Personal Lists featuring...

Nekromantik 1988


Horror featuring thrill kills. Updated weekly.


The movies that Joe Bob Briggs (and Darcy!) have hosted on The Last Drive-In, So far!


To Film Pit είναι ένα ΣΠΟΥΔΑΙΟ, ένα ΣΠΟΥΔΑΙΟΤΑΤΟ podcast (αλήθεια τώρα, είναι πολύ σπουδαίο μην μας κοιτάτε έτσι) που λαμβάνει χώρα κάθε Τετάρτη (περίπου) σε ένα υπόγειο της Κυψέλης με θέα την εξαίσια εκκλησία της Αγίας Ζώνης. Σκοπός του είναι να αγκαλιάζει και να ασχολείται αυστηρά με παρεξηγημένα ή/και άγνωστα ή/και ξεχασμένα διαμάντια της B και Ζ κινηματογραφίας.

Νίντζα (άφθονοι), τέρατα (ντεμί), λέηζερ, όπλα, σφαγές, τρελοί επιστήμονες, απόκοσμα πειράματα, άβολοι διάλογοι, μούσκουλα, εικόνες από το μέλλον, χειρόφρενα στο παρόν και λέη-απ στο παρελθόν και όλα τα παραπάνω δεν αρκούν για να περιγράψουν την θεματολογία του Film Pit. Γιατί μήπως λείπει το συναίσθημα; Μήπως λείπει το ΠΟΛΥ ΝΟΗΜΑ; Μήπως λείπουν τα σενάρια γραμμένα σε χαρτοπετσέτα;

The Film Pit. Τρεις ακούραστοι εργάτες της τέχνης για όλους εσάς και όλες εσές. Και για τον Γκόντφρεη Χο. Πάντα. Αλλά πάντα όμως.


Films always have the ability to anger us, divide us, shock us, disgust us, and more. Usually, films that inspire controversy, outright boycotting, picketing, banning, censorship, or protest have graphic sex, violence, homosexuality, religious, political or race-related themes and content. They usually push the envelope regarding what can be filmed and displayed on the screen, and are considered taboo, "immoral" or "obscene" due to language, drug use, violence and sensuality/nudity or other incendiary elements. Inevitably, controversy helps to publicize these films and fuel the box-office receipts.



"Some films should never have been made. They are too unsettling, too dangerous, too challenging, too outrageous and even too badly made to be let loose on unsuspecting audiences.

Yet these films, from the shocking Cannibal Holocaust to the apocalyptic Donnie Darko, from the destructive Tetsuo to the awfully bad The Room, from the hilarious This Is Spı¨nal Tap to the campy Showgirls, from the asylum of Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari to the circus of Freaks, from the gangs of The Warriors to the gangsters of In Bruges and from the flamboyant Rocky Horror Picture Show to the ultimate cool of The Big Lebowski, have all garnered passionate fan followings.

Cult cinema has made tragic misfits, monsters and cyborgs, such as Edward Scissorhands or Blade Runner's replicants, heroes of our times. 100 Cult Films explains why these figures continue to inspire fans around the globe. Cult film experts Ernest Mathijs and Xavier Mendik round up the most cultish of giallo, blaxploitation, anime, sexploitation, zombie, vampire and werewolf films, exploring both the cults that live hidden inside the underground (Nekromantik, Café Flesh) and the cult side of the mainstream (Dirty Dancing, The Lord of the Rings, and even The Sound of Music).

100 Cult Films is a true trip around the world, providing a lively and illuminating guide to films from more than a dozen countries, across nine decades, representing a wide range of genres and key cult directors such as David Cronenberg, Terry Gilliam and David Lynch."


Note: Cafe Flesh (1982) is missing from this list.


My personally approved list of films to help you sleep


From the British Film Institute book edited by Steven Jay Schneider.


Part of the BFI Screen Guides series, this book provides thoughtful analysis on one hundred European horror films from the silent era to the present day. This list is for those using the BFI publication as a viewing guide.



Note: Two of the films were not on the IMDB, therefore not added. They will be added soon though

The 100+ Most Controversial Films of All-Time: Films always have the ability to anger us, divide us, shock us, disgust us, and more. Usually, films that inspire controversy, outright boycotting, picketing, banning, censorship, or protest have graphic sex, violence, homosexuality, religious, political or race-related themes and content. They usually push the envelope regarding what can be filmed and displayed on the screen, and are considered taboo, "immoral" or "obscene" due to language, drug use, violence and sensuality/nudity or other incendiary elements. Inevitably, controversy helps to publicize these films and fuel the box-office receipts.

Controversy-invoking films may be from almost any genre - documentaries, westerns, erotic-thrillers, dramas, horror, comedy, or animated, and more. Standards for what may be considered shocking, offensive or controversial have changed drastically over many decades. From the earliest silent films, to the gunfights in early 30s gangster films, to the mid-60s countercultural changes when the ratings were modified, to current day bloodbaths, violence in films has always stirred controversy. The voluntary ratings system of the Motion Picture Association of America can influence a film's public showing in a theatre -- an NC-17 rating or an unrated film may often close down a film's screening and lead to commercial failure.


Note: Two of the films were not on the IMDB, therefore not added. They will be added soon though

The 100+ Most Controversial Films of All-Time: Films always have the ability to anger us, divide us, shock us, disgust us, and more. Usually, films that inspire controversy, outright boycotting, picketing, banning, censorship, or protest have graphic sex, violence, homosexuality, religious, political or race-related themes and content. They usually push the envelope regarding what can be filmed and displayed on the screen, and are considered taboo, "immoral" or "obscene" due to language, drug use, violence and sensuality/nudity or other incendiary elements. Inevitably, controversy helps to publicize these films and fuel the box-office receipts.

Controversy-invoking films may be from almost any genre - documentaries, westerns, erotic-thrillers, dramas, horror, comedy, or animated, and more. Standards for what may be considered shocking, offensive or controversial have changed drastically over many decades. From the earliest silent films, to the gunfights in early 30s gangster films, to the mid-60s countercultural changes when the ratings were modified, to current day bloodbaths, violence in films has always stirred controversy. The voluntary ratings system of the Motion Picture Association of America can influence a film's public showing in a theatre -- an NC-17 rating or an unrated film may often close down a film's screening and lead to commercial failure.
