You sure don't see them like this anymore. Hyperactive editing done at its best with a strong message in tow. Still holds up and feels really fresh given the glut of medicore film output these days. Tommy Lee Jones is still a favorite of mine in this madhouse of a film.

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This is such a dumb movie. What is this supposed to be? Oliver Stone pretending to be David Lynch?

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How this movie got the accolades it did surprises the hell outta me. It bored me to death. Have to agree with Quinton Terratino. Would've rather seen his original story than this garbage.

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I'm not even gonna look at the other reviews; I feel sure I'm the only person who was underwhelmed by this movie. I guess it was something "back in the day" when it first came out but it didn't do much for me. I can give props for the cinematography but the story was just kind of all over the place. If there was one standout actor in the whole movie, it was (of course) Tommy Lee Jones. The guy plays his "psychotic prison warden" to absolute perfection, making him a joy to watch. Woody Harrelson and Juliette Lewis, of course, did very well but Jones... his character would have stolen the entire film if he'd had a larger part. I could have really gotten into this but...meh, I don't know... it just didn't work for me. Wasn't a "bad" movie at all; I just didn't care for it. The Highwaymen with Kevin Costner and Woody Harrelson, IMO, was a much better film but that may be because it was based on actual events. This was just ... I don't know. To each his own.

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The hell did I just watch? What were the 90s thinking, man. I didn't even buy this movie, I watched it on Netflix, but I want my money back. I've never done drugs before but this felt like a really bad trip that I never want to experience again.

Wait... is that Robert Downey Jr?! Oh my god, it is. You'd think with him, Tommy Lee Jones, and Woody Harrelson, this movie would be good but goddamn was it boring as hell. I checked out for most of the movie and I'm so glad it's over.

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This film is the ultimate lsd experience.

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God damn! Probably the best film to capture the fanaticism and absurdity of celebrity. Almost every character is prone to it (maybe apart from the Native American grandfather and grandson) even the lesser characters and "extras", they all crave for detail, the more salacious the better, the constant need for coverage for coverage's sake is (and remains) mindboggling.
On a side note:
If you think this movie glorifies violence there's something wrong with YOU not the film nor film makers.

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Quentin Tarantino would direct better than Oliver Stone, I bet.

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Visually arresting thanks to a stylish direction that can be divisive. The undeniable take away of this film is that sometimes you can create a musical soundtrack that is better than the film it accompanies.

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What an awesome movie, one of my favorites! It’s fast and frantic and the 2 main characters are completely psychotic ! The editing of this film is fantastic considering how busy it is. Highlights a couple damaged in childhood that find love and go on a killing frenzy with a side note about the admiration of the media. Great performances by the entire cast. A scary, sad movie. A must watch!

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"We Live in a Society: The Movie"

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It has a very unique style. I feel exhausted after watching this. The editing was almost too much. So much was going on. The cinematography was great. I never felt comfortable. Woody Harrelson and Juliette Lewis were the perfect mass murdering couple. Robert Downey Jr. was great at playing the tv anchor.

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Some great messages and some bad though very good movie of 90s!

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Nicolas Winding Refn meets David Lynch

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Visually Natural Born Killers is stunning. It is intensely colorful, unflinchingly violent and innovative in its cinematography. This movie is not for most, but if you decide to try it out, be warned: It is not for the faint of heart, and not for the weak of stomach. But it is an important film for its visual merits, at the very least.

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This is a great movie imo.

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WOW what a great piece of filmmaking!
Absolutely hallucinating and disturbing trip with one of the most insane characters that I've ever seen! Every single character on this film has serious problems!
Crazy camera angles, the changing from color to black and white, the flashes all combined with a lot of symbolisms and critics about society.
Woody Harrelson, Juliette Lewis, Robert Downey Jr and Tommy Lee Jones have fantastic performances, everyone of them shine in their own scenes!
So maniac, so wild, so different, that's what makes this so great!

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"Innocent? Who's innocent Wayne?'s just murder man. Everyone does it, all God's creatures one form or another...I know a lotta people deserve to die... Everybody got somethin' in their past, some guilt, some sin, some awful secret thing...I think people who deserve to die are those people who are not living in the first place. I think there's a lotta people walkin' round right now who are aiready dead and need to be put outta their misery. The wolf don't know why he's a wolf, and a deer don't know why he's a deer...God just made it that way..."

That's wisdom right there!

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