This was by far the worst movie in years. I had to laugh hysterically at the end because it had reached a Road Runner level absurdity. What a shame...

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The IMF score, the cinematography, the effects are phenomenal with a bucket load of A list actors. Plus tons havoc and epic chases through Paris. It’s a GREAT action movie.

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There is no other movie quite so spectacular, bombastic, unpredictable and morally interesting.

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The last one was much better. There was no clear motivation for any of the 3 characters Henry Cavill plays in this film. Boring and predictable ending as well. Also, why did they feel the need to bring back Julia?

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Of course I loved M:I-F as much as everyone else, but can you imagine the poor bloke who heard so many great things about it and went into the theatre with high expectations, only to be confronted with, essentially, three long chase scenes separated by an inordinate amount of exposition delivered by two dimensional characters?

Wow, I'd feel so bad for him. But not me, because I loved it. A lot. Like the rest of you. So there's no need to unfollow me.

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Complete mess.
It's like the execs had a wishlist of scenes they wanted in the movie and someone had to write a script to fit.
The plot is so thin it was probably written with invisible ink on transparent paper.
Bring popcorn and set your expectations low.

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Too long, especially as the bomb's 15 min countdown takes 24 min of screen time.

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Amazing and heartstopping action flick that does not disappoint. It's also not boring for a single second even though it has a long runtime!

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Tom Cruise envejece, Ethan Hunt no. Desde que la saga de Misión Imposible fue tocada por la mano de J.J. Abrahams, las películas se superan cada vez mas y mas. El agregado con Fallout es el hecho de que ahora tenemos elementos de las anteriores, era necesario una conexión con las demás, esto hace al filme excelente!

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Well I didn’t think it was possible but this one of the franchise is my second favourite, the plot was spot on, the action lived up to the first two and also had that feel from the first two. Tom Cruise still has some talent in him, energy to do his own stunts and amazed he carried on from a broken foot while filming.

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I can't imagine the lengths they went to, to make this movie look real, but whatever they were... it was worth it.

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Mission: Impossible (film series)
1 Mission: Impossible (1996)
2 Mission: Impossible 2 (2000)
3 Mission: Impossible III (2006)
4 Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol (2011)
5 Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation (2015)
6 Mission: Impossible – Fallout (2018)
7 Mission: Impossible 7 (2023)
8 Mission: Impossible 8 (2024)

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It seems impossible, but this was even better the second time.

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tom is just Tom Cruise. another day at the office for him. this was gooood!

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For the fan of the series and/or Tom Cruise.

For anyone else: Tom Cruise find another excuse to show off how much he like to play the stunt man while being the lead actor. The rest is below average with a plot coming from the 90s: Back stab, back stab, nuclear bomb, everyone goes home and the hero gets the girl, while the funny side kicks are safe.

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I must have had 12 heart attacks watching this. Totally unrealistic action but who cares, realism isn’t what this franchise is about.

Superb action flick.

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This movie is hard to rate because it's like 50% meh, 40% great and 10% fucking incredible

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I believe that it was the best of the series so far. Very good action scenes, a story that ok it is predictable but not in an annoying level. It have some nice obvious twists. Cavill was completely out of character and very bad as an actor here. Cruise was more than ok and Vanessa Kirby was gorgeous. I could use some more comic reliefs.

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Shout by TMRider
BlockedParent2019-03-01T22:58:32Z— updated 2019-03-15T15:15:57Z

As usual, it was a fun ride.
But hell if I understand why they had to f@ck up Superman's lip for this. Was it so important for the plot Henry Cavill to be looking like a buff Freddy Mercury?

This review, should you choose to except it, will destroy itself in 5 seconds...

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I haven't seen all of the Mission Impossible films but the ones that I have seen were extremely entertaining.  This one is no exception - the film does a great job of mixing a very creative plot with great action scenes.

follow me at

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50 minutes in and this movie is so predictable it's boring. Can't they just once make a MI movie where his worst enemies aren't on his own team.

