 5.

But this might be too slow for some people. It's not as engaging and suspenseful as The Silence of the Lambs, but much more on the subtle, realistic, and stylistic side.

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This really is a great introduction to ‘The Thomas Harris’ adapted to screenplay films. Really fabulous film making Andy storytelling. Michael Mann really is a mesmerizing director.

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