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Men in Black 3 2012

Level "Entertaining" • 6 :heart: • You may or may not enjoy this.

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The Men in Black franchise has managed to pull off something quite rare in Hollywood, a successful trilogy. Men in Black III is a fantastic addition to the series, and the plot is a fresh take that still integrates well with the previous films. Josh Brolin's portrayal of a young K is nothing short of excellent, and he does a fantastic job of capturing the essence of the character. The film's storyline takes us on a journey that's both entertaining and emotional, and it's a great way to wrap up the trilogy.

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Josh Brolin definitely makes this movie. He definitely nails the character. Between the mannerisms and the speech pattern, it's hard the believe it isn't a young Tommy Lee Jones.

I remember why I was disappointed with this film. It breaks the mold of the first two films. The style, the dialogue, the tone... it's all wrong.

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"Do you know the most destructive force in the universe? Regret"

Not as good as the first but way better than the 2nd. It surprisingly has some emotional moments that adds some depth to the film while still hitting those funny moments and fun creature design. I wish Will Smith would go back to science fiction!

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Best in the series. I liked it better than the first one and I thought that would be impossible.

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Men in Black III is different than the other two films before it. I thought it was not as good as the first film, but much better than the second one. The 3rd film in the franchise is a little darker than its predecessors which was alright, but was missing that humor from the first film. It kept me entertained throughout the film, but at the same time I was hoping for more to happen like more action scenes which Men in Black III lacked in a little.

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Very much enjoyed this movie. Bit more of a story than the second movie with some nice character development.

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Men In Black 3 repackages the same old bag of tricks, yet still manages to be an entertaining and enjoyable sci-fi adventure. In this installment, Agent J must travel back in time to 1969 in order to stop a renegade alien from killing Agent K. Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones return, and are joined by Josh Brolin and Emma Thompson. The special effects are pretty good, but the alien designs are a little too campy. However, the action scenes are energetic and fun. Fairly tame and run-of-the-mill, Men In Black 3 plays it save, delivering an average time-travel adventure that has some good laughs but doesn’t try for much more.

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Josh Brolin does a good Tommy Lee Jones. Still not as good as the original.

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God dammit...I got too ripped can't even remember what I was gonna say

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Shout by Marielle Chevrier

DVD has a music video.

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it was pretty good. i liked the end. griff was annoying though, like shut ur fuck

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Was it better than the 1997original? It was as good, without the novelty value obviously. Was it as good as the MIB2? I would say that it surpassed the second.

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After seeing it again after a couple of years. I actually really loved it. The villain was a corny. The movie making the relationship between J and K stronger is what works the most. Josh Brolin is great fun as a younger K as well.
Michael Sturlbarg was a nice addition as well as Griffin who is a special being who knows what will happen before it does. Men in Black is often even better than the first. With a stronger villain it would have been better in fact.

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Shout by Deleted

Third in the blockbuster MiB series and by far the best, Josh Brolin (Old Boy, No Couuntry for Old Men) is brilliant portraying the younger Agent K played by still great Tommy Lee Jones. A welcome return to the series after the 10 year break since MiB 2 way back in 2002. Will Smith once again shines as Agent J, here's hoping a MiB 4 is on the cards. Until then I'll enjoy reliving the MiB animated series and get my Black Suits on. Great entertainment. Until next time Barry Sonnenfeld (seen next year directing the French comedy Nine Lives).

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The idea of time travel is a good one and should have produced a much better film but the idea and interesting link between Agents J And K can't hide how mediocre this film is. Josh Brolin does a good mimic of Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith does a damn good job of creating some humour out of a largely unfunny script but this is still largely forgettable.

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I really liked this one, but the ending was so sad. I almost cried :3

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Shout by the_guy_with_the_hat
BlockedParent2013-02-17T01:48:02Z— updated 2017-06-05T23:43:42Z

Wow. That was not what i expected: The movie was actually much MUCH better than the second one and on one Level with the first one.

Especially Josh Brolin as the "Young K" the perfect casted K.

Overall a good MIB. 7/10

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great movie, great villain, great take on the MIB formula. Better then the second one, close to the first one.

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Shout by Deleted

Love this movie:-)

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I liked it, was worth the wait.

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Is it just me that thought Jermaine Clement was phenomenal as the villain? He was one of the best things about this movie. :D

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Here come the men in black galaxy defenders

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Much better than MIB2, not as good as the original. MX23 put it nicely, but it still needs to be said... many of the criticisms and comparisons being made with regards to this film and the original are coming from people who I think hold the original film much higher than it really deserves to be held.

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MX23 has said it perfectly.

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Shout by chronic

unfortunately i have to agree with all the comments the movie was weak. i'm the same as m1mi.dan0s i thought the ending was cool but thats about it. to me it felt like nothing really happened in the movie.

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Men In Black 3 took a long time to be made and even though the style is not a return to the beginnings, MIB 3 still has some spark from previous versions. To make a clear understanding in some of my comments, I first need to explain how I see this franchise from my own point of view. Men In Black for me has never been a film to take seriously, as MIB focus itself on been a comedy/entertainment film for teenagers and grown ups. MIB3 continues that demographic and adds a total new adventure to the characters of WIll Smith and Tommy Lee. Now some of the comments I have read, expect a lot from a franchise that can't really exceed beyond it's purpose. Now MIB 3 had some very silly comedy at times no doubt but at the end of the day the story is fresh and Will Smith charisma still works. The chemistry between Tommy Lee and Will and even Josh and Will works very smoothly. Not the best film of the franchise, but definately up there with the first film. MIB 3 is definately an improvement over a watchable but not entertaining sequel MIB 2. I would definately recommend this film...

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Oh, and Will Smith is way too old for his "Fresh Prince of Bel Air"-act that he used to pull off in every movie (and used to get away with, because in the 90s it was funny, fresh and cool)

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Honestly, I don't understand why it's getting such high ratings. The movie is long and boring and definitely doesn't live up the classic MIB-action. The only reason why I gave it a 'Fair' is because the ending is kind of nice. Cliché, but nice.

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Shout by Deleted

even worst than the second one... avoid if you liked the first one only.

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Shout by ketu

I haven't watched it in 3D. The movie was okay - nothing new, but defiantly the worst of all Men in Black movies.

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Shout by kayak

Confirmed. Avoid this flick. Nothing new.

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Shout by Robert

Watched it in 3D, but it adds nothing to the experience imho. Actually quite boring and predictable.

A nice watch on netflix or DVD but not movie theatre worthy.

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Shout by Theodorus

super boring movie to be honest, dont know why people speak so big about this movie.... same old humor which is getting boring and the storyline dont fit with the previous movies... just created to make money of the MIB machinery due the lack of new ideas

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