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We went this way..he went that way... I ask Hollywood, where'd he go???.. Hollywood says Where'd whoooo Gooooooooo?!

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The only move released this year worse than this was "The Predator"

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A movie at Trump level, rubbish.

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I always like MI series. Let them shoot this movie until Cruise is dead.

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A few of cheesy moments here and there, nothing too bad. But I enjoyed this movie a lot, actually. It was pretty good. I definitely recommend this movie to all of those who haven't seen it yet.

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Fan of the “look how easy it is to rip the pipe out the sink” moment. For the rest, the movie was pretty average.

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Never before have i doubted any M:I movie. But I'm getting kinda worried for the next one to come.

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Maybe one of the most absurd movies I've ever seen... But still a lot of fun to watch.

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Full of gotcha moments and even a literal cliffhanger, this movie is as absurd as it is a delight to watch. Seen at the Chinese Theatre in Hollywood.

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Shout by jumper
BlockedParent2018-07-30T03:01:30Z— updated 2020-02-13T05:08:48Z

I was cringing at the antagonist’s dumb mistakes like I would the protagonists in a horror movie.

Movie took itself way too seriously to have such a generic motivation for henry cavil. First half of the movie was fine. IMO first half should've had more henry, and there should’ve been more focus on the fights rather than the chases. but the second half was so predictable and boring, really just took me outta the movie.

This movie is trash, and they should stop making this series.

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I now have a new favourite M:I!!!

There's not much else to say really. The action, stunts, effects, and cinematography is excellent. The story and screenplay work very well and tie the some loose ends up very neatly.

Though...there is one thing...

Prepare for the longest 15 minutes you'll ever experience. Trust me!!

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I've been reading a lot lately, mostly because I'm just not getting as much from watching movies as I used to. Everything is a Marvel laugh-fest or another Star Wars "epic". It's all quips and quotes and there's just not a real sense of danger in most of Hollywood's rehashes, re-tellings and remakes.

Then along comes "...Fallout", restoring my faith in the movies. There's tons of action, amazing stunts, and great characters who work together to succeed.

Tom Cruise is truly insane and Rebecca Ferguson is as good a female action star as there is today. The villain is a strong malevolent force (Sean Harris).

"Mission: Impossible - Fallout" has saved the summer for me.

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I was LOL at the amazing stunts and timing. Funny how we react to such excitement at times. Another great edition to the MI franchise!

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Shout by Lewis

Who would've guessed that Tom Cruise could take out Superman just like that!

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A perfect movie to end 2018, i love this series and it keeps getting better. And now its just 15 min left of the year. HAPPY NEW YEAR.

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6th movie and doesnt seem to stop any adrenaline rush. What an airtight plot (almost!!).
if you love mi series and spy movies. doesnt get any better than that. even when predictable you WILL BE SURPRISED. there are some truly awesome moments.
if you can afford (convinience/money) IMAX . go for it and you will be drooling at the climax scene.
fantastic performacnes. the score reminded so much of dark knight rises and i was pumped up.
this movie shines all the way.
henry cavill was superb and a great counterpart for tom cruise.
the movie could have been a 10/10 if the plot was a bit more elaborate and high stakes . especially in the later half. but it was worthy of a summer blockbuster.
action scenes are ample, maybe wont stand out as much as previous movies. and not many tiny short moments that are like WTF MIND BLOWN. but still its heavy and satisfactory.
please dont miss this one.

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Shout by Neal Mahoney
BlockedParent2018-07-30T02:07:57Z— updated 2018-08-04T23:47:08Z

Now this is a movie! One of the best action movies I've seen ever. Tom Cruise putting his life at risk for our entertainment and it really is amazing what he is able to do. The action is just breathtaking. The editing makes the movie feel tight even though it is almost 2 and a half hours. The sound design was fantastic. Choosing not to have any background music at certain times may not sound like a big deal but it certainly feels more intense. The returning cast are all great and I'm so glad they got Rebecca Ferguson back. Henry Cavill is a wonderful addition and his "cocking arms fight" was a highlight of the movie. I'm already looking forward to seeing this again and this time in Imax. My new favorite of the franchise and my new favorite for 2018 (so far).

