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Mary Queen of Scots 2018

Surprisingly, as much as the ending appears at the beginning of the film, it becomes rather unexpected.

I love movies like that and the power struggle was memorable as well as the false oaths of those who said they were loyal!!

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eu adorei a performance da Margot Robbie e da Saoirse Ronan, perfeitas

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I just re-watched this for the second time. I can't describe how much I enjoyed it the second time, even more so than the first time.

Amazing score by Max Richter. Love the track "The Shores Of Scotland"

I watched it back to back part of

The Other Boleyn Girl (2008)​
Elizabeth (1998)​
Elizabeth: The Golden Age (2007)​
Mary Queen of Scots (2018)​

I was kind of worried to see this again. It shows Queen Elizabeth like a mustache twirling villain and I didn't want to erase Cate Blanchett's performance watching these back to back. But as I said I really enjoyed it despite Margot Robbie's performance. I just consider it like a separate entity and you will enjoy Mary Stuart's story. I'm not even worried if they are historically accurate, I just enjoy them as stories exploring the human condition. (I was actually surprised how close this was to reality, I thought it was mostly fiction at first)

I will never forget the ending, Saoirse Ronan's composure and the music.

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I finally got to see this movie as I unfortunately missed it in cinemas. I must say that I did like it a lot. There were a lot of powerful scenes thanks to the brilliant acting by Saoirse Ronan and Margot Robbie. The film is not 100 percent true to history but that's not necessarily a bad thing as most of us know what was historically passed on. So a few additions here and there do not hurt in my opinion. Overall the movie is good, has a powerful soundtrack, a beautiful cinematography and thanks to the two lead actresses the viewer is met with awesome performances.

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Nice historical movie, a bit slow sometimes, but totally enjoyable. Saoirse Ronan made a great work with her performance; Margot Robbie has been wonderful as always.
Black people playing the role of british lords and asian actresses as court ladies are the big mistake of the movie. The politically correct counts more than historical facts.
An honorable mention goes to the customs, which got the nomination for Oscar 2019.

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Not quite sure where to put this. If you span a period of 25 years in a two hour movie there are supposed to be gaps in the story. But it is tough to put events into a timeframe if you don't know much about the history.
I like period dramas and I am a huge fan of Saoirse who played well. As did Margot. They both carry the movie a lot. The oscar nominations are also well earned. But that's just it. It looks pretty but it's lacking in storytelling. The material would have been better for a mini series. I am not dissapointed nor do I regret watching this. I think a "7" is an honest rating. It takes into consideration the effort made to produce this movie.

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Great leading ladies for a good, feminist and a little too long historical drama.

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queen has no sisters, only her kingdom

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The actors are good, but the gaps in the narrative undermine their hard work. It's not a bad film, but it could have been so much more.

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I was expecting more from this movie. The acting was very good but the story was boring, not as exciting as one would hope. Especially because it was too long. Great photography though.

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Why is it so difficult to give Elizabeth brown eyes? :-(

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As a Brit, I absolutely loathe period pieces, historical drama, and royal intrigue, so naturally I loved The Favourite because it was modern af with characters as up to date af in a struggle as contemporary af presented in a style as cutting edge af. Mary Queen of Scots, on the other hand, is a lesson from a history book with pretty pictures and just as exciting.

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We have a scourge upon our land. Tis a woman with a crown.
-John Knox

Great production design, costumes, sets, ect... but overall a bit bland. I think Saoirse Ronan and Margot Robbie elevate a movie that would be quite forgettable without them.

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Not bad but not great. Saoirse and Margot are both great but everything else is kinda dull. This could of used some more action and 20 minutes cut out.

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I wasn't quite c**t-struck even with the talent involved.

It's too dry for my taste, but not to say there isn't redeemable qualities. The sets, costumes, and performances were all solid, especially with it being a period piece drama. And an entertaining performance from David Tennant, in spite of the slim screen time.

However, the sluggish pace ruins any investment I could have with the story and the movie unfortunately follows the period piece drama formula. But seriously, releasing this movie at the same time as 'The Favourite' aka Walk Hard of period dramas, didn't really help.

I think being broke is better than being ''woke''.

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Shout by IsharaLion

Strong players and an excellent wardrobe do not prevent this clutter of plotlines and characters to be an entertaining watch. It jumps from point to point without a clear line of where it wants to go exactly and spends time delving into situations that would have been better suited to flesh out the actual rivalry between Mary and Elizabeth.

At the end, you're scratching your head wondering what exactly happened and what part each and every character actually played in the eventual downfal of the Queen of Scots. A pity, since the story must have been part to the concept of ASOIAF, yet it is sadly mistreated in this incarnation.

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what a load of bullshit,since when did have Elizabeth have a black ambassodor,and also since when was dudley gay?Liberal nonsense for all the millenials that know nothing about history!

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It's a high quality production, and it is a serious one. There aren't a lot of laughs. Though I do appreciate what they've done, I was kinda bored for most of it. Things get a lot more interesting / exciting about two-thirds of the way through.

I suppose people who are into historical dramas or have an interest in this period in history might enjoy it a lot more than I did.

Also, based on the trailer, I expected the film to be mostly focussed on the two Queens and their relationship. And though that is quite an important aspect to the film, there's a lot of other stuff that happens in the film. In fact, the trailer seems to mostly be made up of clips from the final 10 minutes of the film.

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For the love of god, please respect historical sources before making you movie. Please.

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