Edit: Saw it again in Imax and the action scenes really are some of the best I've ever seen. The HALO jump and helicopter scene look amazing in Imax. The bathroom fight and motorcycle chase are very good too. Definitely my favorite in the franchise.

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I saw this movie last night at 9pm. As soon as the credits started rolling I bought a ticket to the 12:15 and saw it again. This movie is amazing!!!! Cruise man, just killing it!

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Sixth entry in the franchise overplays its hand a little - the expected crosses and double crosses, doses of sentiment, call backs to previous franchise entries - but despite familiarity, it does what it does well. Very enjoyable, and a seventh entry in the series should not be considered impossible.

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these just keep getting better. the stunts in this one were insane. i knew ahead of time about the one where tom broke his ankle jumping across rooftops, but thats all i knew going in. the bathroom fight scene was incredible, the benji as lane double cross was so insane and despite not being a huge fan of baldwin his loss actually hit pretty hard. the final battle was insane too, i really thought for a second they might blow up the whole team. this ones my favorite by far

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The fight scene in the white bathroom is absolutely stunning. One of the best shot fight scenes in modern film.

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A film to eat with popcorn and forget about reality.

The action genre is probably the genre that has fluctuated and traveled the most in the 21st century. The genre has gone from the most violent to the most subtle and from the most realistic to the most fantasy. And there are many examples, from The Matrix to Rush Hour. And spy films are in the middle of this, especially the Mission: Impossible series that starts with Brian de Palma and continues to this day. I personally really like the action genre and I don't like the Mission: Impossible films as much. The realistic approach to a fabulous speech is not a chemistry that works so much for me. Because Tom Cruise's charisma doesn't work that much for me. Because of this, I needed to contextualize everything a little.

In this sense, the film Mission: Impossible is not bad, but it is not good either. I know this is contradictory, but the film works in its proposal - which is extremely limited. I personally choose John Wick.

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The Mission:Impossible movies just keep getting better, and Fallout was no exception. The action sequences, the thrills, the hair-raising stunts…everything from the storylines, the dialogue, the acting just keeps improving. Of course, time and experience play a huge part in all of that (the original Mission:Impossible movie was done....what?....27 years ago? so of course things will improve (at least we would hope!) during that quarter-century. In any event, this particular film in the franchise has leapt to the top of the list as my favorite, but I expect that will change as I continue watching this franchise. As I mentioned in earlier reviews, the original Mission:Impossible movie with Tom Cruise left me wondering whether I should watch any more. It was not a very captivating film (see my review) but I gave the franchise a chance and I've not regretted it at all. If you start off with the first one (which you should) you may, as I did, feel quite disappointed and question watching any others but give it time because they definitely get better, more riveting, and more action-packed. I'm already looking forward to the next in the collection! Highly recommend this one..and the entire franchise!

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The film is packed with action right till the very end

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What an amazing and smart action movie. There are a lot of amazing scenes but the helicopter chase scene has to be my favorite of the movie and perhaps even of the whole franchise.

So many beautiful shots and I also  liked the soundtrack in this one a lot.

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"Fallout" further develops the new Mission Impossible formula that began with the previous "Rogue Nation". The mood got noticeably thicker, and major focus was put on both the visual entertainment and the charisma of both Ethan Hunt's team and the role of the villains, still without stepping out from the usual Cruisecentric context.

The middle section is perhaps a bit too lengthy and crowded with characters of dubious narrative function, like the intermediaries led by Vanessa Kirby or Angela Basset's character, but overall, it all remains highly entertaining, culminating in the explosive and intense final sequences.

The soundtrack clearly pays homage to Zimmer's Dark Knight style, sometimes adding further intensity to the action while other times making the slower moments feel a bit too heavy-handed.

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While my 10-year-old self would have loved this film, my 46-year-old anarchic mind utterly refutes the ideas in this film, which, frankly speaking, are half-arsed concoctions, almost like seeing the film 'V for Vendetta' (shit) after reading the graphic novel (wondrously good).

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Ever since 3 they just get better and better. I still prefer James Bond over this. But these movies are a good time for a movie night.

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The structure and build of this movie is perfect, in an age of so many 2 and a half hour slogs this puts them all to the shame. This shit just goes and when it’s over you’re ready to watch it again. And while Cruise is the clear star, everyone really gets something to do, impressive all around.

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Shout by 020202

so many great moments in this movie, and i still loved it as much as i did on the first watch a few years back, glad i decided to rewatch it before Dead Reckoning Part One;
i can only imagine what sort of non-CGI stunts Tom performed in this one, and i'm honestly too scared to look it up
so many high tension moments throughout the whole film, some of my favorite moments were the helicopter chase, and also Ilsa's fight with Lane, while trying to desperately save Benji
also, Henry Cavill's legendary moment, (everyone knows obviously which one i mean) from the fight with the real Lark, i still remember it vividly just like the first time i watched it in the trailer five years ago, the way he "reloads" his fists, getting ready for the fight, improvised, but it fit perfectly
the way it switches to the IMAX 4:3 aspect ratio during the helicopter scene truly gives this immersive feeling to the movie, i loved every moment of it

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Would have been a 9/10 movie but the plot is too convoluted. I liked the twists. My issue was the dynamic between the villains. It just did not make too much sense.

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I don't know how it can be rated less than an 80% because this film is literal perfection, if you are a film student, you would understand how important it is to convey what you want to show on the screen and you need to show it in a way that's not only entertaining but interesting as well.

Tom Cruise not only does that, he does that with an outstanding performance with incredible mind boggling stunts, and keeps the seats filled in the theatres and mind you all the times I watched it in the theatre (which is 3 times) everytime, audiences were on the edge of their seats.

Its thrilling, it's well paced and most of all it's better than all of the Mission Impossible films before it. You can feel the love and effort Tom and his team has put in, into making this film.

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It has really great enjoyable action almost the entire time. But the villians make some incredible stupid choices that don't make sense with how meticulous everything else about their actions and plans are. The villians should have won.

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I just love "Mission: Impossible - Fallout". In this sixth film of the franchise, everything really fits together perfectly. There are so many elaborate and spectacular stunts that my head almost explodes. Whether it's the HALO jump over Paris, the chase over the rooftops of London, or the helicopter spectacle in the finale, it just falls perfectly into place. The cast is also able to unfold its full potential. In addition to Tom Cruise, the returnees Rebecca Ferguson, Simon Pegg, and Ving Rhames are convincing. Finally, it feels like a real IMF team. Add to that Henry Cavill in what I consider his coolest role—after all, the "charging up" of his fists is already iconic. Meanwhile, director and writer Christopher McQuarrie begins to connect his films plot-wise to the previous installments, in this case Part 3. And that works very well overall, too. I have no points of criticism worth mentioning. This action masterpiece will certainly end up on my watchlist numerous more times.

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Fallout is a standout installment in the franchise, delivering some of the best action and stunts ever seen in a Mission: Impossible film. From start to finish, the movie is a thrilling ride, with amazing action sequences that will leave you breathless. Tom Cruise's commitment to performing his own stunts is on full display here, and it pays off in spades. The movie is a true testament to the art of stunt work and action filmmaking. Without a doubt, Fallout is one of the best entries in the series.

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This is what a peak modern Mission Impossible film looks like. While some of the action sequences can be cheesy or outlandish, they also are part of the franchise's appeal, and do nothing to diminish the quality of this movie. The characters have thankfully become more realistic and believable, resolving the greatest flaw in Ghost Protocol. Most strikingly, the soundtrack and cinematography are glossy and full of stylistic and dramatic flourishes that heighten the tension throughout the runtime.

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Staggering in parts.

Taut thriller. Stunts are exceptional.

A proper action thriller...

Exceptional film-making.

This is an emotional journey.

If I hadn't seen Maverick it'd be a 9.


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Shout by Reiko LJ

Definitely the best entry in a long while! Cavill was a sight to behold and gave a great character dynamic against Hunt. Brilliant stunt work and cinematography. Throughly enjoyable.

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It was a bummer to know that they shot in New Zealand instead of Kashmir, all thanks to Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) India.

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Solid Mission Impossible movie. I would have made a better role for Vanessa Kirby and Henry Cavill's character just didn't fit in.
What I really liked was the cinematography (they really went to some beautiful places this time).

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I love Ghost Protocol but I think Fallout is more suspenseful and fun! I'd give it a full 10 but I'm taking a point off because the TWO Paris car/motorcycle chases were a bit too long and dragged out for my liking :cry:

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The best out of the lot so far so I'll be interested to see if they can continue this trend

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This is a 4.5 star film if it weren’t for the mask switcheroo quadruple cross scene in the tunnels. I was happily sinking into the Christopher Nolan like direction and tone until I was reminded on how goofy the IMF is in a modern setting. The action scenes and stunts are the gold standard but it’s unfortunate that they are beholden to the tired IMF plot devices.

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It's a direct sequel to the previous installment, Rogue Nation, which was not the strongest Mission Impossible film of the series. The film is chock-full of actions from start to finish. Which can be a good thing, however some action and chase scenes aren't too thrilling to watch (e.g. the police chase in France).

The August Walker (Henry Cavill) reveal is not particularly inspiring since there is one scene early that shows his up-to-no-good attitude. The subversion where it's revealed that IMF already suspected him and trapped him instead is a classic Mission Impossible; it's a very fine surprise. Sadly, that is perhaps the only most exciting part of the film. The conclusion is not too satisfying; the helicopter chase was great, but for a MI film it concludes rather anticlimactically. The part where Ilsa decides to tie down Solomon Lande instead of killing him was also quite strange, considering she was very hellbent on killing him before.

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Probably the best in the Mission: Impossible franchise so far and my personal favourite. This is a terrific film and one of the best action thrillers of the last three decades.

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Keeping the action and adventure from firts to last movie. Unbelievable!

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Tom Cruise at his very best,what an amazing Actor and what a man to do his own stunts,truly amazing Mr Tom Cruise.....

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That helicopter seen is just WOW!!!!

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If you like movies with a lot of action that moves quick and has a cool storyline, this movie is for you!

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I am continually impressed with each new Mission Impossible flick. I've yet to not be entertained (even Woo's #2 I'm ok with). This one, once again, gives you all you could want from an action film--great set pieces, big stunts, bits of comedy, a solid enough plot, and scenes that are ludicrous but thankfully not ludicrously bad (it's a tight rope to walk). If they keep up this level of quality, I'll watch 10 more of these. Minimum.

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usual mission impossible stuff. entertaining and the crucial 15 minutes that last for an hour. typical, unsurprising and with a few predictable twists. nice movie overall

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a very good movie. Too bad Henry Cavill's bad performance spoiled the revelation of betrayal ...

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Tom Cruise and Henry Cavil were amazing in this flick!!!!!

Loved the movie possibly top 3 for this franchise

I plan to rewatch the first 3 films.. But this latest was enjoyable and good I'm ready for another one!!!!

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Team Cruise knows how to put together an action movie, and you can always count on no less than a half-dozen plot twists along the way. This is another solid entry in what just might be the best ongoing action franchise out there at the moment.

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Worst mission impossible franchise movie I'v seen
Cliche and boring

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Mission: Impossible might be one of my favorite franchises out there. Every film is fun and they all have awesome action sequences. Tom Cruise is brilliant again kicking ass and taking names, Simon Pegg and Ving Rhames always do their job and Rebecca Ferguson and Sean Harris were back! Even Alec Baldwin kicked some ass! Seeing Angela Bassett in this one was something I liked too! I like her!

Christopher McQuarrie really knows his stuff around action scenes. They all look so smooth and I'm so happy he's directing the next 2 sequels. Seems like he's getting better with each one.

Anyway, I enjoyed the story, the two and an half hours flew by with loads of great action scenes, humor that lands and a great ending.

So as you can read, I really enjoyed another entry in this superb franchise!

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This movie is phoneomeal in every aspect story, villain, action, music, acting it has everything you want maybe my favorite MI movie not sure I still love Rogue Nation and Ghost Protocol. This one definitely has a different feel than the other ones though and I can't wait to see more MI storylines.

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whats done is done...when we say its done :)

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Despite some unnecessary dream sequences that slow the film down. While making you ask “why ?” This is a pretty solid film otherwise.

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It's not a very good movie. 2 hours of running and jumping does not make a movie. The story was way too convoluted. For people who have not seen the previous movies it's incomprehensible. Overall I enjoyed only the Kashmir part.

The movie was yelling lets find a famous place and lets find a reason to run there. Nothing felt organic or real. For example the motor cycle driving that was done for real, looked so bad and fake. When you add too much on top of it, it doesn't make it exciting.

Another example, the Angela Bassett and Henry Cavill meeting in front of Eiffel Tower just to exchange a quick information was so bad. That was a huge eye rolling scene.

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Another damn fine, thrilling, intense Mission Impossible movie. They never disappoint. It's loads of fun and actually had me on the edge of my seat for many sequences. Was also very appreciated that they were able to wrap up the relationship story. As long as Tom Cruise can keep up, keep em coming!

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So unrealistic and so long

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Tom Cruise is the sugar daddy of stunt action movies.

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Shout by Deleted

Probably one of the best action movies of the decade.

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Better than the last two movies, great acton and plot and never felt long. This and MI3 are the best ones i think.

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The story was ok. I feltl like I needed to watch this after the previous one cause I didn't even remembered who Lane was. The villain was ok but it was good for him to go personal instead of just another bad guy. Action scene were gorgeous, especially the bathroom fight and the building chase scene.

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Over-the-top spy movie that should never have been made 3/10

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Shout by kinky

A great action movie (one of 2018's finest), but a subpar Mission Impossible one. What it lacks in the elegance, brains and finesse of the original series and the Brian de Palma movie, it makes up for with long and exciting pursuits (yes, Tom Cruise also runs a lot in this one) and solid fighting scenes.
In the end, its all just delicious sugar-coating on a rather bland cake.

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Now... This is a blockbuster!!!
Best M:I EVER!!!
Lorne Balfe soundtrack is dope!!!

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I will keep watching and loving Mission Impossible movies as long as they keep making them. They never disappoint.

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1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
0 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 stays with you

1 / 1 misc (action scenes)

7 out of 10

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Shout by Deleted

Oh yes. this movie is incredibly well done and action packed. There's a lot of moments where you just open your mouth in awe.

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What a long ass movie! I have to rewatch it. I dozed off twice.

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It was absolutely awesome to watch!

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Absolutely superb sequel! Tom Cruise is totally crazy he even learned how to fly a helicopter..That's the result when you have passion about your job and directing drove me crazy as well it was just perfect..Don't miss this one i believe is one of the best sequels ever 8.7/10!

P.S After watching this movie go check behing scenes vids in youtube you are going to love it!

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Man va Omid va Elahe

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Shout by Deleted

wow Tom Cruise is the best stuntmaker

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In my mind the best summer blockbuster of 2018 hands down. High in action, tension and just a joy to watch. Although having a rather long running time, it never felt like it. The action set pieces were quite phenomenal. And the acting was very good for the most part.

In the spirit of full disclosure, the last MI film that I've seen is the second one. Thankfully this one didn't make me feel lost and does a pretty good job of providing just enough back story that newcomers will not be lost. Really enjoyed this one.

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I mostly liked it but honestly wanted to scream at the heroes when they all stop to have a bit of a catch up when there is an ACTUAL NUCLEAR BOMB ABOUT TO GO OFF AND THEY ALL KNOW THIS.

But no, it's all - "Oh never mind that, hey, how have you been...?"

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